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using UnityEngine;
namespace MoreMountains.Feedbacks
/// <summary>
/// This feedback lets you emit a RotationShake event. This will be caught by MMRotationShakers (on the specified channel).
/// Rotation shakers, as the name suggests, are used to shake the rotation of a transform, along a direction, with optional noise and other fine control options.
/// </summary>
[FeedbackPath("Transform/Rotation Shake")]
[FeedbackHelp("This feedback lets you emit a RotationShake event. This will be caught by MMRotationShakers (on the specified channel)." +
" Rotation shakers, as the name suggests, are used to shake the rotation of a transform, along a direction, with optional noise and other fine control options.")]
public class MMF_RotationShake : MMF_Feedback
/// a static bool used to disable all feedbacks of this type at once
public static bool FeedbackTypeAuthorized = true;
/// sets the inspector color for this feedback
public override Color FeedbackColor { get { return MMFeedbacksInspectorColors.TransformColor; } }
public override string RequiredTargetText { get { return RequiredChannelText; } }
/// returns the duration of the feedback
public override float FeedbackDuration { get { return ApplyTimeMultiplier(Duration); } set { Duration = value; } }
public override bool HasChannel => true;
public override bool HasRandomness => true;
public override bool HasRange => true;
[MMFInspectorGroup("Optional Target", true, 33)]
/// a specific (and optional) shaker to target, regardless of its channel
[Tooltip("a specific (and optional) shaker to target, regardless of its channel")]
public MMRotationShaker TargetShaker;
[MMFInspectorGroup("Rotation Shake", true, 28)]
/// the duration of the shake, in seconds
[Tooltip("the duration of the shake, in seconds")]
public float Duration = 0.5f;
/// whether or not to reset shaker values after shake
[Tooltip("whether or not to reset shaker values after shake")]
public bool ResetShakerValuesAfterShake = true;
/// whether or not to reset the target's values after shake
[Tooltip("whether or not to reset the target's values after shake")]
public bool ResetTargetValuesAfterShake = true;
[MMFInspectorGroup("Shake Settings", true, 42)]
/// the speed at which the transform should shake
[Tooltip("the speed at which the transform should shake")]
public float ShakeSpeed = 20f;
/// the maximum distance from its initial rotation the transform will move to during the shake
[Tooltip("the maximum distance from its initial rotation the transform will move to during the shake")]
public float ShakeRange = 50f;
[MMFInspectorGroup("Direction", true, 43)]
/// the direction along which to shake the transform's rotation
[Tooltip("the direction along which to shake the transform's rotation")]
public Vector3 ShakeMainDirection = Vector3.up;
/// if this is true, instead of using ShakeMainDirection as the direction of the shake, a random vector3 will be generated, randomized between ShakeMainDirection and ShakeAltDirection
[Tooltip("if this is true, instead of using ShakeMainDirection as the direction of the shake, a random vector3 will be generated, randomized between ShakeMainDirection and ShakeAltDirection")]
public bool RandomizeDirection = false;
/// when in RandomizeDirection mode, a vector against which to randomize the main direction
[Tooltip("when in RandomizeDirection mode, a vector against which to randomize the main direction")]
[MMFCondition("RandomizeDirection", true)]
public Vector3 ShakeAltDirection = Vector3.up;
/// if this is true, a new direction will be randomized every time a shake happens
[Tooltip("if this is true, a new direction will be randomized every time a shake happens")]
public bool RandomizeDirectionOnPlay = false;
[MMFInspectorGroup("Directional Noise", true, 47)]
/// whether or not to add noise to the main direction
[Tooltip("whether or not to add noise to the main direction")]
public bool AddDirectionalNoise = true;
/// when adding directional noise, noise strength will be randomized between this value and DirectionalNoiseStrengthMax
[Tooltip("when adding directional noise, noise strength will be randomized between this value and DirectionalNoiseStrengthMax")]
[MMFCondition("AddDirectionalNoise", true)]
public Vector3 DirectionalNoiseStrengthMin = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
/// when adding directional noise, noise strength will be randomized between this value and DirectionalNoiseStrengthMin
[Tooltip("when adding directional noise, noise strength will be randomized between this value and DirectionalNoiseStrengthMin")]
[MMFCondition("AddDirectionalNoise", true)]
