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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MoreMountains.Feedbacks;
using MoreMountains.Tools;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace MoreMountains.Feel
/// <summary>
/// A class used to handle Feel's Snake demo's snake "head", the part controlled by the player
/// </summary>
public class Snake : MonoBehaviour
/// the snake's movement speed
public float Speed = 5f;
/// the speed multiplier to apply at most times
public float NormalSpeedMultiplier = 1f;
/// the rate at which speed should vary
public float SpeedChangeRate = 0.2f;
/// the current direction of the snake
public Vector3 Direction = Vector2.right;
/// the speed multiplier to apply to the speed when boosting
public float BoostMultiplier = 2f;
/// the duration of the boost, in seconds
public float BoostDuration = 2f;
/// the prefab to use for body parts
public SnakeBodyPart BodyPartPrefab;
/// the offset to apply between two parts
public int BodyPartsOffset = 7;
/// the maximum amount of body parts for this snake
public int MaxAmountOfBodyParts = 10;
/// the minimum duration, in seconds, between 2 allowed parts losses
public float MinTimeBetweenLostParts = 2f;
/// a Text component on which to display our current score
public Text PointsCounter;
/// a feedback to play when the snake turns
public MMFeedbacks TurnFeedback;
/// a feedback to play when the snake teleports to the other side of the screen
public MMFeedbacks TeleportFeedback;
/// a feedback to play when teleporting once
public MMFeedbacks TeleportOnceFeedback;
/// a feedback to play when eating snake food
public MMFeedbacks EatFeedback;
/// a feedback to play when losing a body part
public MMFeedbacks LoseFeedback;
public int SnakePoints = 0;
public float _speed;
public float _speedMultiplier;
public float _lastFoodEatenAt = -100f;
protected Vector3 _newPosition;
protected MMPositionRecorder _recorder;
public List<SnakeBodyPart> _snakeBodyParts;
protected float _lastLostPart = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// On Awake, we initialize our snake's points, speed, position recorder, and body parts container
/// </summary>
protected void Awake()
_speed = Speed;
SnakePoints = 0;
_recorder = this.gameObject.GetComponent<MMPositionRecorder>();
PointsCounter.text = "0";
_snakeBodyParts = new List<SnakeBodyPart>();
/// <summary>
/// Every frame, we check for input and move our snake's head
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Update()
/// <summary>
/// Every frame, looks for turn input
/// </summary>
protected virtual void HandleInput()
if (FeelDemosInputHelper.CheckMainActionInputPressedThisFrame())
/// <summary>
/// Every frame, moves the snake's head's position
/// </summary>
protected virtual void HandleMovement()
_speedMultiplier = (Time.time - _lastFoodEatenAt < BoostDuration) ? BoostMultiplier : NormalSpeedMultiplier;
_speed = MMMaths.Lerp(_speed, Speed * _speedMultiplier, SpeedChangeRate, Time.deltaTime);
_newPosition = (_speed * Time.deltaTime * Direction);
this.transform.position += _newPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Called when turning, rotates the snake's head, changes its direction, plays a feedback
/// </summary>
public virtual void Turn()
Direction = MMMaths.RotateVector2(Direction, 90f);
this.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0f,0f,90f));
/// <summary>
/// Called by the snake head's MMViewportEdgeTeleporter, defines what happens when the snake is teleported to the other side of the screen
/// </summary>
public virtual void Teleport()
/// <summary>
/// A coroutine used to teleport the snake to the other side of the screen
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual IEnumerator TeleportCo()
yield return MMCoroutine.WaitForFrames(BodyPartsOffset);
int total = _snakeBodyParts.Count;
float feedbacksIntensity = 0f;
float part = 1 / (float)total;
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
yield return MMCoroutine.WaitForFrames(BodyPartsOffset/2);
feedbacksIntensity = 1 - i * part;
TeleportFeedback?.PlayFeedbacks(this.transform.position, feedbacksIntensity);
/// <summary>
/// Called when eating food, triggers visual effects, increases points, plays a feedback
/// </summary>
public virtual void Eat()
PointsCounter.text = SnakePoints.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// A coroutine used to go through every snake body part and trigger its Eat MMFeedbacks
/// </summary>
protected virtual IEnumerator EatCo()
int total = _snakeBodyParts.Count;
float feedbacksIntensity = 0f;
float part = 1 / (float)total;
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
if (i >= _snakeBodyParts.Count)
yield break;
yield return MMCoroutine.WaitForFrames(BodyPartsOffset/2);
feedbacksIntensity = 1 - i * part;
if (i == total - 1)
if ((i < MaxAmountOfBodyParts - 1) && (_snakeBodyParts.Count > i))
if (_snakeBodyParts[i] != null)
/// <summary>
/// When eating food, we instantiate a new body part unless we've reached our limit
/// </summary>
public virtual void EatEffect()
_lastFoodEatenAt = Time.time;
if (SnakePoints < MaxAmountOfBodyParts - 1)
SnakeBodyPart part = Instantiate(BodyPartPrefab);
SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(part.gameObject, this.gameObject.scene);
part.transform.position = this.transform.position;
part.TargetRecorder = _recorder;
part.Offset = ((SnakePoints) * BodyPartsOffset) + BodyPartsOffset + 1;
part.Index = _snakeBodyParts.Count; = "SnakeBodyPart_" + part.Index;
/// <summary>
/// When we lose a body part, we play a feedback, destroy the last part, lose points, and update our points display
/// </summary>
/// <param name="part"></param>
public virtual void Lose(SnakeBodyPart part)
if (Time.time - _lastLostPart < MinTimeBetweenLostParts)
_lastLostPart = Time.time;
PointsCounter.text = SnakePoints.ToString();