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using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
public class MMAim
/// the list of possible control modes .
public enum AimControls { Off, PrimaryMovement, SecondaryMovement, Mouse, Script }
/// the list of possible rotation modes
public enum RotationModes { Free, Strict4Directions, Strict8Directions }
[Header("Control Mode")]
[MMInformation("Pick a control mode : mouse (aims towards the pointer), primary movement (you'll aim towards the current input direction), or secondary movement (aims " +
"towards a second input axis, think twin stick shooters), and set minimum and maximum angles.", MoreMountains.Tools.MMInformationAttribute.InformationType.Info, false)]
/// the aim control mode
public AimControls AimControl = AimControls.SecondaryMovement;
/// the rotation mode
public RotationModes RotationMode = RotationModes.Free;
[Range(-180, 180)]
/// the minimum angle at which the weapon's rotation will be clamped
public float MinimumAngle = -180f;
[Range(-180, 180)]
/// the maximum angle at which the weapon's rotation will be clamped
public float MaximumAngle = 180f;
/// the current angle the weapon is aiming at
public float CurrentAngle;
public Vector3 CurrentPosition { get; set; }
public Vector2 PrimaryMovement { get; set; }
public Vector2 SecondaryMovement { get; set; }
protected float[] _possibleAngleValues;
protected Vector3 _currentAim =;
protected Vector3 _direction;
protected Vector3 _mousePosition;
protected Vector2 _inputSystemMousePosition;
protected Camera _mainCamera;
/// <summary>
/// Grabs the weapon component, initializes the angle values
/// </summary>
public virtual void Initialization()
if (RotationMode == RotationModes.Strict4Directions)
_possibleAngleValues = new float[5];
_possibleAngleValues[0] = -180f;
_possibleAngleValues[1] = -90f;
_possibleAngleValues[2] = 0f;
_possibleAngleValues[3] = 90f;
_possibleAngleValues[4] = 180f;
if (RotationMode == RotationModes.Strict8Directions)
_possibleAngleValues = new float[9];
_possibleAngleValues[0] = -180f;
_possibleAngleValues[1] = -135f;
_possibleAngleValues[2] = -90f;
_possibleAngleValues[3] = -45f;
_possibleAngleValues[4] = 0f;
_possibleAngleValues[5] = 45f;
_possibleAngleValues[6] = 90f;
_possibleAngleValues[7] = 135f;
_possibleAngleValues[8] = 180f;
_mainCamera = Camera.main;
/// <summary>
/// Computes the current aim direction
/// </summary>
public virtual Vector2 GetCurrentAim()
switch (AimControl)
case AimControls.Off:
_currentAim =;
case AimControls.Script:
// in that mode we simply use _currentAim, as set by the SetAim method
case AimControls.PrimaryMovement:
_currentAim = PrimaryMovement;
case AimControls.SecondaryMovement:
_currentAim = SecondaryMovement;
case AimControls.Mouse:
_mousePosition = Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();
_mousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
_mousePosition.z = 10;
_direction = _mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(_mousePosition);
_direction.z = CurrentPosition.z;
_currentAim = _direction - CurrentPosition;
_currentAim =;
// we compute our angle in degrees
CurrentAngle = Mathf.Atan2(_currentAim.y, _currentAim.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
// we clamp our raw angle if needed
if ((CurrentAngle < MinimumAngle) || (CurrentAngle > MaximumAngle))
float minAngleDifference = Mathf.DeltaAngle(CurrentAngle, MinimumAngle);
float maxAngleDifference = Mathf.DeltaAngle(CurrentAngle, MaximumAngle);
CurrentAngle = (Mathf.Abs(minAngleDifference) < Mathf.Abs(maxAngleDifference)) ? MinimumAngle : MaximumAngle;
// we round to the closest angle
if (RotationMode == RotationModes.Strict4Directions || RotationMode == RotationModes.Strict8Directions)
CurrentAngle = MMMaths.RoundToClosest(CurrentAngle, _possibleAngleValues);
// we clamp the final value
CurrentAngle = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentAngle, MinimumAngle, MaximumAngle);
// we return our aim vector
_currentAim = (_currentAim.magnitude == 0f) ? : MMMaths.RotateVector2(Vector2.right, CurrentAngle);
return _currentAim;
/// <summary>
/// Use this method to set the aim when in AimControl mode : Script
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newAim"></param>
public virtual void SetAim(Vector2 newAim)
_currentAim = newAim;