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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// <summary>
/// A class used to display a reoderable list of MMTilemapGeneratorLayers
/// </summary>
public class MMTilemapGeneratorLayerList : MMReorderableArray<MMTilemapGeneratorLayer>
/// <summary>
/// A class used to store and edit the data of MMTilemapGenerator layers, which you can use and combine
/// to generate unique and random grids
/// </summary>
public class MMTilemapGeneratorLayer
/// the grid generated by this layer
public int[,] Grid { get; set; }
/// the various modes of fusion you can use on this layer.
/// Fusion modes will be applied on layers from top to bottom (the last to speak wins)
/// Normal : just generates a grid, default mode
/// NormalNoClear : generates a grid, but doesn't clear it first
/// Intersect : when painting on a target grid that already has content, will only keep the resulting intersection
/// Combine : adds the result of this grid to the existing target
/// Subtract : removes the result of this grid from the existing target
public enum FusionModes { Normal, NormalNoClear, Intersect, Combine, Subtract }
/// the name of this layer, doesn't do anything, just used to organize things
[Tooltip("the name of this layer, doesn't do anything, just used to organize things")]
public string Name = "Layer";
/// whether this layer should be taken into account when generating the final grid
[Tooltip("whether this layer should be taken into account when generating the final grid")]
public bool Active = true;
/// the tilemap on which to paint tiles
[Tooltip("the tilemap on which to paint tiles")]
public Tilemap TargetTilemap;
/// the tile to use to paint on the tilemap
[Tooltip("the tile to use to paint on the tilemap")]
public TileBase Tile;
/// whether or not this layer should paint a grid of a different size than the global one
[Tooltip("whether or not this layer should paint a grid of a different size than the global one")]
public bool OverrideGridSize = false;
/// the new value of the grid width
[Tooltip("the new value of the grid width")]
[MMCondition("OverrideGridSize", true)]
public int GridWidth = 50;
/// the new value of the grid height
[Tooltip("the new value of the grid height")]
[MMCondition("OverrideGridSize", true)]
public int GridHeight = 50;
/// the algorithm to use to generate this layer's grid
[Tooltip("the algorithm to use to generate this layer's grid :\n" +
"Full : will fill or empty the grid\n" +
"Perlin : uses perlin noise to randomly fill the grid\n" +
"Perling Ground : uses perlin noise to generate a ground surface\n" +
"Random Walk : starts at point A then moves randomly, carving a path\n" +
"Random Walk Avoider : same, but avoids obstacles\n" +
"Path : starts at Point A, and carves a path in the selected direction\n" +
"Copy : copies another tilemap to generate a grid")]
public MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods GenerateMethod = MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Perlin;
/// if this is true, global seed won't be used for this layer
[Tooltip("if this is true, global seed won't be used for this layer")]
public bool DoNotUseGlobalSeed = false;
/// whether or not to randomize this layer's seed when pressing Generate
[Tooltip("whether or not to randomize this layer's seed when pressing Generate")]
[MMCondition("DoNotUseGlobalSeed", true)]
public bool RandomizeSeed = true;
/// the dedicated seed of this layer, when not using the global one
[Tooltip("the dedicated seed of this layer, when not using the global one")]
[MMCondition("DoNotUseGlobalSeed", true)]
public int Seed = 1;
/// whether or not to smoothen the resulting grid, gets rid of spikes/isolated points
[Tooltip("whether or not to smoothen the resulting grid, gets rid of spikes/isolated points")]
public bool Smooth = false;
/// whether or not to invert the grid to get the opposite result (filled becomes empty, empty becomes filled)
[Tooltip("whether or not to invert the grid to get the opposite result (filled becomes empty, empty becomes filled)")]
public bool InvertGrid = false;
/// The selected fusion mode
[Tooltip("the various modes of fusion you can use on this layer.\n" +
"Fusion modes will be applied on layers from top to bottom (the last to speak wins)\n" +
"Normal : just generates a grid, default mode\n" +
"NormalNoClear : generates a grid, but doesn't clear it first\n" +
"Intersect : when painting on a target grid that already has content, will only keep the resulting intersection\n" +
"Combine : adds the result of this grid to the existing target\n" +
