using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace CnControls
/// Common input manager class
/// Can be used instead of Input logic, as it replicates the standard behaviour but adds additional logic
public class CnInputManager
private static CnInputManager _instance;
private static CnInputManager Instance
get { return _instance ?? (_instance = new CnInputManager()); }
private CnInputManager() { }
/// Dictionary of virtual axis
/// Every axis can be mapped to a number of actual virtual axis,
/// as with standard Unity Input system where you can create different buttons for, say, "Horizontal" axis
private Dictionary> _virtualAxisDictionary =
new Dictionary>();
/// Dictionary of virtual buttons
/// Every button can be mapped to a number of actual virtual buttons,
/// as with standard Unity Input system where you can create different buttons for, say, "Jump" button
private Dictionary> _virtualButtonsDictionary =
new Dictionary>();
/// Additional logic for touch retreival
/// It's possible to add some reflection-based emulated touches
public static int TouchCount
return Input.touchCount;
/// Additional logic for touch retreival
/// It's possible to add some reflection-based emulated touches
public static Touch GetTouch(int touchIndex)
return Input.GetTouch(touchIndex);
/// GetAxis method for getting current values for any desired axis
/// The name of the axis to get value from
/// Current value of FIRST NON ZERO axis that are registered for that name
/// ZERO if non if the virtual axis are being tweaked
public static float GetAxis(string axisName)
return GetAxis(axisName, false);
/// "Copy" of the Input.GetAxisRaw method
/// The name of the axis to get value from
/// Current value of FIRST NON ZERO axis that are registered for that name
/// ZERO if non if the virtual axis are being tweaked
public static float GetAxisRaw(string axisName)
return GetAxis(axisName, true);
/// Common private method for getting the axis values
/// The name of the axis to get value from
/// Whether the method sould return the raw value of the axis
private static float GetAxis(string axisName, bool isRaw)
// If we have the axis registered as virtual, we call the retreival logic
if (AxisExists(axisName))
return GetVirtualAxisValue(Instance._virtualAxisDictionary[axisName], axisName, isRaw);
// If we don't have the desired virtual axis registered, we just fallback to the default Unity Input behaviour
return isRaw ? Input.GetAxisRaw(axisName) : Input.GetAxis(axisName);
/// Method for retrieval of the desired button pressed state
/// The name of the desired button
/// Is the button being currently pressed?
public static bool GetButton(string buttonName)
// We first check the stadard Button behaviour
var standardInputButtonState = Input.GetButton(buttonName);
// If the stadard Unity Input button is being pressed, we just retur true
if (standardInputButtonState == true) return true;
// If not, we check our virtual buttons
if (ButtonExists(buttonName))
return GetAnyVirtualButton(Instance._virtualButtonsDictionary[buttonName]);;
// If there is no such button registered, we return false;
return false;
/// Method for retrieval of the desired button "has just been pressed" state
/// The name of the desired button
/// Is the button has just been pressed?
public static bool GetButtonDown(string buttonName)
// We first check the stadard Button behaviour
var standardInputButtonState = Input.GetButtonDown(buttonName);
// If the stadard Unity Input button is being pressed, we just retur true
if (standardInputButtonState == true) return true;
// If not, we check our virtual buttons
if (ButtonExists(buttonName))
return GetAnyVirtualButtonDown(Instance._virtualButtonsDictionary[buttonName]);
// If there is no such button registered, we return false;
return false;
/// Method for retrieval of the desired button "has just been released" state
/// The name of the desired button
/// Is the button has just been released?
public static bool GetButtonUp(string buttonName)
// We first check the stadard Button behaviour
var standardInputButtonState = Input.GetButtonUp(buttonName);
// If the stadard Unity Input button is being pressed, we just retur true
if (standardInputButtonState == true) return true;
// If not, we check our virtual buttons
if (ButtonExists(buttonName))
return GetAnyVirtualButtonUp(Instance._virtualButtonsDictionary[buttonName]);
// If there is no such button registered, we return false;
return false;
/// Check whether the specified axis exists
/// Name of the axis to check
/// Does this axis exist?
