using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
namespace CnControls
public class Touchpad : MonoBehaviour, IDragHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerDownHandler
/// Current event camera reference. Needed for the sake of Unity Remote input
public Camera CurrentEventCamera { get; set; }
/// The name of the horizontal axis for this touchpad to update
public string HorizontalAxisName = "Horizontal";
/// The name of the vertical axis for this touchpad to update
public string VerticalAxisName = "Vertical";
/// Whether this touchpad should preserve inertia when the finger is lifted
public bool PreserveInertia = true;
/// The speed of decay of inertia
public float Friction = 3f;
private VirtualAxis _horizintalAxis;
private VirtualAxis _verticalAxis;
private int _lastDragFrameNumber;
private bool _isCurrentlyTweaking;
/// Joystick movement direction
/// Specifies the axis along which it can move
[Tooltip("Constraints on the joystick movement axis")]
public ControlMovementDirection ControlMoveAxis = ControlMovementDirection.Both;
private void OnEnable()
// When we enable, we get our virtual axis
_horizintalAxis = _horizintalAxis ?? new VirtualAxis(HorizontalAxisName);
_verticalAxis = _verticalAxis ?? new VirtualAxis(VerticalAxisName);
// And register them in our input system
private void OnDisable()
// When we disable, we just unregister our axis
// It also happens before the game object is Destroyed
public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
// Some bitwise logic for constraining the touchpad along one of the axis
// If the "Both" option was selected, non of these two checks will yield "true"
if ((ControlMoveAxis & ControlMovementDirection.Horizontal) != 0)
_horizintalAxis.Value =;
if ((ControlMoveAxis & ControlMovementDirection.Vertical) != 0)
_verticalAxis.Value =;
_lastDragFrameNumber = Time.renderedFrameCount;
public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData)
_isCurrentlyTweaking = false;
if (!PreserveInertia)
_horizintalAxis.Value = 0f;
_verticalAxis.Value = 0f;
public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
_isCurrentlyTweaking = true;
private void Update()
if (_isCurrentlyTweaking && _lastDragFrameNumber < Time.renderedFrameCount - 2)
_horizintalAxis.Value = 0f;
_verticalAxis.Value = 0f;
if (PreserveInertia && !_isCurrentlyTweaking)
_horizintalAxis.Value = Mathf.Lerp(_horizintalAxis.Value, 0f, Friction * Time.deltaTime);
_verticalAxis.Value = Mathf.Lerp(_verticalAxis.Value, 0f, Friction * Time.deltaTime);