You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1001 lines
38 KiB

// UltEvents // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace UltEvents.Editor
/// <summary>[Editor-Only]
/// Manages the construction of menus for selecting methods for <see cref="PersistentCall"/>s.
/// </summary>
internal static class MethodSelectionMenu
#region Fields
/// <summary>
/// The drawer state from when the menu was opened which needs to be restored when a method is selected because
/// menu items are executed after the frame finishes and the drawer state is cleared.
/// </summary>
private static readonly DrawerState
CachedState = new DrawerState();
private static readonly StringBuilder
LabelBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// These fields should really be passed around as parameters, but they make all the method signatures annoyingly long.
private static MethodBase _CurrentMethod;
private static BindingFlags _Bindings;
private static GenericMenu _Menu;
#region Entry Point
/// <summary>Opens the menu near the specified `area`.</summary>
public static void ShowMenu(Rect area)
_CurrentMethod =;
_Bindings = GetBindingFlags();
_Menu = new GenericMenu();
Object[] targetObjects;
var targets = GetObjectReferences(CachedState.TargetProperty, out targetObjects);
// Populate the main contents of the menu.
if (targets == null)
var serializedMethodName = CachedState.MethodNameProperty.stringValue;
Type declaringType;
string methodName;
PersistentCall.GetMethodDetails(serializedMethodName, null, out declaringType, out methodName);
// If we have no target, but do have a type, populate the menu with that type's statics.
if (declaringType != null)
PopulateMenuWithStatics(targetObjects, declaringType);
goto ShowMenu;
else// If we have no type either, pretend the inspected objects are the targets.
targets = targetObjects;
// Ensure that all targets share the same type.
var firstTarget = ValidateTargetsAndGetFirst(targets);
if (firstTarget == null)
targets = targetObjects;
firstTarget = targets[0];
// Add menu items according to the type of the target.
if (firstTarget is GameObject)
PopulateMenuForGameObject("", false, targets);
else if (firstTarget is Component)
private static BindingFlags GetBindingFlags()
var bindings = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
if (BoolPref.ShowNonPublicMethods)
bindings |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
if (BoolPref.ShowStaticMethods)
bindings |= BindingFlags.Static;
return bindings;
private static void AddCoreItems(Object[] targets)
_Menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Null"), _CurrentMethod == null, () =>
if (targets != null)
// For a static method, remove the method name but keep the declaring type.
var methodName = CachedState.MethodNameProperty.stringValue;
var lastDot = methodName.LastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot < 0)
CachedState.MethodNameProperty.stringValue = null;
CachedState.MethodNameProperty.stringValue = methodName.Substring(0, lastDot + 1);
CachedState.PersistentArgumentsProperty.arraySize = 0;
var isStatic = _CurrentMethod != null && _CurrentMethod.IsStatic;
if (targets != null && !isStatic)
_Menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Static Method"), isStatic, () =>
private static Object[] GetObjectReferences(SerializedProperty property, out Object[] targetObjects)
targetObjects = property.serializedObject.targetObjects;
if (property.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
var references = new Object[targetObjects.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < references.Length; i++)
using (var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(targetObjects[i]))
references[i] = serializedObject.FindProperty(property.propertyPath).objectReferenceValue;
return references;
var target = property.objectReferenceValue;
if (target != null)
return new Object[] { target };
return null;
private static Object ValidateTargetsAndGetFirst(Object[] targets)
var firstTarget = targets[0];
if (firstTarget == null)
return null;
var targetType = firstTarget.GetType();
// Make sure all targets have the exact same type.
