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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// <summary>
/// Add this class to a GameObject to make it rotate on itself
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Movement/MMAutoRotate")]
public class MMAutoRotate : MonoBehaviour
public enum UpdateModes { Update, LateUpdate, FixedUpdate }
/// whether or not this object should be rotating right now
public bool Rotating = true;
[MMCondition("Rotating", true)]
/// the space to apply the rotation in
public Space RotationSpace = Space.Self;
/// whether movement should happen at Update, FixedUpdate or LateUpdate
public UpdateModes UpdateMode = UpdateModes.Update;
[MMCondition("Rotating", true)]
/// The rotation speed. Positive means clockwise, negative means counter clockwise.
public Vector3 RotationSpeed = new Vector3(100f, 0f, 0f);
/// if this is true, the object will also move around a pivot (only the position is affected, not the rotation)
public bool Orbiting = false;
[MMCondition("Orbiting", true)]
/// if this is true, the orbit plane will rotate along with the parent
public bool AdditiveOrbitRotation = false;
/// the pivot to rotate around (if left blank, will be the object itself
[MMCondition("Orbiting", true)]
public Transform OrbitCenterTransform;
/// the pivot (relative to the object's position in local space) to rotate around
[MMCondition("Orbiting", true)]
public Vector3 OrbitCenterOffset =;
/// the axis around which the object should rotate (don't make it zero)
[MMCondition("Orbiting", true)]
public Vector3 OrbitRotationAxis = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f);
/// the speed at which to rotate
[MMCondition("Orbiting", true)]
public float OrbitRotationSpeed = 10f;
/// the radius at which to orbit
[MMCondition("Orbiting", true)]
public float OrbitRadius = 3f;
/// the speed at which the object catches up when orbit radius or axis changes
[MMCondition("Orbiting", true)]
public float OrbitCorrectionSpeed = 10f;
/// if this is true, will draw gizmos to show the plane, orbit and direction
public bool DrawGizmos = true;
[MMCondition("DrawGizmos", true)]
/// the color of the orbit disc
public Color OrbitPlaneColor = new Color(54f, 169f, 225f, 0.02f);
[MMCondition("DrawGizmos", true)]
/// the color of the orbit line
public Color OrbitLineColor = new Color(225f, 225f, 225f, 0.1f);
public Vector3 _orbitCenter;
public Vector3 _worldRotationAxis;
public Plane _rotationPlane;
public Vector3 _snappedPosition;
public Vector3 _radius;
protected Quaternion _newRotation;
protected Vector3 _desiredOrbitPosition;
private Vector3 _previousPosition;
/// <summary>
/// On start, we initialize our plane
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Start()
_rotationPlane = new Plane();
/// <summary>
/// Makes the object rotate on its center at Update
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Update()
if (UpdateMode == UpdateModes.Update)
/// <summary>
/// Makes the object rotate on its center at FixedUpdate
/// </summary>
protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
if (UpdateMode == UpdateModes.FixedUpdate)
/// <summary>
/// Makes the object rotate on its center at LateUpdate
/// </summary>
protected virtual void LateUpdate()
if (UpdateMode == UpdateModes.LateUpdate)
/// <summary>
/// Sets Rotating to true or false
/// </summary>
/// <param name="status"></param>
public virtual void Rotate(bool status)
Rotating = status;
/// <summary>
/// Sets Orbiting to true or false
/// </summary>
/// <param name="status"></param>
public virtual void Orbit(bool status)
Orbiting = status;
/// <summary>
/// Rotates the object
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Rotate()
if (Rotating)
transform.Rotate(RotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, RotationSpace);
if (Orbiting)
_orbitCenter = OrbitCenterTransform.transform.position + OrbitCenterOffset;
if (AdditiveOrbitRotation)
_worldRotationAxis = OrbitCenterTransform.TransformDirection(OrbitRotationAxis);
_worldRotationAxis = OrbitRotationAxis;
_rotationPlane.SetNormalAndPosition(_worldRotationAxis.normalized, _orbitCenter);
_snappedPosition = _rotationPlane.ClosestPointOnPlane(this.transform.position);
_radius = OrbitRadius * Vector3.Normalize(_snappedPosition - _orbitCenter);
_newRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(OrbitRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, _worldRotationAxis);
_desiredOrbitPosition = _orbitCenter + _newRotation * _radius;
this.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(this.transform.position, _desiredOrbitPosition, OrbitCorrectionSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
_previousPosition = _desiredOrbitPosition;