857 lines
27 KiB
857 lines
27 KiB
namespace GleyMobileAds
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using System.Linq;
using AudienceNetwork;
public class CustomFacebook : MonoBehaviour, ICustomAds
private const float reloadTime = 30;
private const int maxRetryCount = 10;
private AdView bannerAd;
private InterstitialAd interstitialAd;
private RewardedVideoAd rewardedVideoAd;
private UnityAction<bool, BannerPosition, BannerType> DisplayResult;
private UnityAction OnInterstitialClosed;
private UnityAction<string> OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser;
private UnityAction<bool> OnCompleteMethod;
private UnityAction<bool, string> OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser;
private BannerPosition position;
private BannerType bannerType;
private string bannerId;
private string interstitialId;
private string rewardedVideoId;
private int currentRetryInterstitial;
private int currentRetryRewardedVideo;
private bool debug;
private bool initialized;
private bool directedForChildren;
private bool interstitialIsLoaded;
private bool bannerUsed;
private bool rewardedVideoisLoaded;
private bool triggerCompleteMethod;
private bool interstitialDidClose;
private bool rewardedVideoDidClose;
/// <summary>
/// Initializing Audience Network
/// </summary>
/// <param name="consent"></param>
/// <param name="platformSettings">contains all required settings for this publisher</param>
public void InitializeAds(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent, List<PlatformSettings> platformSettings)
debug = Advertisements.Instance.debug;
if (initialized == false)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Start Initialization");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Start Initialization");
//get settings
PlatformSettings settings = platformSettings.First(cond => cond.platform == SupportedPlatforms.Android);
PlatformSettings settings = platformSettings.First(cond => cond.platform == SupportedPlatforms.iOS);
if(consent == UserConsent.Accept|| consent == UserConsent.Unset)
//apply settings
interstitialId = settings.idInterstitial.id;
bannerId = settings.idBanner.id;
rewardedVideoId = settings.idRewarded.id;
directedForChildren = settings.directedForChildren;
//verify settings
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " Banner ID: " + bannerId);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Banner ID: " + bannerId);
Debug.Log(this + " Interstitial ID: " + interstitialId);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Interstitial ID: " + interstitialId);
Debug.Log(this + " Rewarded Video ID: " + rewardedVideoId);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Rewarded Video ID: " + rewardedVideoId);
Debug.Log(this + " Directed for children: " + directedForChildren);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Directed for children: " + directedForChildren);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(interstitialId))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rewardedVideoId))
initialized = true;
/// <summary>
/// This is not required for Facebook, Facebook consent is set using the Facebook app.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="consent"></param>
public void UpdateConsent(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent)
if (consent == UserConsent.Accept || consent == UserConsent.Unset)
#region Interface Implementation - Banner
/// <summary>
/// Check if Facebook banner is available
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if a banner is available</returns>
public bool IsBannerAvailable()
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Show Facebook banner
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position"> can be TOP or BOTTOM</param>
/// /// <param name="bannerType"> can be Banner or SmartBanner</param>
public void ShowBanner(BannerPosition position, BannerType bannerType, UnityAction<bool, BannerPosition, BannerType> DisplayResult)
this.position = position;
this.bannerType = bannerType;
bannerUsed = true;
this.DisplayResult = DisplayResult;
/// <summary>
/// Hides Facebook banner
/// </summary>
public void HideBanner()
if (bannerAd)
/// <summary>
/// Used for mediation purpose
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if current banner failed to load</returns>
public bool BannerAlreadyUsed()
return bannerUsed;
/// <summary>
/// Used for mediation purpose
/// </summary>
public void ResetBannerUsage()
bannerUsed = false;
#region Interface Implementation - Interstitial
/// <summary>
/// Check if Facebook interstitial is available
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if an interstitial is available</returns>
public bool IsInterstitialAvailable()
return interstitialIsLoaded;
/// <summary>
/// Show Facebook interstitial
/// </summary>
/// <param name="InterstitialClosed">callback called when user closes interstitial</param>
public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed)
if (IsInterstitialAvailable())
OnInterstitialClosed = InterstitialClosed;
interstitialIsLoaded = false;
/// <summary>
/// Show Facebook interstitial
/// </summary>
/// <param name="InterstitialClosed">callback called when user closes interstitial</param>
public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction<string> InterstitialClosed)
if (IsInterstitialAvailable())
OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser = InterstitialClosed;
#region Interface Implementation - Rewarded Video
/// <summary>
/// Check if Facebook rewarded video is available
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if a rewarded video is available</returns>
public bool IsRewardVideoAvailable()
return rewardedVideoisLoaded;
/// <summary>
/// Show Facebook rewarded video
/// </summary>
/// <param name="CompleteMethod">callback called when user closes the rewarded video -> if true video was not skipped</param>
public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction<bool> CompleteMethod)
if (IsRewardVideoAvailable())
rewardedVideoisLoaded = false;
triggerCompleteMethod = true;
OnCompleteMethod = CompleteMethod;
/// <summary>
/// Show Facebook rewarded video
/// </summary>
/// <param name="CompleteMethod">callback called when user closes the rewarded video -> if true video was not skipped. Also returns the ad provider</param>
public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction<bool, string> CompleteMethod)
rewardedVideoisLoaded = false;
triggerCompleteMethod = true;
OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = CompleteMethod;
#region Banner Implementation
/// <summary>
/// Load a Facebook banner and ads the required listeners
/// </summary>
public void LoadBanner()
if (bannerAd)
AdSize bannerSize;
if (bannerType == BannerType.Banner)
bannerSize = AdSize.BANNER_HEIGHT_50;
bannerSize = AdSize.BANNER_HEIGHT_50;
bannerAd = new AdView(bannerId, bannerSize);
// Set delegates to get notified on changes or when the user interacts with the ad.
