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3 weeks ago
namespace Fusion.Editor {
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
/// <summary>
/// This window contains controls for each active NetworkRunner (see Multi-Peer) including
/// UI toggles for runner SetVisible() and ProvideInput members. NetworkRunner and Player Objects can be pinged in the hierarchy.
/// FusionStats creation shortcuts are provided for convenience as well.
/// </summary>
public class FusionRunnerVisibilityControlsWindow : EditorWindow {
private const int WINDOW_MIN_W = 82;
private const int WINDOW_MIN_H = 48;
private const int STATS_BTTN_WIDE = 66;
private const int STATS_BTTN_SLIM = 24;
private const int RUNNR_BTTN_WIDE = 60;
private const int RUNNR_BTTN_SLIM = 24;
private const int FONT_SIZE = 9;
private const float TEXT_SWITCH_WIDTH = 200;
private const float WIDE_SWITCH_WIDTH = 380;
private const double REFRESH_RATE = 1f;
private static class Labels {
public const string NoActiveRunner = "No Active Runner";
public const string NoRunners = "No Runners";
public const string SP = "SP";
public const string H = "H";
public const string S = "S";
public const string C = "C";
public const string P = "P";
public const string Dash = "--";
public const string ProvidingInputs = "\u2002Providing Inputs";
public const string NoInputs = "\u2002(No Inputs)";
public const string StatsLeft = "<< Stats";
public const string StatsRight = "Stats >>";
public const string ArrowsLeft = "<<";
public const string ArrowsRight = ">>";
public const string UserID = "UserID: ";
public const string VisibilityTooltip =
"This button toggles NetworkRunner.SetVisible() for this NetworkRunner. If [Shift] is held while clicking all other active runners will SetVisible(false), soloing this runner.";
public const string InputTooltip =
"This button toggles NetworkRunner.ProvideInput for this NetworkRunner. If [Shift] is held while clicking all other active runners will have NetworkRunner.ProvideInput set to false, soloing this runner.";
public const string StatsTooltip = "Clicking this button at runtime will create a FusionStats overlay associated with this NetworkRunner. ";
public const string RunnerTooltip = "The name of the NetworkRunner this row controls. Clicking this button will ping the NetworkRunner GameObject in the hierarchy.";
public const string PlayerObjTooltip =
"The PlayerRef ID associated with this NetworkRunner. If NetworkRunner has a set Player Object, then this button will be enabled and will ping the Player Object in the hierarchy.";
public static readonly string NoVisibilityWarn =
$"Network Runner does not have a {nameof(RunnerEnableVisibility)} component, or has not been registered with {nameof(NetworkRunnerVisibilityExtensions.EnableVisibilityExtension)}";
public const string HoldShift = "Hold Shift while clicking to solo Visibility/Input Provider.";
public static readonly string RunnerVisibilityNotEnabled = $"Runner visibility not enabled. Add a {nameof(RunnerEnableVisibility)} component to your {nameof(NetworkRunner)} Prefab.";
private static Lazy<GUIStyle> s_labelStyle = new Lazy<GUIStyle>(() => new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label) { fontSize = FONT_SIZE });
private static Lazy<GUIStyle> s_labelTinyStyle = new Lazy<GUIStyle>(() => new GUIStyle(s_labelStyle.Value) { fontSize = FONT_SIZE - 1 });
private static Lazy<GUIStyle> s_labelCenterStyle = new Lazy<GUIStyle>(() => new GUIStyle(s_labelStyle.Value) { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter });
private static Lazy<GUIStyle> s_buttonStyle = new Lazy<GUIStyle>(() => new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButton) { fontSize = FONT_SIZE });
private static Lazy<GUIStyle> s_helpboxStyle = new Lazy<GUIStyle>(() => new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.helpBox) {
fontSize = FONT_SIZE, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, padding = new RectOffset(6, 6, 6, 6)
private static Lazy<GUIStyle> s_invisibleButtonStyle = new Lazy<GUIStyle>(() => new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label) { fontSize = FONT_SIZE, padding = new RectOffset() });
private static Lazy<GUIStyle> s_invisibleButtonGrayStyle = new Lazy<GUIStyle>(() => new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label) {
fontSize = FONT_SIZE,
normal = { textColor = Color.gray },
active = { textColor = Color.gray },
hover = { textColor = Color.gray },
focused = { textColor = Color.gray },
padding = new RectOffset()
private static Lazy<string> Dark = new Lazy<string>(() => EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? "d_" : "");
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_runnerGC = new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(string.Empty, Labels.RunnerTooltip));
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_playerObjGC = new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(string.Empty, Labels.PlayerObjTooltip));
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_visibleIcon = new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture(Dark.Value + "scenevis_visible_hover@2x"), Labels.VisibilityTooltip));
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_hiddenIcon = new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture(Dark.Value + "scenevis_hidden@2x"), Labels.VisibilityTooltip));
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_inputIconLong =
new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(Labels.ProvidingInputs, EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture(Dark.Value + "UnityEditor.GameView@2x"), Labels.InputTooltip));
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_inputIconShort = new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(null, EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture(Dark.Value + "UnityEditor.GameView@2x"), Labels.InputTooltip));
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_noInputIconLong = new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(Labels.NoInputs, EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture(Dark.Value + "Toolbar Minus@2x"), Labels.InputTooltip));
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_noInputIconShort = new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(null, EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture(Dark.Value + "Toolbar Minus@2x"), Labels.InputTooltip));
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_noVisibilityWarn = new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(FusionEditorSkin.WarningIcon, Labels.NoVisibilityWarn));
private static Lazy<GUIContent> s_statsGC = new Lazy<GUIContent>(() => new GUIContent(string.Empty, Labels.StatsTooltip));
private GUIStyle _toolbarButtonStyle;
/// <summary>
/// Window instance.
