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// AppLovin MAX Unity Plugin
// Created by Santosh Bagadi on 9/3/19.
// Copyright © 2019 AppLovin. All rights reserved.
using System.Text;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
namespace AppLovinMax.Scripts.IntegrationManager.Editor
public class AppLovinQualityServiceData
public string api_key;
/// <summary>
/// Adds or updates the AppLovin Quality Service plugin to the provided build.gradle file.
/// If the gradle file already has the plugin, the API key is updated.
/// </summary>
public abstract class AppLovinProcessGradleBuildFile : AppLovinPreProcess
private static readonly Regex TokenBuildScriptRepositories = new Regex(".*repositories.*");
private static readonly Regex TokenBuildScriptDependencies = new Regex(".*classpath \'*");
private static readonly Regex TokenApplicationPlugin = new Regex(".*apply plugin: \'\'.*");
private static readonly Regex TokenApiKey = new Regex(".*apiKey.*");
private static readonly Regex TokenAppLovinPlugin = new Regex(".*apply plugin:.+?(?=applovin-quality-service).*");
#if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER
private const string PluginsMatcher = "plugins";
private const string PluginManagementMatcher = "pluginManagement";
private const string QualityServicePluginRoot = " id 'com.applovin.quality' version '+' apply false // NOTE: Requires version 4.8.3+ for Gradle version 7.2+";
private const string BuildScriptMatcher = "buildscript";
private const string QualityServiceMavenRepo = "maven { url ''; content { includeGroupByRegex 'com.applovin.*' } }";
private const string QualityServiceDependencyClassPath = "classpath 'com.applovin.quality:AppLovinQualityServiceGradlePlugin:+'";
private const string QualityServiceApplyPlugin = "apply plugin: 'applovin-quality-service'";
private const string QualityServicePlugin = "applovin {";
private const string QualityServiceApiKey = " apiKey '{0}'";
private const string QualityServiceBintrayMavenRepo = "";
private const string QualityServiceNoRegexMavenRepo = "maven { url '' }";
// Legacy plugin detection variables
private const string QualityServiceDependencyClassPathV3 = "classpath 'com.applovin.quality:AppLovinQualityServiceGradlePlugin:3.+'";
private static readonly Regex TokenSafeDkLegacyApplyPlugin = new Regex(".*apply plugin:.+?(?=safedk).*");
private const string SafeDkLegacyPlugin = "safedk {";
private const string SafeDkLegacyMavenRepo = "";
private const string SafeDkLegacyDependencyClassPath = "com.safedk:SafeDKGradlePlugin:";
/// <summary>
/// Updates the provided Gradle script to add Quality Service plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="applicationGradleBuildFilePath">The gradle file to update.</param>
protected static void AddAppLovinQualityServicePlugin(string applicationGradleBuildFilePath)
if (!AppLovinSettings.Instance.QualityServiceEnabled) return;
var sdkKey = AppLovinSettings.Instance.SdkKey;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdkKey))
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to install AppLovin Quality Service plugin. SDK Key is empty. Please enter the AppLovin SDK Key in the Integration Manager.");
// Retrieve the API Key using the SDK Key.
var qualityServiceData = RetrieveQualityServiceData(sdkKey);
var apiKey = qualityServiceData.api_key;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiKey))
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to install AppLovin Quality Service plugin. API Key is empty.");
// Generate the updated Gradle file that needs to be written.
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(applicationGradleBuildFilePath).ToList();
var sanitizedLines = RemoveLegacySafeDkPlugin(lines);
var outputLines = GenerateUpdatedBuildFileLines(
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
false // On Unity 2019.3+, the buildscript closure related lines will to be added to the root build.gradle file.
// outputLines can be null if we couldn't add the plugin.
if (outputLines == null) return;
File.WriteAllText(applicationGradleBuildFilePath, string.Join("\n", outputLines.ToArray()) + "\n");
catch (Exception exception)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to install AppLovin Quality Service plugin. Gradle file write failed.");
#if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER
/// <summary>
/// Adds AppLovin Quality Service plugin DSL element to the project's root build.gradle file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootGradleBuildFile">The path to project's root build.gradle file.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> when the plugin was added successfully.</returns>
protected bool AddPluginToRootGradleBuildFile(string rootGradleBuildFile)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(rootGradleBuildFile).ToList();
// Check if the plugin is already added to the file.
