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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using D2D.Utilities;
using D2D.Utils;
using NaughtyAttributes;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;
using static D2D.Utilities.SettingsFacade;
using static D2D.Utilities.CommonLazyFacade;
using static D2D.Utilities.CommonGameplayFacade;
namespace D2D.Gameplay
public class Sounds
public SoundPreset onWin;
/// <summary>
/// Maybe it will be better to split to more specific settings.
/// But if it is a small game prototype maybe it is more convenient to keep it all there.
/// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "GameplaySettings", menuName = "SO/GameplaySettings")]
public class GameplaySettings : SingletonData<GameplaySettings>
[TabGroup("Common")] public List<GameObject> levels;
[TabGroup("Common")] public Material[] groundMaterials;
[TabGroup("Common")] public PoolType pistolProjectile;
[TabGroup("Common")] public List<PoolType> pistolProjectiles;
[TabGroup("Common")] public PoolType laserProjectile;
[TabGroup("Common")] public float xpModifierIncrease;
[TabGroup("Other")] public Color grayDeathColor;
[TabGroup("Other")] public float grayDeathDuration;
[TabGroup("Other")] public float grayCorpseLifetime;
[TabGroup("Other")] public GameObject muzzleFlash;
[TabGroup("Other")] public PoolType bulletMuzzleFlash;
[TabGroup("Other")] public float enemyDespawnDistance = 14f;
[TabGroup("Other")] public float neutralDespawnDistance = 14f;
[TabGroup("Other")] public float ObstacleDespawnDistance = 20f;
[TabGroup("Other")] public float enemyMaxSpeedLevel = 10f;
[TabGroup("Layers")] public LayerMask GroundLayer;
[TabGroup("Layers")] public LayerMask EnemyLayer;
[TabGroup("Layers")][Layer] public string XPLayer;
[TabGroup("PickUp")] public float timeBeforeXPActivate;
[TabGroup("PickUp")] public float pickUpFlyForce;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] [SerializeField] private float boostInitialPricee = 150;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] [SerializeField] private float boostPriceStep = 75;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] public float speedIncreasePercent = 1.1f;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] public float radialWeaponDuration = 4f;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] public float radialWeaponCooldown = 4f;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] public float radialWeaponDamage = 2f;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] public float radialWeaponDamageCooldown = 2f;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] public float evolveDelay = .7f;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] public float[] upgradesPercentByLevel;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] public int maxLevelUpgrade;
// [TabGroup("Upgrades")] public int baseIncrease;
[TabGroup("Upgrades")] public GameObject levelUpVFX;
private float CalculateUpgradePrice(float l)
var step = boostPriceStep;
if (l >= 5)
step *= 1.2f;
if (l >= 7)
step *= 1.5f;
var result = boostInitialPricee + l * step * 2;
if (l > 3)
result *= 1.2f;
if (l.Almost(1))
result = 140;
if (l.Almost(2))
result = 250;
// if (l >= 6)
// result *= 1.1f;
return result.Round();
public float PowerUpgradePrice => CalculateUpgradePrice(_db.PowerIncreaseLevel.Value);
public float PowerNextUpgradePrice => CalculateUpgradePrice(_db.PowerIncreaseLevel.Value+1);
public float FireUpgradePrice => CalculateUpgradePrice(_db.FireRateDecreaseLevel.Value);
public float FireNextUpgradePrice => CalculateUpgradePrice(_db.FireRateDecreaseLevel.Value+1);
[Header("Level Up Tween")]
[TabGroup("Level Up Tween")] public float punchScale;
[TabGroup("Level Up Tween")] public float punchDuration;
[TabGroup("Level Up Tween")] public float punchDelay;
[TabGroup("Sounds")] public AudioClip pistolShotClip;
[TabGroup("Sounds")] public AudioClip machineGunShotClip;
[TabGroup("Sounds")] public AudioClip rifleShotClip;
[TabGroup("Sounds")] public AudioClip shotgunShotClip;
[TabGroup("Sounds")] public AudioClip explosionClip;
[TabGroup("Sounds")] public AudioClip pickUpClip;
[TabGroup("Sounds")] public AudioClip spawnClip;
[TabGroup("Sounds")] public AudioClip laserClip;
[TabGroup("Sounds")] public float minSoundDelay;
[TabGroup("Enemies")] public float baseSpeedMultiplier;
[TabGroup("Enemies")] public float baseXPMultiplier;
[TabGroup("Enemies")] public PoolType laserMuzzleVFX;
[TabGroup("Enemies")] public PoolType explosionVFX;
[TabGroup("Enemies")] public Wave[] allWaves;
[TabGroup("Enemies")] public Wave firstWave;
[TabGroup("Enemies"), Tag] public string enemyTag;
[TabGroup("Enemies"), Tag] public string shieldTag;
[TabGroup("Enemies"), Tag] public string hittableTag;
[TabGroup("Unlockables")] public UnlockableItem firstUnlockable;
[TabGroup("Unlockables")] public UnlockableItem[] unlockables;
private PoolType projectilePrefab;
public PoolType CurrentProjectilePrefab => projectilePrefab;
public void SetProjectilePrefab(PoolType projectile) => projectilePrefab = projectile;
private int projectileCount;
public int ProjectileCount => projectileCount + 1;
public void SetSideProjectiles(int amount)
projectileCount = amount;
public void IncreaseProjectileCount()
projectileCount = projectileCount + 2;