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using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MPUIKIT.Editor
public class EditorGUILayoutExtended : UnityEditor.Editor
private static readonly Type editorGUIType = typeof(EditorGUI);
private static readonly Type RecycledTextEditorType =
private static readonly Type[] argumentTypes =
RecycledTextEditorType, typeof(Rect), typeof(Rect), typeof(int), typeof(float), typeof(string),
typeof(GUIStyle), typeof(bool)
private static readonly MethodInfo doFloatFieldMethod = editorGUIType.GetMethod("DoFloatField",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static, null, argumentTypes, null);
private static readonly FieldInfo fieldInfo =
editorGUIType.GetField("s_RecycledEditor", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
private static readonly object recycledEditor = fieldInfo.GetValue(null);
private static readonly GUIStyle style = EditorStyles.numberField;
public static float FloatFieldExtended(Rect _position, float _value, Rect _dragHotZone)
int controlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID("EditorTextField".GetHashCode(), FocusType.Keyboard, _position);
object[] parameters = {recycledEditor, _position, _dragHotZone, controlId, _value, "g7", style, true};
return (float) doFloatFieldMethod.Invoke(null, parameters);
// public static float FloatField(GUIContent _content, float _value, float _inputBoxWidth, params GUILayoutOption[] _options)
// {
// Rect totalRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(_options);
// float width;
// if (_inputBoxWidth < 1) width = totalRect.width * Mathf.Clamp(_inputBoxWidth, 0.2f, 0.8f);
// else width = Mathf.Clamp(_inputBoxWidth, totalRect.width * 0.2f, totalRect.width * 0.8f);
// Rect labelRect = new Rect(totalRect.x, totalRect.y, totalRect.width - width - 8, totalRect.height);
// Rect inputRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + totalRect.width - width, totalRect.y, width, totalRect.height);
// EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, _content);
// return FloatFieldExtended(inputRect, _value, labelRect);
// }
public static float FloatField(GUIContent _content, float _value, float _labelwidth,
params GUILayoutOption[] _options)
Rect totalRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(_options);
// float width;
// if (_labelwidth < 1) width = totalRect.width * Mathf.Clamp(_labelwidth, 0.2f, 0.8f);
// else width = Mathf.Clamp(_labelwidth, totalRect.width * 0.2f, totalRect.width * 0.8f);
Rect labelRect = new Rect(totalRect.x, totalRect.y, _labelwidth, totalRect.height);
Rect inputRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + _labelwidth, totalRect.y, totalRect.width - _labelwidth,
// Rect labelRect = new Rect(totalRect.x, totalRect.y, totalRect.width - width - 8, totalRect.height);
// Rect inputRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + totalRect.width - width, totalRect.y, width, totalRect.height);
EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, _content);
return FloatFieldExtended(inputRect, _value, labelRect);