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// UltEvents // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace UltEvents
/// <summary>
/// Encapsulates a delegate so it can be serialized for <see cref="UltEventBase"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class PersistentCall
: ISerializationCallbackReceiver
#region Fields and Properties
private Object _Target;
/// <summary>The object on which the persistent method is called.</summary>
public Object Target
get { return _Target; }
private string _MethodName;
/// <summary>The name of the persistent method.</summary>
public string MethodName
get { return _MethodName; }
internal PersistentArgument[] _PersistentArguments = NoArguments;
/// <summary>The arguments which are passed to the method when it is invoked.</summary>
public PersistentArgument[] PersistentArguments
get { return _PersistentArguments; }
internal MethodBase _Method;
/// <summary>The method which this call encapsulates.</summary>
public MethodBase Method
if (_Method == null)
Type declaringType;
string methodName;
GetMethodDetails(out declaringType, out methodName);
if (declaringType == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName))
return null;
var argumentCount = _PersistentArguments.Length;
var parameters = ArrayCache<Type>.GetTempArray(argumentCount);
for (int i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++)
parameters[i] = _PersistentArguments[i].SystemType;
if (methodName == "ctor")
_Method = declaringType.GetConstructor(UltEventUtils.AnyAccessBindings, null, parameters, null);
_Method = declaringType.GetMethod(methodName, UltEventUtils.AnyAccessBindings, null, parameters, null);
return _Method;
internal MethodBase GetMethodSafe()
try { return Method; }
catch { return null; }
// Always clear the cached method in the editor in case the fields have been directly modified by Inspector or Undo operations.
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize() { ClearCache(); }
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize() { ClearCache(); }
private void ClearCache()
_Method = null;
for (int i = 0; i < _PersistentArguments.Length; i++)
/// <summary>Constructs a new <see cref="PersistentCall"/> with default values.</summary>
public PersistentCall() { }
/// <summary>Constructs a new <see cref="PersistentCall"/> to serialize the specified `method`.</summary>
public PersistentCall(MethodInfo method, Object target)
SetMethod(method, target);
/// <summary>Constructs a new <see cref="PersistentCall"/> to serialize the specified `method`.</summary>
public PersistentCall(Delegate method)
/// <summary>Constructs a new <see cref="PersistentCall"/> to serialize the specified `method`.</summary>
public PersistentCall(Action method)
/// <summary>Sets the method which this call encapsulates.</summary>
public void SetMethod(MethodBase method, Object target)
_Method = method;
_Target = target;
if (method != null)
if (method.IsStatic || method.IsConstructor)
_MethodName = UltEventUtils.GetFullyQualifiedName(method);
_Target = null;
else _MethodName = method.Name;
var parameters = method.GetParameters();
if (_PersistentArguments == null || _PersistentArguments.Length != parameters.Length)
_PersistentArguments = NewArgumentArray(parameters.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < _PersistentArguments.Length; i++)
var parameter = parameters[i];
var persistentArgument = _PersistentArguments[i];
persistentArgument.SystemType = parameter.ParameterType;
switch (persistentArgument.Type)
case PersistentArgumentType.Parameter:
case PersistentArgumentType.ReturnValue:
if ((parameter.Attributes & ParameterAttributes.HasDefault) == ParameterAttributes.HasDefault)
persistentArgument.Value = parameter.DefaultValue;
_MethodName = null;
_PersistentArguments = NoArguments;
/// <summary>Sets the delegate which this call encapsulates.</summary>
public void SetMethod(Delegate method)
if (method.Target == null)
SetMethod(method.Method, null);
var target = method.Target as Object;
if (target != null)
SetMethod(method.Method, target);
throw new InvalidOperationException("SetMethod failed because action.Target is not a UnityEngine.Object.");
/// <summary>Sets the delegate which this call encapsulates.</summary>
public void SetMethod(Action method)
private static readonly PersistentArgument[] NoArguments = new PersistentArgument[0];
private static PersistentArgument[] NewArgumentArray(int length)
if (length == 0)
return NoArguments;
var array = new PersistentArgument[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
array[i] = new PersistentArgument();
return array;
/// <summary>
/// Acquire a delegate based on the <see cref="Target"/> and <see cref="MethodName"/> and invoke it.
