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3 months ago
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
3 months ago
using Unity.BossRoom.ConnectionManagement;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Configuration;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character.AI;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI;
3 months ago
using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using Action = Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions.Action;
namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character
/// <summary>
/// Contains all NetworkVariables, RPCs and server-side logic of a character.
/// This class was separated in two to keep client and server context self contained. This way you don't have to continuously ask yourself if code is running client or server side.
/// </summary>
public class ServerCharacter : NetworkBehaviour, ITargetable
ClientCharacter m_ClientCharacter;
public ClientCharacter clientCharacter => m_ClientCharacter;
CharacterClass m_CharacterClass;
public CharacterClass CharacterClass
if (m_CharacterClass == null)
m_CharacterClass = m_State.RegisteredAvatar.CharacterClass;
return m_CharacterClass;
set => m_CharacterClass = value;
/// Indicates how the character's movement should be depicted.
public NetworkVariable<MovementStatus> MovementStatus { get; } = new NetworkVariable<MovementStatus>();
public NetworkVariable<ulong> HeldNetworkObject { get; } = new NetworkVariable<ulong>();
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether this character is in "stealth mode" (invisible to monsters and other players).
/// </summary>
public NetworkVariable<bool> IsStealthy { get; } = new NetworkVariable<bool>();
public NetworkHealthState NetHealthState { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The active target of this character.
/// </summary>
public NetworkVariable<ulong> TargetId { get; } = new NetworkVariable<ulong>();
/// <summary>
/// Current HP. This value is populated at startup time from CharacterClass data.
/// </summary>
public int HitPoints
get => NetHealthState.HitPoints.Value;
private set => NetHealthState.HitPoints.Value = value;
public NetworkLifeState NetLifeState { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Current LifeState. Only Players should enter the FAINTED state.
/// </summary>
public LifeState LifeState
get => NetLifeState.LifeState.Value;
private set => NetLifeState.LifeState.Value = value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this Character is an NPC.
/// </summary>
public bool IsNpc => CharacterClass.IsNpc;
public bool IsValidTarget => LifeState != LifeState.Dead;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the Character is currently in a state where it can play actions, false otherwise.
/// </summary>
public bool CanPerformActions => LifeState == LifeState.Alive;
/// <summary>
/// Character Type. This value is populated during character selection.
/// </summary>
public CharacterTypeEnum CharacterType => CharacterClass.CharacterType;
private ServerActionPlayer m_ServerActionPlayer;
/// <summary>
/// The Character's ActionPlayer. This is mainly exposed for use by other Actions. In particular, users are discouraged from
/// calling 'PlayAction' directly on this, as the ServerCharacter has certain game-level checks it performs in its own wrapper.
/// </summary>
public ServerActionPlayer ActionPlayer => m_ServerActionPlayer;
[Tooltip("If set to false, an NPC character will be denied its brain (won't attack or chase players)")]
private bool m_BrainEnabled = true;
[Tooltip("Setting negative value disables destroying object after it is killed.")]
