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namespace PlayFab
public sealed class PlayFabAuthenticationContext
public PlayFabAuthenticationContext()
public PlayFabAuthenticationContext(string clientSessionTicket, string entityToken, string playFabId, string entityId, string entityType, string telemetryKey = null) : this()
ClientSessionTicket = clientSessionTicket;
PlayFabId = playFabId;
EntityToken = entityToken;
EntityId = entityId;
EntityType = entityType;
TelemetryKey = telemetryKey;
public void CopyFrom(PlayFabAuthenticationContext other)
ClientSessionTicket = other.ClientSessionTicket;
PlayFabId = other.PlayFabId;
EntityToken = other.EntityToken;
EntityId = other.EntityId;
EntityType = other.EntityType;
TelemetryKey = other.TelemetryKey;
/// <summary> Allows access to the ClientAPI </summary>
public string ClientSessionTicket;
/// <summary> The master player entity Id </summary>
public string PlayFabId;
public bool IsClientLoggedIn()
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientSessionTicket);
/// <summary> Allows access to most Entity APIs </summary>
public string EntityToken;
/// <summary>
/// Clients: The title player entity Id (unless replaced with a related entity)
/// Servers: The title id (unless replaced with a related entity)
/// </summary>
public string EntityId;
/// <summary>
/// Describes the type of entity identified by EntityId
/// </summary>
public string EntityType;
public bool IsEntityLoggedIn()
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EntityToken);
public string TelemetryKey;
public bool IsTelemetryKeyProvided()
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(TelemetryKey);
public void ForgetAllCredentials()
PlayFabId = null;
ClientSessionTicket = null;
EntityToken = null;
EntityId = null;
EntityType = null;
TelemetryKey = null;