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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Cinemachine;
using MoreMountains.Feedbacks;
using MoreMountains.Tools;
namespace MoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty
/// <summary>
/// Add this to a Cinemachine virtual camera and it'll let you control its near and far clipping planes
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Feedbacks/Shakers/Cinemachine/MMCinemachineClippingPlanesShaker")]
public class MMCinemachineClippingPlanesShaker : MMShaker
[MMInspectorGroup("Clipping Planes", true, 45)]
/// whether or not to add to the initial value
public bool RelativeClippingPlanes = false;
[MMInspectorGroup("Near Plane", true, 46)]
/// the curve used to animate the intensity value on
[Tooltip("the curve used to animate the intensity value on")]
public AnimationCurve ShakeNear = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 1), new Keyframe(1, 0));
/// the value to remap the curve's 0 to
[Tooltip("the value to remap the curve's 0 to")]
public float RemapNearZero = 0.3f;
/// the value to remap the curve's 1 to
[Tooltip("the value to remap the curve's 1 to")]
public float RemapNearOne = 100f;
[MMInspectorGroup("Far Plane", true, 47)]
/// the curve used to animate the intensity value on
[Tooltip("the curve used to animate the intensity value on")]
public AnimationCurve ShakeFar = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 1), new Keyframe(1, 0));
/// the value to remap the curve's 0 to
[Tooltip("the value to remap the curve's 0 to")]
public float RemapFarZero = 1000f;
/// the value to remap the curve's 1 to
[Tooltip("the value to remap the curve's 1 to")]
public float RemapFarOne = 1000f;
protected CinemachineVirtualCamera _targetCamera;
protected float _initialNear;
protected float _initialFar;
protected float _originalShakeDuration;
protected bool _originalRelativeClippingPlanes;
protected AnimationCurve _originalShakeNear;
protected float _originalRemapNearZero;
protected float _originalRemapNearOne;
protected AnimationCurve _originalShakeFar;
protected float _originalRemapFarZero;
protected float _originalRemapFarOne;
/// <summary>
/// On init we initialize our values
/// </summary>
protected override void Initialization()
_targetCamera = this.gameObject.GetComponent<CinemachineVirtualCamera>();
/// <summary>
/// When that shaker gets added, we initialize its shake duration
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Reset()
ShakeDuration = 0.5f;
/// <summary>
/// Shakes values over time
/// </summary>
protected override void Shake()
float newNear = ShakeFloat(ShakeNear, RemapNearZero, RemapNearOne, RelativeClippingPlanes, _initialNear);
_targetCamera.m_Lens.NearClipPlane = newNear;
float newFar = ShakeFloat(ShakeFar, RemapFarZero, RemapFarOne, RelativeClippingPlanes, _initialFar);
_targetCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane = newFar;
/// <summary>
/// Collects initial values on the target
/// </summary>
protected override void GrabInitialValues()
_initialNear = _targetCamera.m_Lens.NearClipPlane;
_initialFar = _targetCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane;
/// <summary>
/// When we get the appropriate event, we trigger a shake
/// </summary>
/// <param name="distortionCurve"></param>
/// <param name="duration"></param>
/// <param name="amplitude"></param>
/// <param name="relativeDistortion"></param>
/// <param name="feedbacksIntensity"></param>
/// <param name="channel"></param>
public virtual void OnMMCameraClippingPlanesShakeEvent(AnimationCurve animNearCurve, float duration, float remapNearMin, float remapNearMax, AnimationCurve animFarCurve, float remapFarMin, float remapFarMax, bool relativeValues = false,
float feedbacksIntensity = 1.0f, MMChannelData channelData = null, bool resetShakerValuesAfterShake = true, bool resetTargetValuesAfterShake = true, bool forwardDirection = true,
TimescaleModes timescaleMode = TimescaleModes.Scaled, bool stop = false, bool restore = false)
if (!CheckEventAllowed(channelData))
if (stop)
if (restore)
if (!Interruptible && Shaking)
_resetShakerValuesAfterShake = resetShakerValuesAfterShake;
_resetTargetValuesAfterShake = resetTargetValuesAfterShake;
if (resetShakerValuesAfterShake)
_originalShakeDuration = ShakeDuration;
_originalShakeNear = ShakeNear;
_originalShakeFar = ShakeFar;
_originalRemapNearZero = RemapNearZero;
_originalRemapNearOne = RemapNearOne;
_originalRemapFarZero = RemapFarZero;
_originalRemapFarOne = RemapFarOne;
_originalRelativeClippingPlanes = RelativeClippingPlanes;
if (!OnlyUseShakerValues)
TimescaleMode = timescaleMode;
ShakeDuration = duration;
ShakeNear = animNearCurve;
RemapNearZero = remapNearMin * feedbacksIntensity;
RemapNearOne = remapNearMax * feedbacksIntensity;
ShakeFar = animFarCurve;
RemapFarZero = remapFarMin * feedbacksIntensity;
RemapFarOne = remapFarMax * feedbacksIntensity;
RelativeClippingPlanes = relativeValues;
ForwardDirection = forwardDirection;
/// <summary>
/// Resets the target's values
/// </summary>
protected override void ResetTargetValues()
_targetCamera.m_Lens.NearClipPlane = _initialNear;
_targetCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane = _initialFar;
/// <summary>
/// Resets the shaker's values
/// </summary>
protected override void ResetShakerValues()
ShakeDuration = _originalShakeDuration;
ShakeNear = _originalShakeNear;
ShakeFar = _originalShakeFar;
RemapNearZero = _originalRemapNearZero;
RemapNearOne = _originalRemapNearOne;
RemapFarZero = _originalRemapFarZero;
RemapFarOne = _originalRemapFarOne;
RelativeClippingPlanes = _originalRelativeClippingPlanes;
/// <summary>
/// Starts listening for events
/// </summary>
public override void StartListening()
/// <summary>
/// Stops listening for events
/// </summary>
public override void StopListening()