// Unfortunately supporting inheritance would be more complicated.
var i = 1;
for (; i < targets.Length; i++)
var obj = targets[i];
if (obj == null || obj.GetType() != targetType)
return null;
return firstTarget;
private static T[] GetRelatedObjects<T>(Object[] objects, Func<Object, T> getRelatedObject)
var relatedObjects = new T[objects.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < relatedObjects.Length; i++)
relatedObjects[i] = getRelatedObject(objects[i]);
return relatedObjects;
#region Populate for Objects
private static void PopulateMenuWithStatics(Object[] targets, Type type)
var firstTarget = targets[0];
var component = firstTarget as Component;
if (!ReferenceEquals(component, null))
var gameObjects = GetRelatedObjects(targets, (target) => (target as Component).gameObject);
PopulateMenuForGameObject("", true, gameObjects);
PopulateMenuForObject(firstTarget.GetType().GetNameCS(BoolPref.ShowFullTypeNames) + " ->/", targets);
var bindings = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public;
if (BoolPref.ShowNonPublicMethods)
bindings |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
PopulateMenuWithMembers(type, bindings, "", null);
private static void PopulateMenuForGameObject(string prefix, bool putGameObjectInSubMenu, Object[] targets)
var header = new GUIContent(prefix + "Selected GameObject and its Components");
var gameObjectPrefix = prefix;
if (putGameObjectInSubMenu)
gameObjectPrefix += "GameObject ->/";
PopulateMenuForObject(gameObjectPrefix, targets);
if (!putGameObjectInSubMenu)
var gameObjects = GetRelatedObjects(targets, (target) => target as GameObject);
PopulateMenuForComponents(prefix, gameObjects);
private static void PopulateMenuForComponents(string prefix, GameObject[] gameObjects)
var firstGameObject = gameObjects[0];
var components = firstGameObject.GetComponents<Component>();
for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)
var component = components[i];
var targets = new Object[gameObjects.Length];
targets[0] = component;
Type type;
var typeIndex = GetComponentTypeIndex(component, components, out type);
int minTypeCount;
Component unused;
GetComponent(firstGameObject, type, typeIndex, out minTypeCount, out unused);
var j = 1;
for (; j < gameObjects.Length; j++)
int typeCount;
Component targetComponent;
GetComponent(gameObjects[j], type, typeIndex, out typeCount, out targetComponent);
if (typeCount <= typeIndex)
goto NextComponent;
targets[j] = targetComponent;
if (minTypeCount > typeCount)
minTypeCount = typeCount;
var name = type.GetNameCS(BoolPref.ShowFullTypeNames) + " ->/";
if (minTypeCount > 1)
name = UltEventUtils.GetPlacementName(typeIndex) + " " + name;
PopulateMenuForObject(prefix + name, targets);
private static int GetComponentTypeIndex(Component component, Component[] components, out Type type)
type = component.GetType();
var count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)
var c = components[i];
if (c == component)
else if (c.GetType() == type)
return count;
private static void GetComponent(GameObject gameObject, Type type, int targetIndex, out int numberOfComponentsOfType, out Component targetComponent)
numberOfComponentsOfType = 0;
targetComponent = null;
var components = gameObject.GetComponents(type);
for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)
var component = components[i];
if (component.GetType() == type)
if (numberOfComponentsOfType == targetIndex)
targetComponent = component;
private static void PopulateMenuForComponent(Object[] targets)
var gameObjects = GetRelatedObjects(targets, (target) => (target as Component).gameObject);
PopulateMenuForGameObject("", true, gameObjects);
private static void PopulateMenuForObject(Object[] targets)
PopulateMenuForObject("", targets);
private static void PopulateMenuForObject(string prefix, Object[] targets)
PopulateMenuWithMembers(targets[0].GetType(), _Bindings, prefix, targets);
#region Populate for Types
private static void PopulateMenuWithMembers(Type type, BindingFlags bindings, string prefix, Object[] targets)
