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// Animancer // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
namespace Animancer
/// <summary>Plays a single <see cref="AnimationClip"/> on startup.</summary>
[AddComponentMenu(Strings.MenuPrefix + "Solo Animation")]
[HelpURL(Strings.APIDocumentationURL + "/SoloAnimation")]
[DefaultExecutionOrder(-5000)]// Initialise before anything else tries to use this component.
public sealed class SoloAnimation : MonoBehaviour, IAnimationClipSource
#region Fields and Properties
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The Animator component which this script controls")]
private Animator _Animator;
/// <summary>[<see cref="SerializeField"/>]
/// The <see cref="UnityEngine.Animator"/> component which this script controls.
/// <para></para>
/// If you need to set this value at runtime you are likely better off using a proper
/// <see cref="AnimancerComponent"/>.
/// </summary>
public Animator Animator
get { return _Animator; }
_Animator = value;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The AnimationClip which will be played by OnEnable")]
private AnimationClip _Clip;
/// <summary>[<see cref="SerializeField"/>]
/// The <see cref="AnimationClip"/> which will be played by <see cref="OnEnable"/>.
/// <para></para>
/// If you need to set this value at runtime you are likely better off using a proper
/// <see cref="AnimancerComponent"/>.
/// </summary>
public AnimationClip Clip
get { return _Clip; }
_Clip = value;
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
/// <summary>
/// If true, disabling this object will stop and rewind the animation. Otherwise it will simply be paused
/// and will resume from its current state when it is re-enabled.
/// <para></para>
/// The default value is true.
/// <para></para>
/// This property wraps <see cref="Animator.keepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable"/> and inverts its value.
/// The value is serialized by the <see cref="UnityEngine.Animator"/>.
/// <para></para>
/// It requires Unity 2018.1 or newer.
/// </summary>
public bool StopOnDisable
get { return !_Animator.keepAnimatorStateOnDisable; }
set { _Animator.keepAnimatorStateOnDisable = !value; }
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="PlayableGraph"/> being used to play the <see cref="Clip"/>.
/// </summary>
private PlayableGraph _Graph;
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="AnimationClipPlayable"/> being used to play the <see cref="Clip"/>.
/// </summary>
private AnimationClipPlayable _Playable;
private bool _IsPlaying;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether the animation is playing (true) or paused (false).
/// </summary>
public bool IsPlaying
get { return _IsPlaying; }
_IsPlaying = value;
if (!IsInitialised)
if (value)
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The speed at which the animation plays (default 1)")]
private float _Speed = 1;
/// <summary>[<see cref="SerializeField"/>]
/// The speed at which the animation is playing (default 1).
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if this component is not yet <see cref="Awake"/>.</exception>
public float Speed
get { return _Speed; }
_Speed = value;
IsPlaying = value != 0;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Determines whether Foot IK will be applied to the model (if it is Humanoid)")]
private bool _FootIK;
/// <summary>[<see cref="SerializeField"/>]
/// Determines whether Foot IK will be applied to the model (if it is Humanoid).
/// <para></para>
/// The developers of Unity have states that they believe it looks better with this enabled, but more often
/// than not it just makes the legs end up in a slightly different pose to what the animator intended.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if this component is not yet <see cref="Awake"/>.</exception>
public bool FootIK
get { return _FootIK; }
_FootIK = value;
/// <summary>
/// The number of seconds that have passed since the start of the animation.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if this component is not yet <see cref="Awake"/>.</exception>
public float Time
get { return (float)_Playable.GetTime(); }
// We need to call SetTime twice to ensure that animation events aren't triggered incorrectly.
IsPlaying = true;
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="Time"/> of this state as a portion of the <see cref="AnimationClip.length"/>, meaning the
/// value goes from 0 to 1 as it plays from start to end, regardless of how long that actually takes.
/// <para></para>
/// This value will continue increasing after the animation passes the end of its length and it will either
/// freeze in place or start again from the beginning according to whether it is looping or not.
/// <para></para>
/// The fractional part of the value (<c>NormalizedTime % 1</c>) is the percentage (0-1) of progress in the
/// current loop while the integer part (<c>(int)NormalizedTime</c>) is the number of times the animation has
/// been looped.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if this component is not yet <see cref="Awake"/>.</exception>
public float NormalizedTime
get { return Time / _Clip.length; }
set { Time = value * _Clip.length; }
/// <summary>Indicates whether the <see cref="PlayableGraph"/> is valid.</summary>
public bool IsInitialised { get { return _Graph.IsValid(); } }
/// <summary>[Editor-Only]
/// Called by the Unity Editor when this component is first added (in Edit Mode) and whenever the Reset command
/// is executed from its context menu.
/// <para></para>
/// Tries to find an <see cref="UnityEngine.Animator"/> component on this <see cref="GameObject"/> or its
/// children or parents (in that order).
/// </summary>
private void Reset()
_Animator = Editor.AnimancerEditorUtilities.GetComponentInHierarchy<Animator>(gameObject);
/// <summary>[Editor-Only]
/// Called by the Unity Editor in Edit Mode whenever an instance of this script is loaded or a value is changed
/// in the Inspector.
/// <para></para>
/// Tries to find an <see cref="UnityEngine.Animator"/> component on this <see cref="GameObject"/> or its
/// parents or children (in that order).
