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279 lines
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279 lines
11 KiB
3 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.BossRoom.ConnectionManagement;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Messages;
using Unity.BossRoom.Infrastructure;
using Unity.BossRoom.Utils;
using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom;
using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.Utilities;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using VContainer;
using Random = UnityEngine.Random;
namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
/// <summary>
/// Server specialization of core BossRoom game logic.
/// </summary>
public class ServerBossRoomState : GameStateBehaviour
PersistentGameState persistentGameState;
NetcodeHooks m_NetcodeHooks;
[Tooltip("Make sure this is included in the NetworkManager's list of prefabs!")]
private NetworkObject m_PlayerPrefab;
[Tooltip("A collection of locations for spawning players")]
private Transform[] m_PlayerSpawnPoints;
private List<Transform> m_PlayerSpawnPointsList = null;
public override GameState ActiveState { get { return GameState.BossRoom; } }
// Wait time constants for switching to post game after the game is won or lost
private const float k_WinDelay = 7.0f;
private const float k_LoseDelay = 2.5f;
/// <summary>
/// Has the ServerBossRoomState already hit its initial spawn? (i.e. spawned players following load from character select).
/// </summary>
public bool InitialSpawnDone { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Keeping the subscriber during this GameState's lifetime to allow disposing of subscription and re-subscribing
/// when despawning and spawning again.
/// </summary>
[Inject] ISubscriber<LifeStateChangedEventMessage> m_LifeStateChangedEventMessageSubscriber;
[Inject] ConnectionManager m_ConnectionManager;
[Inject] PersistentGameState m_PersistentGameState;
protected override void Awake()
m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkSpawnHook += OnNetworkSpawn;
m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkDespawnHook += OnNetworkDespawn;
void OnNetworkSpawn()
if (!NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer)
enabled = false;
NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback += OnClientDisconnect;
NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager.OnLoadEventCompleted += OnLoadEventCompleted;
NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager.OnSynchronizeComplete += OnSynchronizeComplete;
void OnNetworkDespawn()
if (m_LifeStateChangedEventMessageSubscriber != null)
NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback -= OnClientDisconnect;
NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager.OnLoadEventCompleted -= OnLoadEventCompleted;
NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager.OnSynchronizeComplete -= OnSynchronizeComplete;
protected override void OnDestroy()
if (m_LifeStateChangedEventMessageSubscriber != null)
if (m_NetcodeHooks)
m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkSpawnHook -= OnNetworkSpawn;
m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkDespawnHook -= OnNetworkDespawn;
void OnSynchronizeComplete(ulong clientId)
if (InitialSpawnDone && !PlayerServerCharacter.GetPlayerServerCharacter(clientId))
//somebody joined after the initial spawn. This is a Late Join scenario. This player may have issues
//(either because multiple people are late-joining at once, or because some dynamic entities are
//getting spawned while joining. But that's not something we can fully address by changes in
SpawnPlayer(clientId, true);
void OnLoadEventCompleted(string sceneName, LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode, List<ulong> clientsCompleted, List<ulong> clientsTimedOut)
if (!InitialSpawnDone && loadSceneMode == LoadSceneMode.Single)
InitialSpawnDone = true;
foreach (var kvp in NetworkManager.Singleton.ConnectedClients)
SpawnPlayer(kvp.Key, false);
void OnClientDisconnect(ulong clientId)
if (clientId != NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId)
// If a client disconnects, check for game over in case all other players are already down
IEnumerator WaitToCheckForGameOver()
// Wait until next frame so that the client's player character has despawned
yield return null;
void SpawnPlayer(ulong clientId, bool lateJoin)
Transform spawnPoint = null;
if (m_PlayerSpawnPointsList == null || m_PlayerSpawnPointsList.Count == 0)
m_PlayerSpawnPointsList = new List<Transform>(m_PlayerSpawnPoints);
Debug.Assert(m_PlayerSpawnPointsList.Count > 0,
$"PlayerSpawnPoints array should have at least 1 spawn points.");
int index = Random.Range(0, m_PlayerSpawnPointsList.Count);
spawnPoint = m_PlayerSpawnPointsList[index];
var playerNetworkObject = NetworkManager.Singleton.SpawnManager.GetPlayerNetworkObject(clientId);
var newPlayer = Instantiate(m_PlayerPrefab,, Quaternion.identity);
var newPlayerCharacter = newPlayer.GetComponent<ServerCharacter>();
var physicsTransform = newPlayerCharacter.physicsWrapper.Transform;
if (spawnPoint != null)
physicsTransform.SetPositionAndRotation(spawnPoint.position, spawnPoint.rotation);
var persistentPlayerExists = playerNetworkObject.TryGetComponent(out PersistentPlayer persistentPlayer);
$"Matching persistent PersistentPlayer for client {clientId} not found!");
// pass character type from persistent player to avatar
var networkAvatarGuidStateExists =
newPlayer.TryGetComponent(out NetworkAvatarGuidState networkAvatarGuidState);
$"NetworkCharacterGuidState not found on player avatar!");
// if reconnecting, set the player's position and rotation to its previous state
if (lateJoin)
SessionPlayerData? sessionPlayerData = SessionManager<SessionPlayerData>.Instance.GetPlayerData(clientId);
if (sessionPlayerData is { HasCharacterSpawned: true })
physicsTransform.SetPositionAndRotation(sessionPlayerData.Value.PlayerPosition, sessionPlayerData.Value.PlayerRotation);
// instantiate new NetworkVariables with a default value to ensure they're ready for use on OnNetworkSpawn
networkAvatarGuidState.AvatarGuid = new NetworkVariable<NetworkGuid>(persistentPlayer.NetworkAvatarGuidState.AvatarGuid.Value);
// pass name from persistent player to avatar
if (newPlayer.TryGetComponent(out NetworkNameState networkNameState))
networkNameState.Name = new NetworkVariable<FixedPlayerName>(persistentPlayer.NetworkNameState.Name.Value);
// spawn players characters with destroyWithScene = true
newPlayer.SpawnWithOwnership(clientId, true);
void OnLifeStateChangedEventMessage(LifeStateChangedEventMessage message)
switch (message.CharacterType)
case CharacterTypeEnum.Tank:
case CharacterTypeEnum.Archer:
case CharacterTypeEnum.Mage:
case CharacterTypeEnum.Rogue:
// Every time a player's life state changes to fainted we check to see if game is over
if (message.NewLifeState == LifeState.Fainted)
case CharacterTypeEnum.ImpBoss:
if (message.NewLifeState == LifeState.Dead)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
void CheckForGameOver()
// Check the life state of all players in the scene
foreach (var serverCharacter in PlayerServerCharacter.GetPlayerServerCharacters())
// if any player is alive just return
if (serverCharacter && serverCharacter.LifeState == LifeState.Alive)
// If we made it this far, all players are down! switch to post game
StartCoroutine(CoroGameOver(k_LoseDelay, false));
void BossDefeated()
// Boss is dead - set game won to true
StartCoroutine(CoroGameOver(k_WinDelay, true));
IEnumerator CoroGameOver(float wait, bool gameWon)
m_PersistentGameState.SetWinState(gameWon ? WinState.Win : WinState.Loss);
// wait 5 seconds for game animations to finish
yield return new WaitForSeconds(wait);
SceneLoaderWrapper.Instance.LoadScene("PostGame", useNetworkSceneManager: true);