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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// <summary>
/// A class used to bind a slider to a MMDebugMenu
/// </summary>
public class MMDebugMenuItemSlider : MonoBehaviour
/// the possible modes this slider can operate on
public enum Modes { Float, Int }
/// the selected mode for this slider
public Modes Mode = Modes.Float;
/// the Slider to use to change the value
public Slider TargetSlider;
/// the text comp used to display the slider's name
public Text SliderText;
/// the text comp used to display the slider's value
public Text SliderValueText;
/// the target knob
public Image SliderKnob;
/// the line behind the knob
public Image SliderLine;
/// the value to remap the slider's 0 to
public float RemapZero = 0f;
/// the value to remap the slider's 1 to
public float RemapOne = 1f;
/// the name of the event bound to this slider
public string SliderEventName = "Checkbox";
/// the current slider value
public float SliderValue;
/// the current slider int value
public int SliderValueInt;
protected bool _valueSetThisFrame = false;
protected bool _listening = false;
/// <summary>
/// On Awake we start listening for slider changes
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Awake()
TargetSlider.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { ValueChangeCheck(); });
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the slider value changes
/// </summary>
public void ValueChangeCheck()
if (_valueSetThisFrame)
_valueSetThisFrame = false;
bool valueChanged = true;
SliderValue = MMMaths.Remap(TargetSlider.value, 0f, 1f, RemapZero, RemapOne);
if (Mode == Modes.Int)
SliderValue = Mathf.Round(SliderValue);
if (SliderValue == SliderValueInt)
valueChanged = false;
SliderValueInt = (int)SliderValue;
if (valueChanged)
protected virtual void UpdateValue(float newValue)
SliderValueText.text = (Mode == Modes.Int) ? newValue.ToString() : newValue.ToString("F3");
/// <summary>
/// Triggers a slider event
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
protected virtual void TriggerSliderEvent(float value)
MMDebugMenuSliderEvent.Trigger(SliderEventName, value, MMDebugMenuSliderEvent.EventModes.FromSlider);
/// <summary>
/// When we get a set slider event, we set our value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sliderEventName"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
protected virtual void OnMMDebugMenuSliderEvent(string sliderEventName, float value, MMDebugMenuSliderEvent.EventModes eventMode)
if ((eventMode == MMDebugMenuSliderEvent.EventModes.SetSlider)
&& (sliderEventName == SliderEventName))
_valueSetThisFrame = true;
TargetSlider.value = MMMaths.Remap(value, RemapZero, RemapOne, 0f, 1f);
/// <summary>
/// Starts listening for events
/// </summary>
public virtual void OnEnable()
if (!_listening)
_listening = true;
/// <summary>
/// Stops listening for events
/// </summary>
public virtual void OnDestroy()
_listening = false;