var members = GetSortedMembers(type, bindings);
var previousDeclaringType = type;
var firstSeparator = true;
var firstProperty = true;
var firstMethod = true;
var firstBaseType = true;
var nameMatchesNextMethod = false;
var i = 0;
while (i < members.Count)
ParameterInfo[] parameters;
MethodInfo getter;
var member = GetNextSupportedMember(members, ref i, out parameters, out getter);
if (member == null)
if (BoolPref.SubMenuForEachBaseType)
if (firstBaseType && member.DeclaringType != type)
if (firstSeparator)
firstSeparator = false;
var baseTypesOf = "Base Types of " + type.GetNameCS();
if (BoolPref.SubMenuForBaseTypes)
prefix += baseTypesOf + " ->/";
_Menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(prefix + baseTypesOf));
firstProperty = false;
firstMethod = false;
firstBaseType = false;
if (previousDeclaringType != member.DeclaringType)
previousDeclaringType = member.DeclaringType;
firstProperty = true;
firstMethod = true;
firstSeparator = true;
var property = member as PropertyInfo;
if (property != null)
AppendGroupHeader(prefix, "Properties in ", member.DeclaringType, type, ref firstProperty, ref firstSeparator);
AddSelectPropertyItem(prefix, targets, type, property, getter);
var method = member as MethodBase;
if (method != null)
AppendGroupHeader(prefix, "Methods in ", member.DeclaringType, type, ref firstMethod, ref firstSeparator);
// Check if the method name matched the previous or next method to group them.
if (BoolPref.GroupMethodOverloads)
var nameMatchedPreviousMethod = nameMatchesNextMethod;
ParameterInfo[] nextParameters;
MethodInfo nextGetter;
var nextMember = GetNextSupportedMember(members, ref i, out nextParameters, out nextGetter);
nameMatchesNextMethod = nextMember != null && method.Name == nextMember.Name;
if (nameMatchedPreviousMethod || nameMatchesNextMethod)
AddSelectMethodItem(prefix, targets, type, true, method, parameters);
if (i < members.Count)
member = nextMember;
parameters = nextParameters;
getter = nextGetter;
goto GotMember;
// Otherwise just build the label normally.
AddSelectMethodItem(prefix, targets, type, false, method, parameters);
private static void AppendGroupHeader(string prefix, string name, Type declaringType, Type currentType, ref bool firstInGroup, ref bool firstSeparator)
if (firstInGroup)
LabelBuilder.Length = 0;
if (BoolPref.SubMenuForEachBaseType && declaringType != currentType)
AppendDeclaringTypeSubMenu(LabelBuilder, declaringType, currentType);
if (firstSeparator)
firstSeparator = false;
if (BoolPref.SubMenuForEachBaseType)
_Menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(LabelBuilder.ToString()));
firstInGroup = false;
private static void AppendDeclaringTypeSubMenu(StringBuilder text, Type declaringType, Type currentType)
if (BoolPref.SubMenuForEachBaseType)
if (BoolPref.SubMenuForRootBaseType || declaringType != currentType)
text.Append(" ->/");
private static void AddSelectPropertyItem(string prefix, Object[] targets, Type currentType, PropertyInfo property, MethodInfo getter)
var defaultMethod = getter;
MethodInfo setter = null;
if (IsSupported(property.PropertyType))
setter = property.GetSetMethod(true);
if (setter != null)
defaultMethod = setter;
LabelBuilder.Length = 0;
// Declaring Type.
AppendDeclaringTypeSubMenu(LabelBuilder, property.DeclaringType, currentType);
// Non-Public Grouping.
if (BoolPref.GroupNonPublicMethods && !IsPublic(property))
LabelBuilder.Append("Non-Public Properties ->/");
// Property Type and Name.
LabelBuilder.Append(' ');
// Get and Set.
LabelBuilder.Append(" { ");
if (getter != null) LabelBuilder.Append("get; ");
if (setter != null) LabelBuilder.Append("set; ");
var label = LabelBuilder.ToString();
AddSetCallItem(label, defaultMethod, targets);
private static void AddSelectMethodItem(string prefix, Object[] targets, Type currentType, bool methodNameSubMenu,
MethodBase method, ParameterInfo[] parameters)
LabelBuilder.Length = 0;
// Declaring Type.
