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CrowdControl/Assets/Plugins/Animancer/Internal/Editor Utilities/GUIElementWidth.cs

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// Animancer // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Animancer.Editor
/// <summary>[Editor-Only] A cached width calculation for GUI elements.</summary>
public class GUIElementWidth
private GUIStyle _Style;
private string _Text;
private float _Width;
/// <summary>Returns the width the `text` would take up if drawn with the `style`.</summary>
public float GetWidth(GUIStyle style, string text)
if (_Style != style || _Text != text)
_Style = style;
_Text = text;
_Width = style.CalculateWidth(text);
OnRecalculate(style, text);
return _Width;
/// <summary>Called when <see cref="GetWidth"/> is called with different parameters.</summary>
protected virtual void OnRecalculate(GUIStyle style, string text) { }
/// <summary>[Editor-Only]
/// A cached width calculation for GUI elements which accounts for boldness in prefab overrides.
/// </summary>
public sealed class GUIElementWidthBoldable : GUIElementWidth
private float _BoldWidth;
/// <summary>Called when <see cref="GUIElementWidth.GetWidth"/> is called with different parameters.</summary>
protected override void OnRecalculate(GUIStyle style, string text)
var fontStyle = style.fontStyle;
style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
_BoldWidth = style.CalculateWidth(text);
style.fontStyle = fontStyle;
/// <summary>Returns the width the `text` would take up if drawn with the `style`.</summary>
public float GetWidth(GUIStyle style, string text, bool bold)
var regularWidth = GetWidth(style, text);
return bold ? _BoldWidth : regularWidth;
/// <summary>Returns the width the `text` would take up if drawn with the `style`.</summary>
public float GetWidth(GUIStyle style, string text, SerializedProperty property)
return GetWidth(style, text, property != null && property.prefabOverride);