/// </summary>
private void OnValidate()
if (IsInitialised)
Speed = Speed;
FootIK = FootIK;
/// <summary>
/// Called by Unity when this component is first created.
/// <para></para>
/// Initialises everything needed to play the <see cref="Clip"/>.
/// </summary>
private void Awake()
if (_Clip == null || _Animator == null)
if (_Graph.IsValid())
_Playable = AnimationPlayableUtilities.PlayClip(_Animator, _Clip, out _Graph);
if (!_FootIK)
if (!_Clip.isLooping)
/// <summary>
/// Called by Unity when this component becomes enabled and active.
/// <para></para>
/// Plays the <see cref="Clip"/> on the target <see cref="Animator"/>.
/// </summary>
private void OnEnable()
IsPlaying = true;
/// <summary>
/// Called by Unity every frame while this component is enabled and active.
/// <para></para>
/// Checks if the animation is done so it can pause the <see cref="PlayableGraph"/> to improve performance.
/// </summary>
private void Update()
if (!IsPlaying)
if (_Graph.IsDone())
IsPlaying = false;
else if (_Speed < 0 && Time <= 0)
IsPlaying = false;
Time = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Called by Unity when this component becomes disabled or inactive.
/// <para></para>
/// Ensures that the <see cref="_Graph"/> is properly cleaned up.
/// </summary>
private void OnDisable()
IsPlaying = false;
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
if (_Animator.keepAnimatorStateOnDisable)
if (IsInitialised)
// We need to call SetTime twice to ensure that animation events aren't triggered incorrectly.
/// <summary>
/// Called by Unity when this component is destroyed.
/// <para></para>
/// Ensures that the <see cref="PlayableGraph"/> is properly cleaned up.
/// </summary>
private void OnDestroy()
if (IsInitialised)
/// <summary>[Editor-Only]
/// Ensures that the <see cref="PlayableGraph"/> is destroyed.
/// </summary>
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.delayCall += OnDestroy;
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimationClipSource"/>]
/// Adds the <see cref="Clip"/> to the list.
/// </summary>
public void GetAnimationClips(List<AnimationClip> clips)
if (_Clip != null)
namespace Animancer.Editor
[UnityEditor.CustomEditor(typeof(SoloAnimation)), UnityEditor.CanEditMultipleObjects]
internal sealed class SoloAnimationEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
/// <summary>The animator referenced by each target.</summary>
private Animator[] _Animators;
/// <summary>A <see cref="UnityEditor.SerializedObject"/> encapsulating the <see cref="_Animators"/>.</summary>
private UnityEditor.SerializedObject _SerializedAnimator;
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
/// <summary>The <see cref="Animator.keepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable"/> property.</summary>
private UnityEditor.SerializedProperty _KeepStateOnDisable;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
/// <summary>
/// Draws the target's serialized fields.
/// </summary>
private void DoSerializedFieldsGUI()
var property = serializedObject.GetIterator();
if ( != "m_Script")
UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, true);
while (property.NextVisible(false))
UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, true);
private void RefreshSerializedAnimator()
var targets = this.targets;
if (_Animators == null || _Animators.Length != targets.Length)
_Animators = new Animator[targets.Length];
var dirty = false;
var hasAll = true;
for (int i = 0; i < _Animators.Length; i++)
var animator = (targets[i] as SoloAnimation).Animator;
if (_Animators[i] != animator)
_Animators[i] = animator;
dirty = true;
if (animator == null)
hasAll = false;
if (!dirty)
if (!hasAll)
_SerializedAnimator = new UnityEditor.SerializedObject(_Animators);
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
_KeepStateOnDisable = _SerializedAnimator.FindProperty("m_KeepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable");
/// <summary>
/// Draws a toggle inverted from the <see cref="Animator.keepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable"/> field.
/// </summary>
private void DoStopOnDisableGUI()
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
var area = AnimancerGUI.LayoutSingleLineRect();
var label = AnimancerGUI.TempContent("Stop On Disable",
"If true, disabling this object will stop and rewind all animations." +
" Otherwise they will simply be paused and will resume from their current states when it is re-enabled.");
if (_KeepStateOnDisable != null)
label = UnityEditor.EditorGUI.BeginProperty(area, label, _KeepStateOnDisable);
_KeepStateOnDisable.boolValue = !UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Toggle(area, label, !_KeepStateOnDisable.boolValue);
var enabled = GUI.enabled;
GUI.enabled = false;
UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Toggle(area, label, false);
GUI.enabled = enabled;
/// <summary>Draws the target's runtime details.</summary>
private void DoRuntimeDetailsGUI()
if (!UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode ||
targets.Length != 1)
var target = (SoloAnimation);
if (!target.IsInitialised)
GUILayout.Label("Not Initialised");
var isPlaying = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Playing", target.IsPlaying);
if (UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
target.IsPlaying = isPlaying;
var time = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Time", target.Time);
if (UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
target.Time = time;
time = target.NormalizedTime.Wrap01();
if (time == 0 && target.Time != 0)
time = 1;
time = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Slider("Normalized Time", time, 0, 1);
if (UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
target.NormalizedTime = time;
private void OnDisable()
if (_SerializedAnimator != null)
_SerializedAnimator = null;
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
_KeepStateOnDisable = null;