/// </summary>
public static FusionRunnerVisibilityControlsWindow Instance { get; private set; }
private Vector2 _scrollPosition;
private double _lastRepaintTime;
private readonly Dictionary<NetworkRunner, FusionStats> _stats = new Dictionary<NetworkRunner, FusionStats>();
/// <summary>
/// Create window instance.
/// </summary>
[MenuItem("Window/Fusion/Network Runner Controls")]
[MenuItem("Tools/Fusion/Windows/Network Runner Controls")]
public static void ShowWindow() {
var window = GetWindow(typeof(FusionRunnerVisibilityControlsWindow), false, "Network Runner Controls");
window.minSize = new Vector2(WINDOW_MIN_W, WINDOW_MIN_H);
Instance = (FusionRunnerVisibilityControlsWindow)window;
private void Awake() {
Instance = this;
private void OnEnable() {
Instance = this;
private void OnDestroy() {
Instance = null;
private void Update() {
// Force a repaint every x seconds in case runner count and runner settings have changed.
if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - _lastRepaintTime > REFRESH_RATE) {
private void OnGUI() {
_lastRepaintTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
var currentViewWidth = EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth;
var isWide = currentViewWidth > WIDE_SWITCH_WIDTH;
var shortText = currentViewWidth < TEXT_SWITCH_WIDTH;
_scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollPosition);
var runnerWithoutVisibilityEnabledDetected = false;
if (!Application.isPlaying) {
DrawRunnerRow(null, shortText, isWide, currentViewWidth, ref runnerWithoutVisibilityEnabledDetected);
} else {
var enumerator = NetworkRunner.GetInstancesEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext()) {
var runner = enumerator.Current;
DrawRunnerRow(runner, shortText, isWide, currentViewWidth, ref runnerWithoutVisibilityEnabledDetected);
if (NetworkProjectConfig.Global.PeerMode == NetworkProjectConfig.PeerModes.Multiple) {
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Labels.HoldShift, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
if (runnerWithoutVisibilityEnabledDetected) {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Labels.RunnerVisibilityNotEnabled, MessageType.Warning);
private void DrawRunnerRow(NetworkRunner runner, bool shortText, bool isWide, float currentViewWidth, ref bool runnerWithoutVisibilityEnabledDetected) {
var runnerIsNull = !runner;
// Only show active runners. If not playing, we allow a null runner in order to render the disabled buttons.