var pluginAdded = lines.Any(line => line.Contains(QualityServicePluginRoot));
if (pluginAdded) return true;
var outputLines = new List<string>();
var insidePluginsClosure = false;
foreach (var line in lines)
if (line.Contains(PluginsMatcher))
insidePluginsClosure = true;
if (!pluginAdded && insidePluginsClosure && line.Contains("}"))
pluginAdded = true;
insidePluginsClosure = false;
if (!pluginAdded)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to add AppLovin Quality Service plugin to root gradle file.");
return false;
File.WriteAllText(rootGradleBuildFile, string.Join("\n", outputLines.ToArray()) + "\n");
catch (Exception exception)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to install AppLovin Quality Service plugin. Root Gradle file write failed.");
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Adds the AppLovin maven repository to the project's settings.gradle file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="settingsGradleFile">The path to the project's settings.gradle file.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if the repository was added successfully.</returns>
protected bool AddAppLovinRepository(string settingsGradleFile)
var lines = File.ReadLines(settingsGradleFile).ToList();
var outputLines = new List<string>();
var mavenRepoAdded = false;
var pluginManagementClosureDepth = 0;
var insidePluginManagementClosure = false;
var pluginManagementMatched = false;
foreach (var line in lines)
if (!pluginManagementMatched && line.Contains(PluginManagementMatcher))
pluginManagementMatched = true;
insidePluginManagementClosure = true;
if (insidePluginManagementClosure)
if (line.Contains("{"))
if (line.Contains("}"))
if (pluginManagementClosureDepth == 0)
insidePluginManagementClosure = false;
if (insidePluginManagementClosure)
if (!mavenRepoAdded && TokenBuildScriptRepositories.IsMatch(line))
mavenRepoAdded = true;
if (!mavenRepoAdded)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to add AppLovin Quality Service plugin maven repo to settings gradle file.");
return false;
File.WriteAllText(settingsGradleFile, string.Join("\n", outputLines.ToArray()) + "\n");
catch (Exception exception)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to install AppLovin Quality Service plugin. Setting Gradle file write failed.");
return false;
return true;
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
/// <summary>
/// Adds the necessary AppLovin Quality Service dependency and maven repo lines to the provided root build.gradle file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootGradleBuildFile">The root build.gradle file path</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if the build script lines were applied correctly.</returns>
protected bool AddQualityServiceBuildScriptLines(string rootGradleBuildFile)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(rootGradleBuildFile).ToList();
var outputLines = GenerateUpdatedBuildFileLines(lines, null, true);
// outputLines will be null if we couldn't add the build script lines.
if (outputLines == null) return false;
File.WriteAllText(rootGradleBuildFile, string.Join("\n", outputLines.ToArray()) + "\n");
catch (Exception exception)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to install AppLovin Quality Service plugin. Root Gradle file write failed.");
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Removes the AppLovin Quality Service Plugin or Legacy SafeDK plugin from the given gradle template file if either of them are present.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gradleTemplateFile">The gradle template file from which to remove the plugin from</param>
protected static void RemoveAppLovinQualityServiceOrSafeDkPlugin(string gradleTemplateFile)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(gradleTemplateFile).ToList();
lines = RemoveLegacySafeDkPlugin(lines);
lines = RemoveAppLovinQualityServicePlugin(lines);
File.WriteAllText(gradleTemplateFile, string.Join("\n", lines.ToArray()) + "\n");
catch (Exception exception)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to remove AppLovin Quality Service Plugin from mainTemplate.gradle. Please remove the Quality Service plugin from the mainTemplate.gradle manually.");
private static AppLovinQualityServiceData RetrieveQualityServiceData(string sdkKey)
var postJson = string.Format("{{\"sdk_key\" : \"{0}\"}}", sdkKey);
var bodyRaw = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postJson);
// Upload handler is automatically disposed when UnityWebRequest is disposed
var uploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(bodyRaw);
uploadHandler.contentType = "application/json";
using (var unityWebRequest = new UnityWebRequest(""))
unityWebRequest.method = UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPOST;
unityWebRequest.uploadHandler = uploadHandler;
unityWebRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer();
var operation = unityWebRequest.SendWebRequest();
// Wait for the download to complete or the request to timeout.
while (!operation.isDone) { }
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
if (unityWebRequest.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
if (unityWebRequest.isNetworkError || unityWebRequest.isHttpError)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to retrieve API Key for SDK Key: " + sdkKey + "with error: " + unityWebRequest.error);
return new AppLovinQualityServiceData();
return JsonUtility.FromJson<AppLovinQualityServiceData>(unityWebRequest.downloadHandler.text);
catch (Exception exception)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to parse API Key." + exception);
return new AppLovinQualityServiceData();
private static List<string> RemoveLegacySafeDkPlugin(List<string> lines)
return RemovePlugin(lines, SafeDkLegacyPlugin, SafeDkLegacyMavenRepo, SafeDkLegacyDependencyClassPath, TokenSafeDkLegacyApplyPlugin);
private static List<string> RemoveAppLovinQualityServicePlugin(List<string> lines)
return RemovePlugin(lines, QualityServicePlugin, QualityServiceMavenRepo, QualityServiceDependencyClassPath, TokenAppLovinPlugin);
private static List<string> RemovePlugin(List<string> lines, string pluginLine, string mavenRepo, string dependencyClassPath, Regex applyPluginToken)
var sanitizedLines = new List<string>();
var legacyRepoRemoved = false;
var legacyDependencyClassPathRemoved = false;
var legacyPluginRemoved = false;
var legacyPluginMatched = false;
var insideLegacySafeDkClosure = false;
foreach (var line in lines)
if (!legacyPluginMatched && line.Contains(pluginLine))
legacyPluginMatched = true;
insideLegacySafeDkClosure = true;
if (insideLegacySafeDkClosure && line.Contains("}"))
insideLegacySafeDkClosure = false;
if (insideLegacySafeDkClosure)
if (!legacyRepoRemoved && line.Contains(mavenRepo))
legacyRepoRemoved = true;
if (!legacyDependencyClassPathRemoved && line.Contains(dependencyClassPath))
legacyDependencyClassPathRemoved = true;
if (!legacyPluginRemoved && applyPluginToken.IsMatch(line))
legacyPluginRemoved = true;
return sanitizedLines;
private static List<string> GenerateUpdatedBuildFileLines(List<string> lines, string apiKey, bool addBuildScriptLines)
var addPlugin = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiKey);
// A sample of the template file.