private float m_KilledDestroyDelaySeconds = 3.0f;
[Tooltip("If set, the ServerCharacter will automatically play the StartingAction when it is created. ")]
private Action m_StartingAction;
DamageReceiver m_DamageReceiver;
ServerCharacterMovement m_Movement;
public ServerCharacterMovement Movement => m_Movement;
PhysicsWrapper m_PhysicsWrapper;
public PhysicsWrapper physicsWrapper => m_PhysicsWrapper;
ServerAnimationHandler m_ServerAnimationHandler;
public ServerAnimationHandler serverAnimationHandler => m_ServerAnimationHandler;
private AIBrain m_AIBrain;
NetworkAvatarGuidState m_State;
3 months ago
public ulong? PendingSwapRequest { get; set; }
public int? TargetPlatformId { get; private set; } = null;
public int? CurrentPlatformId { get; private set; } = null;
public int? PreviousPlatformId { get; private set; } = null;
public bool IsOnAPlatform { get; private set; } = false;
public bool IsCrow { get; private set; } = false;
public bool IsSwapping { get; private set; } = false;
3 months ago
public UIStateDisplayHandler uIStateDisplayHandler;
3 months ago
void Awake()
m_ServerActionPlayer = new ServerActionPlayer(this);
NetLifeState = GetComponent<NetworkLifeState>();
NetHealthState = GetComponent<NetworkHealthState>();
m_State = GetComponent<NetworkAvatarGuidState>();
uIStateDisplayHandler= GetComponent<UIStateDisplayHandler>();
3 months ago
2 months ago
private void ShowSwapConfirmationPanelClientRpc(string inviterName)
if (NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId == OwnerClientId)
var uistate= uIStateDisplayHandler.m_UIState;
var panel = uistate.swapConfirmationPanel;
if (panel != null)
2 months ago
uistate.swapConfirmationPanel.swapwithname.text = "Swap with " + inviterName;
panel.ShowPanel(this); // Pass the current ServerCharacter reference
Debug.LogError("SwapConfirmationPanel not found in the scene!");
public void SetKinematic(bool isKinematic)
if (physicsWrapper != null)
var rigidbody = physicsWrapper.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (rigidbody != null)
rigidbody.isKinematic = isKinematic;
public void SetAsCrow(bool status)
if (IsServer)
IsCrow = status; // Update on the server
UpdateCrowStatusClientRpc(status); // Notify all clients
Debug.LogWarning("SetAsCrow should only be called on the server.");
private void UpdateCrowStatusClientRpc(bool status)
IsCrow = status; // Update the value for all clients
public void SetTargetPlatform(int platformId)
if (IsServer)
TargetPlatformId = platformId; // Update on the server
UpdateTargetPlatformClientRpc(platformId); // Notify all clients
Debug.LogWarning("SetTargetPlatform should only be called on the server.");
public void ClearTargetPlatform()
if (IsServer)
TargetPlatformId = null; // Update on the server
UpdateTargetPlatformClientRpc(-1); // Notify all clients (use -1 to indicate no platform)
Debug.LogWarning("ClearTargetPlatform should only be called on the server.");
private void UpdateTargetPlatformClientRpc(int platformId)
TargetPlatformId = platformId != -1 ? platformId : (int?)null; // Update the value for all clients
public void OnArrivalOnPlatform(int platformId)
SetOnPlatform(true, platformId); // Automatically syncs to all clients
public void OnLeavingPlatform(int platformId)
SetOnPlatform(false, platformId); // Automatically syncs to all clients
public void SetOnPlatform(bool status, int platformId)
if (IsServer)
IsOnAPlatform = status; // Update on the server
UpdatePlatformStatusClientRpc(status, platformId); // Notify all clients
Debug.LogWarning("SetOnPlatform should only be called on the server.");
private void UpdatePlatformStatusClientRpc(bool status, int platformId)
IsOnAPlatform = status; // Update the value for all clients
IsSwapping = false;
if (status)
CurrentPlatformId = platformId;
PreviousPlatformId = platformId;
CurrentPlatformId = null;
public void Freeze(float duration)
private IEnumerator FreezeCoroutine(float duration)
Debug.Log($"{name} is frozen for {duration} seconds!");
Movement.SetSpeedModifier(0f); // Disable movement
yield return new WaitForSeconds(duration);
Movement.ResetSpeedModifier(); // Restore movement
Debug.Log($"{name} is no longer frozen.");
private void HandleOccupiedPlatform(Platform currentPlatform)
