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165 lines
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4 months ago
using System;
using Unity.BossRoom.Infrastructure;
using Unity.BossRoom.UnityServices.Lobbies;
using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom;
using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.Utilities;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using VContainer;
namespace Unity.BossRoom.ConnectionManagement
/// <summary>
/// Connection state corresponding to a listening host. Handles incoming client connections. When shutting down or
/// being timed out, transitions to the Offline state.
/// </summary>
class HostingState : OnlineState
LobbyServiceFacade m_LobbyServiceFacade;
IPublisher<ConnectionEventMessage> m_ConnectionEventPublisher;
// used in ApprovalCheck. This is intended as a bit of light protection against DOS attacks that rely on sending silly big buffers of garbage.
const int k_MaxConnectPayload = 1024;
public override void Enter()
//The "BossRoom" server always advances to CharSelect immediately on start. Different games
//may do this differently.
SceneLoaderWrapper.Instance.LoadScene("CharSelect", useNetworkSceneManager: true);
if (m_LobbyServiceFacade.CurrentUnityLobby != null)
public override void Exit()
public override void OnClientConnected(ulong clientId)
var playerData = SessionManager<SessionPlayerData>.Instance.GetPlayerData(clientId);
if (playerData != null)
m_ConnectionEventPublisher.Publish(new ConnectionEventMessage() { ConnectStatus = ConnectStatus.Success, PlayerName = playerData.Value.PlayerName });
// This should not happen since player data is assigned during connection approval
Debug.LogError($"No player data associated with client {clientId}");
var reason = JsonUtility.ToJson(ConnectStatus.GenericDisconnect);
m_ConnectionManager.NetworkManager.DisconnectClient(clientId, reason);
public override void OnClientDisconnect(ulong clientId)
if (clientId != m_ConnectionManager.NetworkManager.LocalClientId)
var playerId = SessionManager<SessionPlayerData>.Instance.GetPlayerId(clientId);
if (playerId != null)
var sessionData = SessionManager<SessionPlayerData>.Instance.GetPlayerData(playerId);
if (sessionData.HasValue)
m_ConnectionEventPublisher.Publish(new ConnectionEventMessage() { ConnectStatus = ConnectStatus.GenericDisconnect, PlayerName = sessionData.Value.PlayerName });
public override void OnUserRequestedShutdown()
var reason = JsonUtility.ToJson(ConnectStatus.HostEndedSession);
for (var i = m_ConnectionManager.NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsIds.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var id = m_ConnectionManager.NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsIds[i];
if (id != m_ConnectionManager.NetworkManager.LocalClientId)
m_ConnectionManager.NetworkManager.DisconnectClient(id, reason);
public override void OnServerStopped()
/// <summary>
/// This logic plugs into the "ConnectionApprovalResponse" exposed by Netcode.NetworkManager. It is run every time a client connects to us.
/// The complementary logic that runs when the client starts its connection can be found in ClientConnectingState.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Multiple things can be done here, some asynchronously. For example, it could authenticate your user against an auth service like UGS' auth service. It can
/// also send custom messages to connecting users before they receive their connection result (this is useful to set status messages client side
/// when connection is refused, for example).
/// Note on authentication: It's usually harder to justify having authentication in a client hosted game's connection approval. Since the host can't be trusted,
/// clients shouldn't send it private authentication tokens you'd usually send to a dedicated server.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="request"> The initial request contains, among other things, binary data passed into StartClient. In our case, this is the client's GUID,
/// which is a unique identifier for their install of the game that persists across app restarts.
/// <param name="response"> Our response to the approval process. In case of connection refusal with custom return message, we delay using the Pending field.
public override void ApprovalCheck(NetworkManager.ConnectionApprovalRequest request, NetworkManager.ConnectionApprovalResponse response)
var connectionData = request.Payload;
var clientId = request.ClientNetworkId;
if (connectionData.Length > k_MaxConnectPayload)
// If connectionData too high, deny immediately to avoid wasting time on the server. This is intended as
// a bit of light protection against DOS attacks that rely on sending silly big buffers of garbage.
response.Approved = false;
var payload = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(connectionData);
var connectionPayload = JsonUtility.FromJson<ConnectionPayload>(payload); //
var gameReturnStatus = GetConnectStatus(connectionPayload);
if (gameReturnStatus == ConnectStatus.Success)
SessionManager<SessionPlayerData>.Instance.SetupConnectingPlayerSessionData(clientId, connectionPayload.playerId,
new SessionPlayerData(clientId, connectionPayload.playerName, new NetworkGuid(), 0, true));
// connection approval will create a player object for you
response.Approved = true;
response.CreatePlayerObject = true;
response.Position =;
response.Rotation = Quaternion.identity;
response.Approved = false;
response.Reason = JsonUtility.ToJson(gameReturnStatus);
if (m_LobbyServiceFacade.CurrentUnityLobby != null)
ConnectStatus GetConnectStatus(ConnectionPayload connectionPayload)
if (m_ConnectionManager.NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsIds.Count >= m_ConnectionManager.MaxConnectedPlayers)
return ConnectStatus.ServerFull;
if (connectionPayload.isDebug != Debug.isDebugBuild)
return ConnectStatus.IncompatibleBuildType;
return SessionManager<SessionPlayerData>.Instance.IsDuplicateConnection(connectionPayload.playerId) ?
ConnectStatus.LoggedInAgain : ConnectStatus.Success;