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using PlayFab.Internal;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PlayFab
public enum WebRequestType
#if !UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER // Unity has deprecated Www
UnityWww, // High compatability Unity api calls
UnityWebRequest, // Modern unity HTTP component
HttpWebRequest, // High performance multi-threaded api calls
CustomHttp //If this is used, you must set the Http to an IPlayFabHttp object.
public enum PlayFabLogLevel
None = 0,
Debug = 1 << 0,
Info = 1 << 1,
Warning = 1 << 2,
Error = 1 << 3,
All = Debug | Info | Warning | Error,
public static class PlayFabSettings
static PlayFabSettings()
PlatformString = "GDK";
switch (Application.platform)
case RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor:
case RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer:
case RuntimePlatform.WindowsServer:
PlatformString = "Windows";
case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer:
PlatformString = "iOS";
PlatformString = Application.platform.ToString();
private static PlayFabSharedSettings _playFabShared = null;
private static PlayFabSharedSettings PlayFabSharedPrivate { get { if (_playFabShared == null) _playFabShared = GetSharedSettingsObjectPrivate(); return _playFabShared; } }
/// <summary>
/// Global settings used by all static API classes, and as the default for all instance API classes
/// </summary>
public static readonly PlayFabApiSettings staticSettings = new PlayFabSettingsRedirect(() => { return PlayFabSharedPrivate; });
/// <summary>
/// Global user for all static API classes
/// </summary>
public static readonly PlayFabAuthenticationContext staticPlayer = new PlayFabAuthenticationContext();
public const string SdkVersion = "2.203.241014";
public const string BuildIdentifier = "adobuild_unitysdk_167";
public const string VersionString = "UnitySDK-2.203.241014";
public static string EngineVersion = UnityEngine.Application.unityVersion;
public static string PlatformString;
public const string DefaultPlayFabApiUrl = "playfabapi.com";
private static PlayFabSharedSettings GetSharedSettingsObjectPrivate()
var settingsList = Resources.LoadAll<PlayFabSharedSettings>("PlayFabSharedSettings");
if (settingsList.Length != 1)
Debug.LogWarning("The number of PlayFabSharedSettings objects should be 1: " + settingsList.Length);
Debug.LogWarning("If you are upgrading your SDK, you can ignore this warning as PlayFabSharedSettings will be imported soon. If you are not upgrading your SDK and you see this message, you should re-download the latest PlayFab source code.");
return settingsList[0];
public static string DeviceUniqueIdentifier
var deviceId = "";
AndroidJavaClass up = new AndroidJavaClass ("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = up.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject> ("currentActivity");
AndroidJavaObject contentResolver = currentActivity.Call<AndroidJavaObject> ("getContentResolver");
AndroidJavaClass secure = new AndroidJavaClass ("android.provider.Settings$Secure");
deviceId = secure.CallStatic<string> ("getString", contentResolver, "android_id");
deviceId = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier;
return deviceId;
/// <summary>
/// These are variables which can differ from one PlayFab API Instance to another
/// </summary>
#region staticSettings Redirects
// You must set this value for PlayFabSdk to work properly (Found in the Game Manager for your title, at the PlayFab Website)
public static string TitleId { get { return staticSettings.TitleId; } set { staticSettings.TitleId = value; } }
/// <summary> The name of a customer vertical. This is only for customers running a private cluster. Generally you shouldn't touch this </summary>
internal static string VerticalName { get { return staticSettings.VerticalName; } set { staticSettings.VerticalName = value; } }
public static string DeveloperSecretKey { get { return staticSettings.DeveloperSecretKey; } set { staticSettings.DeveloperSecretKey = value; } }
/// <summary> Set this to true to prevent hardware information from leaving the device </summary>
public static bool DisableDeviceInfo { get { return staticSettings.DisableDeviceInfo; } set { staticSettings.DisableDeviceInfo = value; } }
/// <summary> Set this to true to prevent focus change information from leaving the device </summary>
public static bool DisableFocusTimeCollection { get { return staticSettings.DisableFocusTimeCollection; } set { staticSettings.DisableFocusTimeCollection = value; } }
#endregion staticSettings Redirects
/// <summary>
/// These are variables which are always singleton global
/// </summary>
#region PlayFabSharedSettings Redirects
[ObsoleteAttribute("LogLevel has been deprecated, please use UnityEngine.Debug.Log for your logging needs.")]
public static PlayFabLogLevel LogLevel { get { return PlayFabSharedPrivate.LogLevel; } set { PlayFabSharedPrivate.LogLevel = value; } }
public static WebRequestType RequestType { get { return PlayFabSharedPrivate.RequestType; } set { PlayFabSharedPrivate.RequestType = value; } }
public static int RequestTimeout { get { return PlayFabSharedPrivate.RequestTimeout; } set { PlayFabSharedPrivate.RequestTimeout = value; } }
public static bool RequestKeepAlive { get { return PlayFabSharedPrivate.RequestKeepAlive; } set { PlayFabSharedPrivate.RequestKeepAlive = value; } }
public static string LoggerHost { get { return PlayFabSharedPrivate.LoggerHost; } set { PlayFabSharedPrivate.LoggerHost = value; } }
public static int LoggerPort { get { return PlayFabSharedPrivate.LoggerPort; } set { PlayFabSharedPrivate.LoggerPort = value; } }
public static bool EnableRealTimeLogging { get { return PlayFabSharedPrivate.EnableRealTimeLogging; } set { PlayFabSharedPrivate.EnableRealTimeLogging = value; } }
public static int LogCapLimit { get { return PlayFabSharedPrivate.LogCapLimit; } set { PlayFabSharedPrivate.LogCapLimit = value; } }
#endregion PlayFabSharedSettings Redirects
private static string _localApiServer;
public static string LocalApiServer
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
return _localApiServer ?? PlayFabUtil.GetLocalSettingsFileProperty("LocalApiServer");
return _localApiServer;
_localApiServer = value;
private static StringBuilder _cachedStringBuilder;
private static StringBuilder AcquireStringBuilder()
if (_cachedStringBuilder == null)
_cachedStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(1000);
return _cachedStringBuilder;
public static string GetFullUrl(string apiCall, Dictionary<string, string> getParams, PlayFabApiSettings apiSettings = null)
StringBuilder sb = AcquireStringBuilder();
string productionEnvironmentUrl = null, verticalName = null, titleId = null;
if (apiSettings != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiSettings.ProductionEnvironmentUrl))
productionEnvironmentUrl = apiSettings.ProductionEnvironmentUrl;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiSettings.VerticalName))
verticalName = apiSettings.VerticalName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiSettings.TitleId))
titleId = apiSettings.TitleId;
if (productionEnvironmentUrl == null)
productionEnvironmentUrl = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlayFabSharedPrivate.ProductionEnvironmentUrl) ? PlayFabSharedPrivate.ProductionEnvironmentUrl : DefaultPlayFabApiUrl;
if (verticalName == null && apiSettings != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiSettings.VerticalName))
verticalName = apiSettings.VerticalName;
if (titleId == null)
titleId = PlayFabSharedPrivate.TitleId;
var baseUrl = productionEnvironmentUrl;
if (!baseUrl.StartsWith("http"))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleId))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(verticalName))
bool firstParam = true;
if (getParams != null)
foreach (var paramPair in getParams)
if (firstParam)
firstParam = false;
sb.Append(firstParam ? "?" : "&");
return sb.ToString();