AppendDeclaringTypeSubMenu(LabelBuilder, method.DeclaringType, currentType);
// Non-Public Grouping.
if (BoolPref.GroupNonPublicMethods && !IsPublic(method))
LabelBuilder.Append("Non-Public Methods ->/");
// Overload Grouping.
if (methodNameSubMenu)
LabelBuilder.Append(method.Name).Append(" ->/");
// Method Signature.
LabelBuilder.Append(GetMethodSignature(method, parameters, true));
var label = LabelBuilder.ToString();
AddSetCallItem(label, method, targets);
private static void AddSetCallItem(string label, MethodBase method, Object[] targets)
new GUIContent(label),
method == _CurrentMethod,
(userData) =>
var i = 0;
CachedState.CallProperty.ModifyValues<PersistentCall>((call) =>
var target = targets != null ? targets[i % targets.Length] : null;
call.SetMethod(method, target);
}, "Set Persistent Call");
#region Member Gathering
private static readonly Dictionary<BindingFlags, Dictionary<Type, List<MemberInfo>>>
MemberCache = new Dictionary<BindingFlags, Dictionary<Type, List<MemberInfo>>>();
internal static void ClearMemberCache()
private static List<MemberInfo> GetSortedMembers(Type type, BindingFlags bindings)
// Get the cache for the specified bindings.
Dictionary<Type, List<MemberInfo>> memberCache;
if (!MemberCache.TryGetValue(bindings, out memberCache))
memberCache = new Dictionary<Type, List<MemberInfo>>();
MemberCache.Add(bindings, memberCache);
// If the members for the specified type aren't cached for those bindings, gather and sort them.
List<MemberInfo> members;
if (!memberCache.TryGetValue(type, out members))
var properties = type.GetProperties(bindings);
var methods = type.GetMethods(bindings);
// When gathering static members, also include instance constructors.
var constructors = ((bindings & BindingFlags.Static) == BindingFlags.Static) ?
type.GetConstructors((bindings & ~BindingFlags.Static) | BindingFlags.Instance) :
var capacity = properties.Length + methods.Length;
if (constructors != null)
capacity += constructors.Length;
members = new List<MemberInfo>(capacity);
if (constructors != null)
// If the bindings include static, add static members from each base type.
if ((bindings & BindingFlags.Static) == BindingFlags.Static && type.BaseType != null)
members.AddRange(GetSortedMembers(type.BaseType, bindings & ~BindingFlags.Instance));
UltEventUtils.StableInsertionSort(members, CompareMembers);
memberCache.Add(type, members);
return members;
private static int CompareMembers(MemberInfo a, MemberInfo b)
if (BoolPref.SubMenuForEachBaseType)
var result = CompareChildBeforeBase(a.DeclaringType, b.DeclaringType);
if (result != 0)
return result;
// Compare types (properties before methods).
if (a is PropertyInfo)
if (!(b is PropertyInfo))
return -1;
if (b is PropertyInfo)
return 1;
// Non-Public Sub-Menu.
if (BoolPref.GroupNonPublicMethods)
if (IsPublic(a))
if (!IsPublic(b))
return -1;
if (IsPublic(b))
return 1;
// Compare names.
return a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name);
private static int CompareChildBeforeBase(Type a, Type b)
if (a == b)
return 0;
while (true)
a = a.BaseType;
if (a == null)
return 1;
if (a == b)
return -1;
private static readonly Dictionary<MemberInfo, bool>
MemberToIsPublic = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, bool>();
private static bool IsPublic(MemberInfo member)
bool isPublic;
if (!MemberToIsPublic.TryGetValue(member, out isPublic))
switch (member.MemberType)
case MemberTypes.Constructor:
case MemberTypes.Method:
isPublic = (member as MethodBase).IsPublic;
case MemberTypes.Property:
isPublic =
(member as PropertyInfo).GetGetMethod() != null ||
(member as PropertyInfo).GetSetMethod() != null;
throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled member type", "member");
MemberToIsPublic.Add(member, isPublic);
return isPublic;
#region Supported Checks
private static bool IsSupported(MethodBase method, out ParameterInfo[] parameters)
if (method.IsGenericMethod ||
(method.IsSpecialName && (!method.IsConstructor || method.IsStatic)) ||
method.Name.Contains("<") ||
method.IsDefined(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true))
parameters = null;
return false;
// Most UnityEngine.Object types shouldn't be constructed directly.