public static bool AxisExists(string axisName)
return Instance._virtualAxisDictionary.ContainsKey(axisName);
/// Check whether the specified button exists
/// Name of the button to check
/// Does this button exist?
public static bool ButtonExists(string buttonName)
return Instance._virtualButtonsDictionary.ContainsKey(buttonName);
/// Registers the provided virtual axis
/// Virtual axis to register
public static void RegisterVirtualAxis(VirtualAxis virtualAxis)
// If it's the first such virtual axis, create a new list for that axis name
if (!Instance._virtualAxisDictionary.ContainsKey(virtualAxis.Name))
Instance._virtualAxisDictionary[virtualAxis.Name] = new List();
/// Unregisters the provided virtual axis
/// Virtual axis to unregister
public static void UnregisterVirtualAxis(VirtualAxis virtualAxis)
// If it's the first such virtual axis, create a new list for that axis name
if (Instance._virtualAxisDictionary.ContainsKey(virtualAxis.Name))
if (!Instance._virtualAxisDictionary[virtualAxis.Name].Remove(virtualAxis))
Debug.LogError("Requested axis " + virtualAxis.Name + " exists, but there's no such virtual axis that you're trying to unregister");
Debug.LogError("Trying to unregister an axis " + virtualAxis.Name + " that was never registered");
/// Registers the provided virtual button
/// Virtual button to register
public static void RegisterVirtualButton(VirtualButton virtualButton)
if (!Instance._virtualButtonsDictionary.ContainsKey(virtualButton.Name))
Instance._virtualButtonsDictionary[virtualButton.Name] = new List();
/// Unregisters the provided virtual button
/// Virtual button to unregister
public static void UnregisterVirtualButton(VirtualButton virtualButton)
if (Instance._virtualButtonsDictionary.ContainsKey(virtualButton.Name))
if (!Instance._virtualButtonsDictionary[virtualButton.Name].Remove(virtualButton))
Debug.LogError("Requested button axis exists, but there's no such virtual button that you're trying to unregister");
Debug.LogError("Trying to unregister a button that was never registered");
/// Private method that get's the value of the first non-zero virtual axis, registered with the specified name
/// List of virtual axis to search through
/// Name of the axis (for the standard Input behaviour)
/// Whether the method should return the Raw value of the axis
private static float GetVirtualAxisValue(List virtualAxisList, string axisName, bool isRaw)
// The method is really straightforward here
// First, we check the standard Input.GetAxis method
// If it's not zero, we return the value
// If it IS zero, we return first non-zero value of any of the passed virtual axis
// Or zero if all of them are zero
float axisValue = isRaw ? Input.GetAxisRaw(axisName) : Input.GetAxis(axisName);
if (!Mathf.Approximately(axisValue, 0f))
return axisValue;
for (int i = 0; i < virtualAxisList.Count; i++)
var currentAxisValue = virtualAxisList[i].Value;
if (!Mathf.Approximately(currentAxisValue, 0f))
return currentAxisValue;
return 0f;
/// Simple logic for checking whether is any of the virtual buttons has been just pressed
/// Virtual buttons to search through
/// Is any of the buttons has just been pressed?
private static bool GetAnyVirtualButtonDown(List virtualButtons)
for (int i = 0; i < virtualButtons.Count; i++)
if (virtualButtons[i].GetButtonDown) return true;
return false;
/// Simple logic for checking whether is any of the virtual buttons has been just released
/// Virtual buttons to search through
/// Is any of the buttons has just been released?
private static bool GetAnyVirtualButtonUp(List virtualButtons)
for (int i = 0; i < virtualButtons.Count; i++)
if (virtualButtons[i].GetButtonUp) return true;
return false;
/// Simple logic for checking whether is any of the virtual buttons is currently pressed
/// Virtual buttons to search through
/// Is any of the buttons currently pressed?
private static bool GetAnyVirtualButton(List virtualButtons)
for (int i = 0; i < virtualButtons.Count; i++)
if (virtualButtons[i].GetButton) return true;
return false;