2 months ago
var nearestPlatform = PlatformManager.Instance.FindNearestUnoccupiedPlatform(transform.position);
if (nearestPlatform != null)
Debug.Log($"Platform {currentPlatform.PlatformID} is occupied. Moving to nearest Platform {nearestPlatform.PlatformID}.");
Debug.Log($"No unoccupied platforms available. Becoming the Crow.");
private void MoveToPlatform(Platform platform)
int platformID = platform.PlatformID.Value; // Access the value of NetworkVariable<int>
SetTargetPlatform(platformID); // Set the target platform ID
var pltpos = PlatformManager.Instance.GetPlatformPosition(platformID); // Get platform position
pltpos.y = 0; // Reset Y-axis position for movement
Debug.Log($"Platform position: {pltpos}.");
IsSwapping = true;
ServerSendCharacterInputRpc(pltpos); // Send the movement request
//private void MoveToPlatform(Platform platform)
// SetTargetPlatform(platform.PlatformID);
// var pltpos = PlatformManager.Instance.GetPlatformPosition(platform.PlatformID);
// pltpos.y = 0;
// Debug.Log($"Platform position: {pltpos}.");
// IsSwapping = true;
// ServerSendCharacterInputRpc(pltpos);
private void BecomeCrow()
Debug.Log($"{name} is now the Crow.");
// Add additional logic for Crow role if needed
3 months ago
[Rpc(SendTo.Server, RequireOwnership = false)]
public void NotifySwapRequestRpc(ulong initiatingPlayerId,string name)
3 months ago
PendingSwapRequest = initiatingPlayerId;
// Notify all clients except the server, filtered by target
Debug.Log($"Swap request received from Player {initiatingPlayerId}. Waiting for confirmation.");
3 months ago
3 months ago
[Rpc(SendTo.Server, RequireOwnership = false)]
public void NotifySwapDecisionRpc(bool isAccepted)
3 months ago
if (!PendingSwapRequest.HasValue) return;
ulong initiatingPlayerId = PendingSwapRequest.Value;
if (isAccepted)
if (NetworkManager.Singleton.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects.TryGetValue(initiatingPlayerId, out var initiatingPlayerObj) &&
initiatingPlayerObj.TryGetComponent(out ServerCharacter initiatingPlayer))
InitiateSwap(initiatingPlayer, this);
Debug.Log($"Swap confirmed: {} and {} are swapping.");
Debug.Log($"Swap request denied by {}.");
PendingSwapRequest = null;
3 months ago
public void InitiateSwap(ServerCharacter initiatingPlayer, ServerCharacter targetPlayer)
2 months ago
var initiatingPlatform = PlatformManager.Instance.GetPlatformOccupiedByPlayer(initiatingPlayer);
var targetPlatform = PlatformManager.Instance.GetPlatformOccupiedByPlayer(targetPlayer);
if (initiatingPlatform == null || targetPlatform == null)
Debug.LogError("One or both players are not on a platform!");
// Use the MoveToPlatform function for movement
Debug.Log($"Swap initiated: {} -> Platform {targetPlatform.PlatformID}, {} -> Platform {initiatingPlatform.PlatformID}.");
3 months ago
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
3 months ago
if (!IsServer) { enabled = false; }
NetLifeState.LifeState.OnValueChanged += OnLifeStateChanged;
m_DamageReceiver.DamageReceived += ReceiveHP;
m_DamageReceiver.CollisionEntered += CollisionEntered;
if (IsNpc)
m_AIBrain = new AIBrain(this, m_ServerActionPlayer);
if (m_StartingAction != null)
var startingAction = new ActionRequestData() { ActionID = m_StartingAction.ActionID };
PlayAction(ref startingAction);
public override void OnNetworkDespawn()
3 months ago
NetLifeState.LifeState.OnValueChanged -= OnLifeStateChanged;
if (m_DamageReceiver)
m_DamageReceiver.DamageReceived -= ReceiveHP;
m_DamageReceiver.CollisionEntered -= CollisionEntered;
/// <summary>
/// RPC to send inputs for this character from a client to a server.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="movementTarget">The position which this character should move towards.</param>
public void ServerSendCharacterInputRpc(Vector3 movementTarget)
if (LifeState == LifeState.Alive && !m_Movement.IsPerformingForcedMovement())
// if we're currently playing an interruptible action, interrupt it!
if (m_ServerActionPlayer.GetActiveActionInfo(out ActionRequestData data))
if (GameDataSource.Instance.GetActionPrototypeByID(data.ActionID).Config.ActionInterruptible)
m_ServerActionPlayer.CancelRunningActionsByLogic(ActionLogic.Target, true); //clear target on move.
