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FlyingFred/Assets/UI/Atlas/Setting screen.png.meta

427 lines
10 KiB

4 months ago
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Setting screen_Banner: -184041502
Setting screen_CheckBox: 73206232
Setting screen_Cross: -752724412
Setting screen_GreenButton: 2007459455
Setting screen_Music: 2112707985
Setting screen_MusicSwitch: 257160919
Setting screen_MusicSwitchHandle: -1415735947
Setting screen_Panel: -147694649
Setting screen_SettingsIcon: -637297471
Setting screen_Sound: -772468077
Setting screen_SoundHandle: -1333466350
Setting screen_Tick: -1130963600
Setting screen_VolumeSlider: 2113023272
pSDRemoveMatte: 0