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CrowdControl/Assets/Plugins/Animancer/Internal/Editor Utilities/AnimancerEditorUtilities.cs

499 lines
21 KiB

// Animancer // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace Animancer.Editor
/// <summary>[Editor-Only] Various utilities used throughout Animancer.</summary>
public static partial class AnimancerEditorUtilities
#region Misc
/// <summary>
/// Tries to find a <typeparamref name="T"/> component on the `gameObject` or its parents or children (in that
/// order).
/// </summary>
public static T GetComponentInHierarchy<T>(GameObject gameObject) where T : class
var component = gameObject.GetComponentInParent<T>();
if (component != null)
return component;
return gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<T>();
/// <summary>Assets cannot reference scene objects.</summary>
public static bool ShouldAllowReference(Object obj, Object reference)
return obj == null || reference == null ||
!EditorUtility.IsPersistent(obj) ||
/// <summary>Wraps <see cref="UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.GetIsInspectorExpanded"/>.</summary>
public static bool GetIsInspectorExpanded(Object obj)
return UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.GetIsInspectorExpanded(obj);
/// <summary>Wraps <see cref="UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.SetIsInspectorExpanded"/>.</summary>
public static void SetIsInspectorExpanded(Object obj, bool isExpanded)
UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.SetIsInspectorExpanded(obj, isExpanded);
/// <summary>Calls <see cref="SetIsInspectorExpanded(Object, bool)"/> on all `objects`.</summary>
public static void SetIsInspectorExpanded(Object[] objects, bool isExpanded)
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
SetIsInspectorExpanded(objects[i], isExpanded);
private static Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, MethodInfo>> _TypeToMethodNameToMethod;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to find a method with the specified name on the `target` object and invoke it.
/// </summary>
public static object Invoke(object target, string methodName)
return Invoke(target.GetType(), target, methodName);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to find a method with the specified name on the `target` object and invoke it.
/// </summary>
public static object Invoke(Type type, object target, string methodName)
if (_TypeToMethodNameToMethod == null)
_TypeToMethodNameToMethod = new Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, MethodInfo>>();
Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> nameToMethod;
if (!_TypeToMethodNameToMethod.TryGetValue(type, out nameToMethod))
nameToMethod = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo>();
_TypeToMethodNameToMethod.Add(type, nameToMethod);
MethodInfo method;
if (!nameToMethod.TryGetValue(methodName, out method))
method = type.GetMethod(methodName,
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
nameToMethod.Add(methodName, method);
if (method == null)
RegisterNonCriticalMissingMember(type.FullName, methodName);
if (method != null)
return method.Invoke(target, null);
return null;
private static List<Action<StringBuilder>> _NonCriticalIssues;
/// <summary>
/// Registers a delegate that can construct a description of an issue at a later time so that it doesn't waste
/// the user's time on unimportant issues.
/// </summary>
public static void RegisterNonCriticalIssue(Action<StringBuilder> describeIssue)
if (_NonCriticalIssues == null)
_NonCriticalIssues = new List<Action<StringBuilder>>();
/// <summary>
/// Calls <see cref="RegisterNonCriticalIssue"/> with an issue indicating that a particular type was not
/// found by reflection.
/// </summary>
public static void RegisterNonCriticalMissingType(string type)
RegisterNonCriticalIssue((text) => text
.Append("[Reflection] Unable to find type '")
/// <summary>
/// Calls <see cref="RegisterNonCriticalIssue"/> with an issue indicating that a particular member was not
/// found by reflection.
/// </summary>
public static void RegisterNonCriticalMissingMember(string type, string name)
RegisterNonCriticalIssue((text) => text
.Append("[Reflection] Unable to find member '")
.Append("' in type '")
/// <summary>
/// Appends all issues given to <see cref="RegisterNonCriticalIssue"/> to the `text`.
/// </summary>
public static void AppendNonCriticalIssues(StringBuilder text)
if (_NonCriticalIssues == null)
text.Append("\n\nThe following non-critical issues have also been found" +
" (in Animancer generally, not specifically this object):\n\n");
for (int i = 0; i < _NonCriticalIssues.Count; i++)
text.Append(" - ");
/// <summary>Gets the value of the `parameter` in the `animator`.</summary>
public static object GetParameterValue(Animator animator, AnimatorControllerParameter parameter)
switch (parameter.type)
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Float:
return animator.GetFloat(parameter.nameHash);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Int:
return animator.GetInteger(parameter.nameHash);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Bool:
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Trigger:
return animator.GetBool(parameter.nameHash);
throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled AnimatorControllerParameterType: " + parameter.type);
/// <summary>Gets the value of the `parameter` in the `playable`.</summary>
public static object GetParameterValue(AnimatorControllerPlayable playable, AnimatorControllerParameter parameter)
switch (parameter.type)
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Float:
return playable.GetFloat(parameter.nameHash);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Int:
return playable.GetInteger(parameter.nameHash);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Bool:
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Trigger:
return playable.GetBool(parameter.nameHash);
throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled AnimatorControllerParameterType: " + parameter.type);
/// <summary>Sets the value of the `parameter` in the `animator`.</summary>
public static void SetParameterValue(Animator animator, AnimatorControllerParameter parameter, object value)
switch (parameter.type)
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Float:
animator.SetFloat(parameter.nameHash, (float)value);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Int:
animator.SetInteger(parameter.nameHash, (int)value);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Bool:
animator.SetBool(parameter.nameHash, (bool)value);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Trigger:
if ((bool)value)
throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled AnimatorControllerParameterType: " + parameter.type);
/// <summary>Sets the value of the `parameter` in the `playable`.</summary>
public static void SetParameterValue(AnimatorControllerPlayable playable, AnimatorControllerParameter parameter, object value)
switch (parameter.type)
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Float:
playable.SetFloat(parameter.nameHash, (float)value);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Int:
playable.SetInteger(parameter.nameHash, (int)value);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Bool:
playable.SetBool(parameter.nameHash, (bool)value);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Trigger:
if ((bool)value)
throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled AnimatorControllerParameterType: " + parameter.type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the `node` is not null and <see cref="AnimancerNode.IsValid"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Normally a method can't have the same name as a property, but an extension method can.