// ...
// allprojects {
// repositories {**ARTIFACTORYREPOSITORY**
// google()
// jcenter()
// flatDir {
// dirs 'libs'
// }
// }
// }
// apply plugin: ''
// dependencies {
// implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
// **DEPS**}
// ...
var outputLines = new List<string>();
// Check if the plugin exists, if so, update the SDK Key.
var pluginExists = lines.Any(line => TokenAppLovinPlugin.IsMatch(line));
if (pluginExists)
var pluginMatched = false;
var insideAppLovinClosure = false;
var updatedApiKey = false;
var mavenRepoUpdated = false;
var dependencyClassPathUpdated = false;
foreach (var line in lines)
// Bintray maven repo is no longer being used. Update to s3 maven repo with regex check
if (!mavenRepoUpdated && (line.Contains(QualityServiceBintrayMavenRepo) || line.Contains(QualityServiceNoRegexMavenRepo)))
mavenRepoUpdated = true;
// We no longer use version specific dependency class path. Just use + for version to always pull the latest.
if (!dependencyClassPathUpdated && line.Contains(QualityServiceDependencyClassPathV3))
dependencyClassPathUpdated = true;
if (!pluginMatched && line.Contains(QualityServicePlugin))
insideAppLovinClosure = true;
pluginMatched = true;
if (insideAppLovinClosure && line.Contains("}"))
insideAppLovinClosure = false;
// Update the API key.
if (insideAppLovinClosure && !updatedApiKey && TokenApiKey.IsMatch(line))
outputLines.Add(string.Format(QualityServiceApiKey, apiKey));
updatedApiKey = true;
// Keep adding the line until we find and update the plugin.
// Plugin hasn't been added yet, add it.
var buildScriptClosureDepth = 0;
var insideBuildScriptClosure = false;
var buildScriptMatched = false;
var qualityServiceRepositoryAdded = false;
var qualityServiceDependencyClassPathAdded = false;
var qualityServicePluginAdded = false;
foreach (var line in lines)
// Add the line to the output lines.
// Check if we need to add the build script lines and add them.
if (addBuildScriptLines)
if (!buildScriptMatched && line.Contains(BuildScriptMatcher))
buildScriptMatched = true;
insideBuildScriptClosure = true;
// Match the parenthesis to track if we are still inside the buildscript closure.
if (insideBuildScriptClosure)
if (line.Contains("{"))
if (line.Contains("}"))
if (buildScriptClosureDepth == 0)
insideBuildScriptClosure = false;
// There may be multiple buildscript closures and we need to keep looking until we added both the repository and classpath.
buildScriptMatched = qualityServiceRepositoryAdded && qualityServiceDependencyClassPathAdded;
if (insideBuildScriptClosure)
// Add the build script dependency repositories.
if (!qualityServiceRepositoryAdded && TokenBuildScriptRepositories.IsMatch(line))
qualityServiceRepositoryAdded = true;
// Add the build script dependencies.
else if (!qualityServiceDependencyClassPathAdded && TokenBuildScriptDependencies.IsMatch(line))
qualityServiceDependencyClassPathAdded = true;
// Check if we need to add the plugin and add it.
if (addPlugin)
// Add the plugin.
if (!qualityServicePluginAdded && TokenApplicationPlugin.IsMatch(line))
qualityServicePluginAdded = true;
if ((addBuildScriptLines && (!qualityServiceRepositoryAdded || !qualityServiceDependencyClassPathAdded)) || (addPlugin && !qualityServicePluginAdded))
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to add AppLovin Quality Service plugin. Quality Service Plugin Added?: " + qualityServicePluginAdded + ", Quality Service Repo added?: " + qualityServiceRepositoryAdded + ", Quality Service dependency added?: " + qualityServiceDependencyClassPathAdded);
return null;
return outputLines;
public static string GetFormattedBuildScriptLine(string buildScriptLine)
#if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER
return " "
#elif UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
return " "
return " "
+ buildScriptLine;
private static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAppLovinPluginClosure(string apiKey)
// applovin {
// // NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE - this is NOT your AppLovin MAX SDK key - this is a derived key.
// apiKey "456...a1b"
// }
var linesToInject = new List<string>(5);
linesToInject.Add("applovin {");
linesToInject.Add(" // NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE - this is NOT your AppLovin MAX SDK key - this is a derived key.");
linesToInject.Add(string.Format(QualityServiceApiKey, apiKey));
return linesToInject;