bannerAd.AdViewDidLoad += BannerLoadSucces;
bannerAd.AdViewDidFailWithError = BannerLoadFailed;
bannerAd.AdViewWillLogImpression = BannerAdWillLogImpression;
bannerAd.AdViewDidClick = BannerAdDidClick;
// Initiate a request to load an ad.
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when a Facebook banner is clicked
/// </summary>
private void BannerAdDidClick()
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Banner ad clicked.");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Banner ad clicked.");
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when a Facebook banner is displayed
/// </summary>
private void BannerAdWillLogImpression()
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Banner ad logged impression.");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Banner ad logged impression.");
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when banner failed to load
/// </summary>
/// <param name="error">the reason for fail</param>
private void BannerLoadFailed(string error)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Banner Failed To Load " + error);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Banner Failed To Load " + error);
if (DisplayResult != null)
DisplayResult(false, position, bannerType);
DisplayResult = null;
/// <summary>
/// Banner loaded and it will be displayed on screen
/// </summary>
private void BannerLoadSucces()
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Banner Loaded");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Banner Loaded");
if (position == BannerPosition.BOTTOM)
if (DisplayResult != null)
DisplayResult(true, position, bannerType);
DisplayResult = null;
#region Interstitial Implementation
/// <summary>
/// Loads a Facebook interstitial and ads the required listeners
/// </summary>
private void LoadInterstitial()
if (interstitialAd != null)
interstitialIsLoaded = false;
interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(interstitialId);
interstitialAd.InterstitialAdDidLoad += InterstitialLoaded;
interstitialAd.InterstitialAdDidFailWithError += InterstitialFailed;
interstitialAd.InterstitialAdWillLogImpression += InterstitialAdWillLogImpression;
interstitialAd.InterstitialAdDidClick += InterstitialAdDidClick;
interstitialAd.InterstitialAdDidClose += InterstitialClosed;
* Only relevant to Android.
* This callback will only be triggered if the Interstitial activity has
* been destroyed without being properly closed. This can happen if an
* app with launchMode:singleTask (such as a Unity game) goes to
* background and is then relaunched by tapping the icon.
interstitialAd.interstitialAdActivityDestroyed = delegate ()
if (!interstitialDidClose)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Interstitial activity destroyed without being closed first.");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Interstitial activity destroyed without being closed first.");
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when an interstitial is clicked
/// </summary>
private void InterstitialAdDidClick()
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Interstitial ad clicked.");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Interstitial ad clicked.");
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when an interstitial is displayed
/// </summary>
private void InterstitialAdWillLogImpression()
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Interstitial ad logged impression.");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Interstitial ad logged impression.");
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when an interstitial is closed and loads another one
/// </summary>
private void InterstitialClosed()
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Reload Interstitial");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Reload Interstitial");
interstitialDidClose = true;
if (interstitialAd != null)
//reload interstitial
//trigger complete event
/// <summary>
/// Triggers the corresponding complete method
/// </summary>
private void CompleteMethodInterstitial()
if (OnInterstitialClosed != null)
OnInterstitialClosed = null;
if (OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser != null)
OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser = null;
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when interstitial failed to load. Reloads another one after the reload time passes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="error">the fail reason</param>
private void InterstitialFailed(string error)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Interstitial Failed To Load: " + error);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Interstitial Failed To Load " + error);
//try again to load a rewarded video
if (currentRetryInterstitial < maxRetryCount)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "RETRY " + currentRetryInterstitial);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "RETRY " + currentRetryInterstitial);
Invoke("LoadInterstitial", reloadTime);
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when an interstitial is loaded and ready to be shown
/// </summary>
private void InterstitialLoaded()
if (interstitialAd.IsValid())
interstitialIsLoaded = true;
interstitialDidClose = false;
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Interstitial Loaded");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Interstitial Loaded");
currentRetryInterstitial = 0;
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Interstitial Loaded but is invalid");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Interstitial Loaded but is invalid");
//try again to load an interstitial video
if (currentRetryInterstitial < maxRetryCount)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "RETRY " + currentRetryInterstitial);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "RETRY " + currentRetryInterstitial);
Invoke("LoadInterstitial", reloadTime);
#region Rewarded Video
/// <summary>
/// Load a Facebook rewarded video and add the required listeners
/// </summary>
private void LoadRewardedVideo()
if (rewardedVideoAd != null)
rewardedVideoAd = new RewardedVideoAd(rewardedVideoId);
rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidLoad += RewardedVideoLoaded;
rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidFailWithError += RewardedVideoFailed;
rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdWillLogImpression += RewardedVideoAdWillLogImpression;
rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidClick += RewardedVideoAdDidClick;
rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdComplete += RewardedVideoWatched;
rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidClose += RewardedVideoAdClosed;
* Only relevant to Android.
