using UnityEngine;
namespace IngameDebugConsole.Commands
public class PlayerPrefsCommands
[ConsoleMethod( "prefs.int", "Returns the value of an Integer PlayerPrefs field" ), UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]
public static string PlayerPrefsGetInt( string key )
if( !PlayerPrefs.HasKey( key ) ) return "Key Not Found";
return PlayerPrefs.GetInt( key ).ToString();
[ConsoleMethod( "prefs.int", "Sets the value of an Integer PlayerPrefs field" ), UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]
public static void PlayerPrefsSetInt( string key, int value )
PlayerPrefs.SetInt( key, value );
[ConsoleMethod( "prefs.float", "Returns the value of a Float PlayerPrefs field" ), UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]
public static string PlayerPrefsGetFloat( string key )
if( !PlayerPrefs.HasKey( key ) ) return "Key Not Found";
return PlayerPrefs.GetFloat( key ).ToString();
[ConsoleMethod( "prefs.float", "Sets the value of a Float PlayerPrefs field" ), UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]
public static void PlayerPrefsSetFloat( string key, float value )
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat( key, value );
[ConsoleMethod( "prefs.string", "Returns the value of a String PlayerPrefs field" ), UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]
public static string PlayerPrefsGetString( string key )
if( !PlayerPrefs.HasKey( key ) ) return "Key Not Found";
return PlayerPrefs.GetString( key );
[ConsoleMethod( "prefs.string", "Sets the value of a String PlayerPrefs field" ), UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]
public static void PlayerPrefsSetString( string key, string value )
PlayerPrefs.SetString( key, value );
[ConsoleMethod( "prefs.delete", "Deletes a PlayerPrefs field" ), UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]
public static void PlayerPrefsDelete( string key )
PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey( key );
[ConsoleMethod( "prefs.clear", "Deletes all PlayerPrefs fields" ), UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]
public static void PlayerPrefsClear()