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410 lines
9.4 KiB
410 lines
9.4 KiB
3 months ago
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Leaderboard_10: 466119026
Leaderboard_11: -358789083
Leaderboard_12: 2135687485
Leaderboard_13: 1022656074
Leaderboard_14: 1870507541
Leaderboard_15: 32732375
Leaderboard_16: -1738870865
Leaderboard_5: -2118742499
Leaderboard_6: 1972411786
Leaderboard_7: -441044407
Leaderboard_8: 263563899
Leaderboard_9: -1919698786
Leaderboard_BlueFlag: -818555290
Leaderboard_Cross: -479912649
Leaderboard_Dots: 813662007
Leaderboard_RedFlag: 1163743014
Leaderboard_YellowFlag: -116051439
pSDRemoveMatte: 0