/// </remarks>
public static bool IsValid(this AnimancerNode node)
return node != null && node.IsValid;
/// <summary>
/// Waits one frame to call the `method` as long as Unity is currently in Edit Mode.
/// </summary>
public static void EditModeDelayCall(Action method)
// Would be better to check this before the delayCall, but it only works on the main thread.
EditorApplication.delayCall += () =>
if (!EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)
#region Context Menus
/// <summary>
/// Adds a menu function which is disabled if `isEnabled` is false.
/// </summary>
public static void AddMenuItem(GenericMenu menu, string label, bool isEnabled, GenericMenu.MenuFunction func)
if (!isEnabled)
menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(label));
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(label), false, func);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a menu function which passes the result of <see cref="CalculateEditorFadeDuration"/> into `startFade`.
/// </summary>
public static void AddFadeFunction(GenericMenu menu, string label, bool isEnabled, AnimancerNode node, Action<float> startFade)
// Fade functions need to be delayed twice since the context menu itself causes the next frame delta
// time to be unreasonably high (which would skip the start of the fade).
AddMenuItem(menu, label, isEnabled,
() => EditorApplication.delayCall +=
() => EditorApplication.delayCall +=
() =>
/// <summary>
/// Returns the duration of the `node`s current fade (if any), otherwise returns the `defaultDuration`.
/// </summary>
public static float CalculateEditorFadeDuration(this AnimancerNode node, float defaultDuration = 1)
return node.FadeSpeed > 0 ? 1 / node.FadeSpeed : defaultDuration;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a menu function to open a web page. If the `linkSuffix` starts with a '/' then it will be relative to
/// the <see cref="Strings.DocumentationURL"/>.
/// </summary>
public static void AddDocumentationLink(GenericMenu menu, string label, string linkSuffix)
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(label), false, () =>
if (linkSuffix[0] == '/')
linkSuffix = Strings.DocumentationURL + linkSuffix;
/// <summary>
/// Toggles the <see cref="Motion.isLooping"/> flag between true and false.
/// </summary>
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/AnimationClip/Toggle Looping")]
private static void ToggleLooping(MenuCommand command)
var clip = (AnimationClip)command.context;
SetLooping(clip, !clip.isLooping);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the <see cref="Motion.isLooping"/> flag.
/// </summary>
public static void SetLooping(AnimationClip clip, bool looping)
var settings = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(clip);
settings.loopTime = looping;
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings(clip, settings);
Debug.Log("Set " + + " to be " + (looping ? "Looping" : "Not Looping") +
". Note that you need to restart Unity for this change to take effect.", clip);
// None of these let us avoid the need to restart Unity.
//var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(clip);
//AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
/// <summary>Swaps the <see cref="AnimationClip.legacy"/> flag between true and false.</summary>
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/AnimationClip/Toggle Legacy")]
private static void ToggleLegacy(MenuCommand command)
var clip = (AnimationClip)command.context;
clip.legacy = !clip.legacy;
/// <summary>Calls <see cref="Animator.Rebind"/>.</summary>
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/Animator/Restore Bind Pose", priority = 110)]
private static void RestoreBindPose(MenuCommand command)
var animator = (Animator)command.context;
Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(animator.gameObject, "Restore bind pose");
var type = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.AvatarSetupTool, UnityEditor");
if (type != null)
var method = type.GetMethod("SampleBindPose", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
if (method != null)
method.Invoke(null, new object[] { animator.gameObject });
#region Dummy Animancer Component
/// <summary>[Editor-Only]
/// An <see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/> that is not actually a <see cref="Component"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class DummyAnimancerComponent : IAnimancerComponent
/// <summary>Creates a new <see cref="DummyAnimancerComponent"/>.</summary>
public DummyAnimancerComponent(Animator animator, AnimancerPlayable playable)
Animator = animator;
Playable = playable;
InitialUpdateMode = animator.updateMode;
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] Returns true.</summary>
public bool enabled { get { return true; } }
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] Returns the <see cref="Animator"/>'s <see cref="GameObject"/>.</summary>
public GameObject gameObject { get { return Animator.gameObject; } }
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] The target <see cref="UnityEngine.Animator"/>.</summary>
public Animator Animator { get; set; }
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] The target <see cref="AnimancerPlayable"/>.</summary>
public AnimancerPlayable Playable { get; private set; }
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] Returns true.</summary>
public bool IsPlayableInitialised { get { return true; } }
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] Returns false.</summary>
public bool ResetOnDisable { get { return false; } }
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] Does nothing.</summary>
public AnimatorUpdateMode UpdateMode { get; set; }
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] Returns the `clip`.</summary>
public object GetKey(AnimationClip clip)
return clip;
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] Returns null.</summary>
public string AnimatorFieldName { get { return null; } }
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimancerComponent"/>] Returns null.</summary>
public AnimatorUpdateMode? InitialUpdateMode { get; private set; }