"Subtract : removes the result of this grid from the existing target")]
public FusionModes FusionMode = FusionModes.Normal;
// full
/// in full mode, whether the grid should be full or empty
[Tooltip("in full mode, whether the grid should be full or empty")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Full)]
public bool FullGenerationFilled = true;
// random
/// in random mode, the percentage of the grid to fill
[Tooltip("in random mode, the percentage of the grid to fill")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Random)]
public int RandomFillPercentage = 50;
// random walk ground
/// in random walk ground mode,the minimum height difference between two steps
[Tooltip("in random walk ground mode,the minimum height difference between two steps")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkGround)]
public int RandomWalkGroundMinHeightDifference = 1;
/// in random walk ground mode,the maximum height difference between two steps
[Tooltip("in random walk ground mode,the maximum height difference between two steps")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkGround)]
public int RandomWalkGroundMaxHeightDifference = 3;
/// in random walk ground mode, the minimum distance that should remain flat
[Tooltip("in random walk ground mode, the minimum distance that should remain flat")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkGround)]
public int RandomWalkGroundMinFlatDistance = 1;
/// in random walk ground mode, the maximum distance that should remain flat
[Tooltip("in random walk ground mode, the maximum distance that should remain flat")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkGround)]
public int RandomWalkGroundMaxFlatDistance = 3;
/// in random walk ground mode, the maximum height of the tallest platfrom, from the bottom of the grid
[Tooltip("in random walk ground mode, the maximum height of the tallest platfrom, from the bottom of the grid")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkGround)]
public int RandomWalkGroundMaxHeight = 3;
// random walk
/// in random walk mode, the percentage of the map the walker should try filling
[Tooltip("in random walk mode, the percentage of the map the walker should try filling")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalk)]
public int RandomWalkPercent = 50;
/// in random walk mode,the point at which the walker starts, in grid coordinates
[Tooltip("in random walk mode,the point at which the walker starts, in grid coordinates")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalk)]
public Vector2Int RandomWalkStartingPoint =;
/// in random walk mode, the max amount of iterations to run the random on
[Tooltip("in random walk mode, the max amount of iterations to run the random on")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalk)]
public int RandomWalkMaxIterations = 1500;
// random walk avoider
/// in random walk avoider mode, the percentage of the grid the walker should try filling
[Tooltip("in random walk avoider mode, the percentage of the grid the walker should try filling")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkAvoider)]
public int RandomWalkAvoiderPercent = 50;
/// in random walk avoider mode, the point in grid units at which the walker starts
[Tooltip("in random walk avoider mode, the point in grid units at which the walker starts")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkAvoider)]
public Vector2Int RandomWalkAvoiderStartingPoint =;
/// in random walk avoider mode, the tilemap containing the data the walker will try to avoid
[Tooltip("in random walk avoider mode, the tilemap containing the data the walker will try to avoid")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkAvoider)]
public Tilemap RandomWalkAvoiderObstaclesTilemap;
/// in random walk avoider mode,the distance at which the walker should try to stay away from obstacles
[Tooltip("in random walk avoider mode,the distance at which the walker should try to stay away from obstacles")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkAvoider)]
public int RandomWalkAvoiderObstaclesDistance = 1;
/// in random walk avoider mode,the max amount of iterations this algorithm will iterate on
[Tooltip("in random walk avoider mode,the max amount of iterations this algorithm will iterate on")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int)MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.RandomWalkAvoider)]
public int RandomWalkAvoiderMaxIterations = 100;
// path
/// in path mode, the start position of the path