if (method.IsConstructor)
if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(method.DeclaringType) ||
parameters = null;
return false;
parameters = method.GetParameters();
if (!IsSupported(parameters))
return false;
return true;
private static bool IsSupported(PropertyInfo property, out MethodInfo getter)
if (property.IsSpecialName ||
property.IsDefined(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true))// Obsolete.
getter = null;
return false;
getter = property.GetGetMethod(true);
if (getter == null && !IsSupported(property.PropertyType))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the specified `type` can be represented by a <see cref="PersistentArgument"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsSupported(Type type)
if (PersistentCall.IsSupportedNative(type))
return true;
int linkIndex;
PersistentArgumentType linkType;
return DrawerState.Current.TryGetLinkable(type, out linkIndex, out linkType);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the type of each of the `parameters` can be represented by a <see cref="PersistentArgument"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsSupported(ParameterInfo[] parameters)
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
if (!IsSupported(parameters[i].ParameterType))
return false;
return true;
private static MemberInfo GetNextSupportedMember(List<MemberInfo> members, ref int startIndex, out ParameterInfo[] parameters, out MethodInfo getter)
while (startIndex < members.Count)
var member = members[startIndex];
var property = member as PropertyInfo;
if (property != null && IsSupported(property, out getter))
parameters = null;
return member;
var method = member as MethodBase;
if (method != null && IsSupported(method, out parameters))
getter = null;
return member;
parameters = null;
getter = null;
return null;
#region Method Signatures
private static readonly Dictionary<MethodBase, string>
MethodSignaturesWithParameters = new Dictionary<MethodBase, string>(),
MethodSignaturesWithoutParameters = new Dictionary<MethodBase, string>();
private static readonly StringBuilder
MethodSignatureBuilder = new StringBuilder();
public static string GetMethodSignature(MethodBase method, ParameterInfo[] parameters, bool includeParameterNames)
if (method == null)
return null;
var signatureCache = includeParameterNames ? MethodSignaturesWithParameters : MethodSignaturesWithoutParameters;
string signature;
if (!signatureCache.TryGetValue(method, out signature))
signature = BuildAndCacheSignature(method, parameters, includeParameterNames, signatureCache);
return signature;
public static string GetMethodSignature(MethodBase method, bool includeParameterNames)
if (method == null)
return null;
var signatureCache = includeParameterNames ? MethodSignaturesWithParameters : MethodSignaturesWithoutParameters;
string signature;
if (!signatureCache.TryGetValue(method, out signature))
signature = BuildAndCacheSignature(method, method.GetParameters(), includeParameterNames, signatureCache);
return signature;
private static string BuildAndCacheSignature(MethodBase method, ParameterInfo[] parameters, bool includeParameterNames,
Dictionary<MethodBase, string> signatureCache)
MethodSignatureBuilder.Length = 0;
var returnType = method.GetReturnType();
MethodSignatureBuilder.Append(' ');
MethodSignatureBuilder.Append(" (");
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
if (i > 0)
MethodSignatureBuilder.Append(", ");
var parameter = parameters[i];
if (includeParameterNames)
MethodSignatureBuilder.Append(' ');
var signature = MethodSignatureBuilder.ToString();
MethodSignatureBuilder.Length = 0;
signatureCache.Add(method, signature);
return signature;