/// <summary>
/// Client->Server RPC that sends a request to play an action.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data about which action to play and its associated details. </param>
public void ServerPlayActionRpc(ActionRequestData data)
ActionRequestData data1 = data;
if (!GameDataSource.Instance.GetActionPrototypeByID(data1.ActionID).Config.IsFriendly)
// notify running actions that we're using a new attack. (e.g. so Stealth can cancel itself)
PlayAction(ref data1);
/// <summary>
/// Called on server when the character's client decides they have stopped "charging up" an attack.
/// </summary>
public void ServerStopChargingUpRpc()
void InitializeHitPoints()
HitPoints = CharacterClass.BaseHP.Value;
if (!IsNpc)
SessionPlayerData? sessionPlayerData = SessionManager<SessionPlayerData>.Instance.GetPlayerData(OwnerClientId);
if (sessionPlayerData is { HasCharacterSpawned: true })
HitPoints = sessionPlayerData.Value.CurrentHitPoints;
if (HitPoints <= 0)
LifeState = LifeState.Fainted;
/// <summary>
/// Play a sequence of actions!
/// </summary>
public void PlayAction(ref ActionRequestData action)
//the character needs to be alive in order to be able to play actions
if (LifeState == LifeState.Alive && !m_Movement.IsPerformingForcedMovement())
if (action.CancelMovement)
m_ServerActionPlayer.PlayAction(ref action);
void OnLifeStateChanged(LifeState prevLifeState, LifeState lifeState)
if (lifeState != LifeState.Alive)
IEnumerator KilledDestroyProcess()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(m_KilledDestroyDelaySeconds);
if (NetworkObject != null)
/// <summary>
/// Receive an HP change from somewhere. Could be healing or damage.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inflicter">Person dishing out this damage/healing. Can be null. </param>
/// <param name="HP">The HP to receive. Positive value is healing. Negative is damage. </param>
void ReceiveHP(ServerCharacter inflicter, int HP)
//to our own effects, and modify the damage or healing as appropriate. But in this game, we just take it straight.
if (HP > 0)
float healingMod = m_ServerActionPlayer.GetBuffedValue(Action.BuffableValue.PercentHealingReceived);
HP = (int)(HP * healingMod);
// Don't apply damage if god mode is on
if (NetLifeState.IsGodMode.Value)
float damageMod = m_ServerActionPlayer.GetBuffedValue(Action.BuffableValue.PercentDamageReceived);
HP = (int)(HP * damageMod);
HitPoints = Mathf.Clamp(HitPoints + HP, 0, CharacterClass.BaseHP.Value);
if (m_AIBrain != null)
//let the brain know about the modified amount of damage we received.
m_AIBrain.ReceiveHP(inflicter, HP);
//we can't currently heal a dead character back to Alive state.
//that's handled by a separate function.
if (HitPoints <= 0)
if (IsNpc)
if (m_KilledDestroyDelaySeconds >= 0.0f && LifeState != LifeState.Dead)
LifeState = LifeState.Dead;
LifeState = LifeState.Fainted;
/// <summary>
/// Determines a gameplay variable for this character. The value is determined
/// by the character's active Actions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public float GetBuffedValue(Action.BuffableValue buffType)
return m_ServerActionPlayer.GetBuffedValue(buffType);
/// <summary>
/// Receive a Life State change that brings Fainted characters back to Alive state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inflicter">Person reviving the character.</param>
/// <param name="HP">The HP to set to a newly revived character.</param>
public void Revive(ServerCharacter inflicter, int HP)
if (LifeState == LifeState.Fainted)
HitPoints = Mathf.Clamp(HP, 0, CharacterClass.BaseHP.Value);
NetLifeState.LifeState.Value = LifeState.Alive;
void Update()
if (m_AIBrain != null && LifeState == LifeState.Alive && m_BrainEnabled)
void CollisionEntered(Collision collision)
if (m_ServerActionPlayer != null)
/// <summary>
/// This character's AIBrain. Will be null if this is not an NPC.
/// </summary>
public AIBrain AIBrain { get { return m_AIBrain; } }