[Tooltip("in path mode, the start position of the path")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int) MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Path)]
public Vector2Int PathStartPosition =;
/// in path mode, the direction the path should follow
[Tooltip("in path mode, the direction the path should follow")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int) MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Path)]
public MMGridGeneratorPath.Directions PathDirection = MMGridGeneratorPath.Directions.BottomToTop;
/// in path mode, the minimum width of the path
[Tooltip("in path mode, the minimum width of the path")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int) MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Path)]
public int PathMinWidth = 2;
/// in path mode, the maximum width of the path
[Tooltip("in path mode, the maximum width of the path")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int) MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Path)]
public int PathMaxWidth = 4;
/// in path mode, the maximum number of units the path can change direction
[Tooltip("in path mode, the maximum number of units the path can change direction")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int) MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Path)]
public int PathDirectionChangeDistance = 2;
/// in path mode, the chance (in percent) for the path to change width at every step
[Tooltip("in path mode, the chance (in percent) for the path to change width at every step")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int) MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Path)]
public int PathWidthChangePercentage = 50;
/// in path mode, the chance percentage that the path will take a new direction
[Tooltip("in path mode, the chance percentage that the path will take a new direction")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int) MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Path)]
public int PathDirectionChangePercentage = 50;
// copy
/// in copy mode, the tilemap to copy
[Tooltip("in copy mode, the tilemap to copy")]
[MMEnumCondition("GenerateMethod", (int) MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Copy)]
public Tilemap CopyTilemap;
/// whether or not to force a wall on the grid's top
[Tooltip("whether or not to force a wall on the grid's top")]
public bool BoundsTop = false;
/// whether or not to force a wall on the grid's bottom
[Tooltip("whether or not to force a wall on the grid's bottom")]
public bool BoundsBottom = false;
/// whether or not to force a wall on the grid's left
[Tooltip("whether or not to force a wall on the grid's left")]
public bool BoundsLeft = false;
/// whether or not to force a wall on the grid's right
[Tooltip("whether or not to force a wall on the grid's right")]
public bool BoundsRight = false;
/// <summary>
/// A struct used to store safe spots dimensions
/// </summary>
public struct MMTilemapGeneratorLayerSafeSpot
public Vector2Int Start;
public Vector2Int End;
[Header("Safe Spots")]
/// a list of "safe spots" : defined by their start and end coordinates, these areas will be left empty
[Tooltip("a list of 'safe spots' : defined by their start and end coordinates, these areas will be left empty")]
public List<MMTilemapGeneratorLayerSafeSpot> SafeSpots;
/// this is only used to initialize the default values in the inspector
public bool Initialized = false;
/// <summary>
/// This method will set default values, because Unity.
/// </summary>
public virtual void SetDefaults()
if (!Initialized)
GridWidth = 50;
GridHeight = 50;
GenerateMethod = MMTilemapGenerator.GenerateMethods.Perlin;
RandomizeSeed = true;
DoNotUseGlobalSeed = false;
FusionMode = FusionModes.Normal;
Seed = 123456789;
Smooth = false;
InvertGrid = false;
FullGenerationFilled = true;
RandomFillPercentage = 50;
RandomWalkGroundMinHeightDifference = 1;
RandomWalkGroundMaxHeightDifference = 3;
RandomWalkGroundMinFlatDistance = 1;
RandomWalkGroundMaxFlatDistance = 3;
RandomWalkGroundMaxHeight = 8;
RandomWalkPercent = 50;
RandomWalkStartingPoint =;
RandomWalkMaxIterations = 1500;
PathMinWidth = 2;
PathMaxWidth = 4;
PathDirectionChangeDistance = 2;
PathWidthChangePercentage = 50;
PathDirectionChangePercentage = 50;
RandomWalkAvoiderPercent = 50;
RandomWalkAvoiderStartingPoint =;
RandomWalkAvoiderObstaclesTilemap = null;
RandomWalkAvoiderObstaclesDistance = 1;
RandomWalkAvoiderMaxIterations = 100;
BoundsTop = false;
BoundsBottom = false;
BoundsLeft = false;
BoundsRight = false;
PathStartPosition =;
PathDirection = MMGridGeneratorPath.Directions.BottomToTop;
Initialized = true;