if (Application.isPlaying && (!runner || !runner.IsRunning)) {
var config = runnerIsNull ? default : runner.Config;
var isSinglePeer = runnerIsNull || config?.PeerMode == NetworkProjectConfig.PeerModes.Single;
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(runnerIsNull)) {
var localPlayer = runnerIsNull ? default : runner.LocalPlayer;
var localPlayerGC = s_playerObjGC.Value;
localPlayerGC.text = localPlayer.IsRealPlayer ? Labels.P + localPlayer.PlayerId : Labels.Dash;
var runnerName = runnerIsNull ? Labels.NoActiveRunner :
shortText ? (runner.IsServer ? (runner.IsSinglePlayer ? Labels.SP : runner.IsPlayer ? Labels.H : Labels.S) : Labels.C) :;
var runnerGC = s_runnerGC.Value;
// Draw Runner Names/Buttons
runnerGC.text = runnerIsNull ? Labels.NoRunners : runner.IsSharedModeMasterClient ? $"{runnerName} [MC]" : runnerName;
var runnerRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.MinWidth(isWide ? RUNNR_BTTN_WIDE : RUNNR_BTTN_SLIM));
if (GUI.Button(runnerRect, runnerGC, s_buttonStyle.Value)) {
Selection.activeGameObject = runner.gameObject;
if (shortText == false) {
// Draw PlayerRef Id / Local Player Object buttons
var playerRefRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.Width(38));
NetworkObject playerObj;
try {
playerObj = runner.GetPlayerObject(localPlayer);
} catch {
playerObj = null;
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(playerObj == false)) {
if (GUI.Button(playerRefRect, localPlayerGC, s_buttonStyle.Value)) {
if (playerObj) {
// Draw Visibility Icons
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(isSinglePeer)) {
runnerGC.text = "";
var toggleRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.Width(18));
if (isSinglePeer || runner.HasVisibilityEnabled()) {
if (GUI.Button(toggleRect, isSinglePeer || runner.GetVisible() ? s_visibleIcon.Value : s_hiddenIcon.Value, s_invisibleButtonStyle.Value)) {
if ((Event.current.modifiers & (EventModifiers.Shift | EventModifiers.Control | EventModifiers.Command | EventModifiers.Alt)) == 0) {
} else {
var others = NetworkRunner.GetInstancesEnumerator();
while (others.MoveNext()) {
var other = others.Current;
// Only consider active runners.
if (!other || !other.IsRunning) {
other.SetVisible(other == runner);
} else {
runnerWithoutVisibilityEnabledDetected = true;
GUI.Label(toggleRect, s_noVisibilityWarn.Value);
// Draw Provide Input icon/text
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(runnerIsNull || runner.Mode == SimulationModes.Server)) {
var inputToggleRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.Width(isWide ? 106 : 18));
var providingInput = runnerIsNull || runner.ProvideInput;
var inputContent = isWide ? (providingInput ? s_inputIconLong.Value : s_noInputIconLong.Value) : (providingInput ? s_inputIconShort.Value : s_noInputIconShort.Value);
if (GUI.Button(inputToggleRect, inputContent, providingInput ? s_invisibleButtonStyle.Value : s_invisibleButtonGrayStyle.Value)) {
if ((Event.current.modifiers & (EventModifiers.Shift | EventModifiers.Control | EventModifiers.Command | EventModifiers.Alt)) == 0) {
runner.ProvideInput = !runner.ProvideInput;
} else {
var others = NetworkRunner.GetInstancesEnumerator();
while (others.MoveNext()) {
var other = others.Current;
// Only consider active runners.
if (!other || !other.IsRunning) {
other.ProvideInput = other == runner;
// Draw runtime stats creation buttons. Reflection used since this namespace can't see FusionStats.
if (currentViewWidth >= WINDOW_MIN_W + 10) {
var statsLeftRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.Width(isWide ? STATS_BTTN_WIDE : STATS_BTTN_SLIM));
var statsRightRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.Width(isWide ? STATS_BTTN_WIDE : STATS_BTTN_SLIM));
var statsGC = s_statsGC.Value;
statsGC.text = isWide ? Labels.StatsLeft : Labels.ArrowsLeft;
if (GUI.Button(statsLeftRect, statsGC, s_buttonStyle.Value)) {
CreateOrUpdateFusionStats(runner, FusionStats.DefaultLayouts.Left);
statsGC.text = isWide ? Labels.StatsRight : Labels.ArrowsRight;
if (GUI.Button(statsRightRect, statsGC, s_buttonStyle.Value)) {
CreateOrUpdateFusionStats(runner, FusionStats.DefaultLayouts.Right);
// Draw UserID
if (currentViewWidth > 600) {
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(true)) {
var userIdString = runnerIsNull ? null : runner.UserId;
var userIdRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.MinWidth(40), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
GUI.Label(userIdRect, Labels.UserID + (userIdString ?? Labels.Dash), s_labelTinyStyle.Value);
private void CreateOrUpdateFusionStats(NetworkRunner runner, FusionStats.DefaultLayouts layouts) {
if (_stats.TryGetValue(runner, out var stats) == false) {
stats = FusionStats.Create(runner: runner, screenLayout: layouts);
Selection.activeObject = stats.gameObject;
_stats.Add(runner, stats);
stats.ResetLayout(screenLayout: layouts);
/// <summary>
/// Draw buttons on toolbar.
/// Automatically called by unity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">Position of the button.</param>
private void ShowButton(Rect position) {
// button style
if (_toolbarButtonStyle == null) {
_toolbarButtonStyle = new GUIStyle( { padding = new RectOffset() };
// draw button
if (GUI.Button(position, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("_Help"), _toolbarButtonStyle)) {