* This callback will only be triggered if the Rewarded Video activity
* has been destroyed without being properly closed. This can happen if
* an app with launchMode:singleTask (such as a Unity game) goes to
* background and is then relaunched by tapping the icon.
rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdActivityDestroyed = delegate ()
if (!rewardedVideoDidClose)
Debug.Log("Rewarded video activity destroyed without being closed first.");
Debug.Log("Game should resume. User should not get a reward.");
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when the rewarded video is closed. Load a new one
/// </summary>
private void RewardedVideoAdClosed()
rewardedVideoDidClose = true;
if (rewardedVideoAd != null)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "OnAdClosed");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "OnAdClosed");
//if complete method was not already triggered, trigger complete method with ad skipped param
if (triggerCompleteMethod == true)
/// <summary>
/// Triggered is the rewarded video was fully watched
/// </summary>
private void RewardedVideoWatched()
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Rewarded Video Watched");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Rewarded Video Watched");
triggerCompleteMethod = false;
/// <summary>
/// Trigger the required complete method
/// </summary>
/// <param name="val"></param>
private void CompleteMethodRewardedVideo(bool val)
if (OnCompleteMethod != null)
OnCompleteMethod = null;
if (OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser != null)
OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser(val, SupportedAdvertisers.Facebook.ToString());
OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = null;
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when rewarded video is clicked
/// </summary>
private void RewardedVideoAdDidClick()
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Rewarded video ad clicked.");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Rewarded video ad clicked.");
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when rewarded video is shown
/// </summary>
private void RewardedVideoAdWillLogImpression()
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Rewarded video ad logged impression.");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Rewarded video ad logged impression.");
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when rewarded video failed to load. Try to load a new one after reload time
/// </summary>
/// <param name="error">the fail reason</param>
private void RewardedVideoFailed(string error)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Rewarded Video Failed To Load: " + error);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Rewarded Video Failed To Load " + error);
//try again to load a rewarded video
if (currentRetryRewardedVideo < maxRetryCount)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "RETRY " + currentRetryRewardedVideo);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "RETRY " + currentRetryRewardedVideo);
Invoke("LoadRewardedVideo", reloadTime);
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when rewarded video was loaded and is ready to show
/// </summary>
private void RewardedVideoLoaded()
if (rewardedVideoAd.IsValid())
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Rewarded Video Loaded");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Rewarded Video Loaded");
rewardedVideoisLoaded = true;
rewardedVideoDidClose = false;
currentRetryRewardedVideo = 0;
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "Rewarded Video Loaded but is invalid");
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Rewarded Video Loaded but is invalid");
//try again to load a rewarded video
if (currentRetryRewardedVideo < maxRetryCount)
if (debug)
Debug.Log(this + " " + "RETRY " + currentRetryRewardedVideo);
ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "RETRY " + currentRetryRewardedVideo);
Invoke("LoadRewardedVideo", reloadTime);
private void OnApplicationFocus(bool focus)
if (focus == true)
if (IsInterstitialAvailable() == false)
if (currentRetryInterstitial == maxRetryCount)
if (IsRewardVideoAvailable() == false)
if (currentRetryRewardedVideo == maxRetryCount)
public bool BannerAlreadyUsed()
return false;
public void HideBanner()
public void InitializeAds(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent, List<PlatformSettings> platformSettings)
public bool IsBannerAvailable()
return false;
public bool IsInterstitialAvailable()
return false;
public bool IsRewardVideoAvailable()
return false;
public void ResetBannerUsage()
public void ShowBanner(BannerPosition position, BannerType bannerType, UnityAction<bool, BannerPosition, BannerType> DisplayResult)
public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed)
public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction<string> InterstitialClosed)
public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction<bool> CompleteMethod)
public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction<bool, string> CompleteMethod)
public void UpdateConsent(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent)
} |