/// </summary>
public object Invoke()
if (Method == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Attempted to Invoke a PersistentCall which couldn't find it's method: " + MethodName);
return null;
object[] parameters;
if (_PersistentArguments != null && _PersistentArguments.Length > 0)
parameters = ArrayCache<object>.GetTempArray(_PersistentArguments.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
parameters[i] = _PersistentArguments[i].Value;
else parameters = null;
// Somehow Unity ends up getting a UnityEngine.Object which pretends to be null.
// But only in the Editor. At runtime it properly deserialized the target as null.
// When calling a static method it just gets ignored. But when calling a constructor with a target, it
// attempts to apply it to the existing object, which won't work because it's the wrong type.
if (_Method.IsConstructor)
return _Method.Invoke(null, parameters);
return _Method.Invoke(_Target, parameters);
/// <summary>Sets the value of the first persistent argument.</summary>
public void SetArguments(object argument0)
PersistentArguments[0].Value = argument0;
/// <summary>Sets the value of the first and second persistent arguments.</summary>
public void SetArguments(object argument0, object argument1)
PersistentArguments[0].Value = argument0;
PersistentArguments[1].Value = argument1;
/// <summary>Sets the value of the first, second, and third persistent arguments.</summary>
public void SetArguments(object argument0, object argument1, object argument2)
PersistentArguments[0].Value = argument0;
PersistentArguments[1].Value = argument1;
PersistentArguments[2].Value = argument2;
/// <summary>Sets the value of the first, second, third, and fourth persistent arguments.</summary>
public void SetArguments(object argument0, object argument1, object argument2, object argument3)
PersistentArguments[0].Value = argument0;
PersistentArguments[1].Value = argument1;
PersistentArguments[2].Value = argument2;
PersistentArguments[3].Value = argument3;
internal void GetMethodDetails(out Type declaringType, out string methodName)
// If you think this looks retarded, that's because it is.
// Sometimes Unity ends up with an old reference to an object where the reference thinks it has been
// destroyed even though it hasn't and it still has a value Instance ID. So we just get a new reference.
if (_Target == null && !ReferenceEquals(_Target, null))
_Target = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(_Target.GetInstanceID());
GetMethodDetails(_MethodName, _Target, out declaringType, out methodName);
internal static void GetMethodDetails(string serializedMethodName, Object target, out Type declaringType, out string methodName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serializedMethodName))
declaringType = null;
methodName = null;
if (target == null)
var lastDot = serializedMethodName.LastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot < 0)
declaringType = null;
methodName = serializedMethodName;
declaringType = Type.GetType(serializedMethodName.Substring(0, lastDot));
methodName = serializedMethodName.Substring(lastDot, serializedMethodName.Length - lastDot);
declaringType = target.GetType();
methodName = serializedMethodName;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the specified `type` can be represented by a non-linked <see cref="PersistentArgument"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsSupportedNative(Type type)
type == typeof(bool) ||
type == typeof(string) ||
type == typeof(int) ||
(type.IsEnum && Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type) == typeof(int)) ||
type == typeof(float) ||
type == typeof(Vector2) ||
type == typeof(Vector3) ||
type == typeof(Vector4) ||
type == typeof(Quaternion) ||
type == typeof(Color) ||
type == typeof(Color32) ||
type == typeof(Rect) ||
type == typeof(Object) || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Object));
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the type of each of the `parameters` can be represented by a non-linked <see cref="PersistentArgument"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsSupportedNative(ParameterInfo[] parameters)
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
if (!IsSupportedNative(parameters[i].ParameterType))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>Copies the contents of the `target` call to this call.</summary>
public void CopyFrom(PersistentCall target)
_Target = target._Target;
_MethodName = target._MethodName;
_Method = target._Method;
_PersistentArguments = new PersistentArgument[target._PersistentArguments.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < _PersistentArguments.Length; i++)
_PersistentArguments[i] = target._PersistentArguments[i].Clone();
/// <summary>Returns a description of this call.</summary>
public override string ToString()
var text = new StringBuilder();
return text.ToString();
/// <summary>Appends a description of this call.</summary>
public void ToString(StringBuilder text)
text.Append("PersistentCall: MethodName=");
text.Append(", Target=");
text.Append(_Target != null ? _Target.ToString() : "null");
text.Append(", PersistentArguments=");
UltEventUtils.AppendDeepToString(text, _PersistentArguments.GetEnumerator(), "\n ");