public Vector3 DirectionalNoiseStrengthMax = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
[MMFInspectorGroup("Randomness", true, 44)]
/// a unique seed you can use to get different outcomes when shaking more than one transform at once
[Tooltip("a unique seed you can use to get different outcomes when shaking more than one transform at once")]
public Vector3 RandomnessSeed;
/// whether or not to generate a unique seed automatically on every shake
[Tooltip("whether or not to generate a unique seed automatically on every shake")]
public bool RandomizeSeedOnShake = true;
[MMFInspectorGroup("One Time", true, 45)]
/// whether or not to use attenuation, which will impact the amplitude of the shake, along the defined curve
[Tooltip("whether or not to use attenuation, which will impact the amplitude of the shake, along the defined curve")]
public bool UseAttenuation = true;
/// the animation curve used to define attenuation, impacting the amplitude of the shake
[Tooltip("the animation curve used to define attenuation, impacting the amplitude of the shake")]
[MMFCondition("UseAttenuation", true)]
public AnimationCurve AttenuationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 1), new Keyframe(1, 0));
/// <summary>
/// Triggers the corresponding coroutine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rotation"></param>
/// <param name="feedbacksIntensity"></param>
protected override void CustomPlayFeedback(Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity = 1.0f)
if (!Active || !FeedbackTypeAuthorized)
float intensityMultiplier = ComputeIntensity(feedbacksIntensity, position);
if (TargetShaker == null)
MMRotationShakeEvent.Trigger(Duration, ShakeSpeed, ShakeRange, ShakeMainDirection, RandomizeDirection, ShakeAltDirection, RandomizeDirectionOnPlay, AddDirectionalNoise,
DirectionalNoiseStrengthMin, DirectionalNoiseStrengthMax, RandomnessSeed, RandomizeSeedOnShake, UseAttenuation, AttenuationCurve,
UseRange, RangeDistance, UseRangeFalloff, RangeFalloff, RemapRangeFalloff, position,
intensityMultiplier, ChannelData, ResetShakerValuesAfterShake, ResetTargetValuesAfterShake, NormalPlayDirection, ComputedTimescaleMode);
TargetShaker?.OnMMRotationShakeEvent(Duration, ShakeSpeed, ShakeRange, ShakeMainDirection, RandomizeDirection, ShakeAltDirection, RandomizeDirectionOnPlay, AddDirectionalNoise,
DirectionalNoiseStrengthMin, DirectionalNoiseStrengthMax, RandomnessSeed, RandomizeSeedOnShake, UseAttenuation, AttenuationCurve,
UseRange, RangeDistance, UseRangeFalloff, RangeFalloff, RemapRangeFalloff, position,
intensityMultiplier, TargetShaker.ChannelData, ResetShakerValuesAfterShake, ResetTargetValuesAfterShake, NormalPlayDirection, ComputedTimescaleMode);
/// <summary>
/// On stop we stop our transition
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rotation"></param>
/// <param name="feedbacksIntensity"></param>
protected override void CustomStopFeedback(Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity = 1)
if (!Active || !FeedbackTypeAuthorized)
base.CustomStopFeedback(position, feedbacksIntensity);
if (TargetShaker == null)
MMRotationShakeEvent.Trigger(Duration, ShakeSpeed, ShakeRange, ShakeMainDirection, RandomizeDirection, ShakeAltDirection, RandomizeDirectionOnPlay, AddDirectionalNoise,
DirectionalNoiseStrengthMin, DirectionalNoiseStrengthMax, RandomnessSeed, RandomizeSeedOnShake, UseAttenuation, AttenuationCurve, stop:true);
TargetShaker?.OnMMRotationShakeEvent(Duration, ShakeSpeed, ShakeRange, ShakeMainDirection, RandomizeDirection, ShakeAltDirection, RandomizeDirectionOnPlay, AddDirectionalNoise,
DirectionalNoiseStrengthMin, DirectionalNoiseStrengthMax, RandomnessSeed, RandomizeSeedOnShake, UseAttenuation, AttenuationCurve, channelData: TargetShaker.ChannelData, stop:true);
/// <summary>
/// On restore, we restore our initial state
/// </summary>
protected override void CustomRestoreInitialValues()
if (!Active || !FeedbackTypeAuthorized)
if (TargetShaker == null)
MMRotationShakeEvent.Trigger(Duration, ShakeSpeed, ShakeRange, ShakeMainDirection, RandomizeDirection, ShakeAltDirection, RandomizeDirectionOnPlay, AddDirectionalNoise,
DirectionalNoiseStrengthMin, DirectionalNoiseStrengthMax, RandomnessSeed, RandomizeSeedOnShake, UseAttenuation, AttenuationCurve, restore:true);
TargetShaker?.OnMMRotationShakeEvent(Duration, ShakeSpeed, ShakeRange, ShakeMainDirection, RandomizeDirection, ShakeAltDirection, RandomizeDirectionOnPlay, AddDirectionalNoise,
DirectionalNoiseStrengthMin, DirectionalNoiseStrengthMax, RandomnessSeed, RandomizeSeedOnShake, UseAttenuation, AttenuationCurve, channelData: TargetShaker.ChannelData, restore:true);
} |