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// MaxIntegrationManager.cs
// AppLovin MAX Unity Plugin
// Created by Santosh Bagadi on 6/1/19.
// Copyright © 2019 AppLovin. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using VersionComparisonResult = MaxSdkUtils.VersionComparisonResult;
namespace AppLovinMax.Scripts.IntegrationManager.Editor
public class PluginData
public Network AppLovinMax;
public Network[] MediatedNetworks;
public Network[] PartnerMicroSdks;
public class Network
// Sample network data:
// {
// "Name": "adcolony",
// "DisplayName": "AdColony",
// "DownloadUrl": "",
// "PluginFileName": "AppLovin-AdColony-Adapters-Android-",
// "DependenciesFilePath": "MaxSdk/Mediation/AdColony/Editor/Dependencies.xml",
// "LatestVersions" : {
// "Unity": "android_3.3.10.1_ios_3.3.7.2",
// "Android": "",
// "Ios": ""
// }
// }
public string Name;
public string DisplayName;
public string DownloadUrl;
public string DependenciesFilePath;
public string[] PluginFilePaths;
public Versions LatestVersions;
[NonSerialized] public Versions CurrentVersions;
[NonSerialized] public VersionComparisonResult CurrentToLatestVersionComparisonResult = VersionComparisonResult.Lesser;
[NonSerialized] public bool RequiresUpdate;
/// <summary>
/// A helper data class used to get current versions from Dependency.xml files.
/// </summary>
public class Versions
public string Unity;
public string Android;
public string Ios;
public override bool Equals(object value)
var versions = value as Versions;
return versions != null
&& Unity.Equals(versions.Unity)
&& (Android == null || Android.Equals(versions.Android))
&& (Ios == null || Ios.Equals(versions.Ios));
public bool HasEqualSdkVersions(Versions versions)
return versions != null
&& AdapterSdkVersion(Android).Equals(AdapterSdkVersion(versions.Android))
&& AdapterSdkVersion(Ios).Equals(AdapterSdkVersion(versions.Ios));
public override int GetHashCode()
return new {Unity, Android, Ios}.GetHashCode();
private static string AdapterSdkVersion(string adapterVersion)
var index = adapterVersion.LastIndexOf(".");
return index > 0 ? adapterVersion.Substring(0, index) : adapterVersion;
/// <summary>
/// A manager class for MAX integration manager window.
/// TODO: Decide if we should namespace these classes.
/// </summary>
public class AppLovinIntegrationManager
/// <summary>
/// Delegate to be called when downloading a plugin with the progress percentage.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pluginName">The name of the plugin being downloaded.</param>
/// <param name="progress">Percentage downloaded.</param>
/// <param name="done">Whether or not the download is complete.</param>
public delegate void DownloadPluginProgressCallback(string pluginName, float progress, bool done);
/// <summary>
/// Delegate to be called when a plugin package is imported.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="network">The network data for which the package is imported.</param>
public delegate void ImportPackageCompletedCallback(Network network);
private static readonly AppLovinIntegrationManager instance = new AppLovinIntegrationManager();
public static readonly string GradleTemplatePath = Path.Combine("Assets/Plugins/Android", "mainTemplate.gradle");
public static readonly string DefaultPluginExportPath = Path.Combine("Assets", "MaxSdk");
private const string MaxSdkAssetExportPath = "MaxSdk/Scripts/MaxSdk.cs";
/// <summary>
/// Some publishers might re-export our plugin via Unity Package Manager and the plugin will not be under the Assets folder. This means that the mediation adapters, settings files should not be moved to the packages folder,
/// since they get overridden when the package is updated. These are the files that should not be moved, if the plugin is not under the Assets/ folder.
/// Note: When we distribute the plugin via Unity Package Manager, we need to distribute the adapters as separate packages, and the adapters won't be in the MaxSdk folder. So we need to take that into account.
/// </summary>
private static readonly List<string> PluginPathsToIgnoreMoveWhenPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory = new List<string>
AppLovinSettings.SettingsExportPath + ".meta"
private static string externalDependencyManagerVersion;
public static DownloadPluginProgressCallback downloadPluginProgressCallback;
public static ImportPackageCompletedCallback importPackageCompletedCallback;
private UnityWebRequest webRequest;
private Network importingNetwork;
/// <summary>
/// An Instance of the Integration manager.
/// </summary>
public static AppLovinIntegrationManager Instance
get { return instance; }
/// <summary>
/// The parent directory path where the MaxSdk plugin directory is placed.
/// </summary>
public static string PluginParentDirectory
// Search for the asset with the default exported path first, In most cases, we should be able to find the asset.
// In some cases where we don't, use the platform specific export path to search for the asset (in case of migrating a project from Windows to Mac or vice versa).
var maxSdkScriptAssetPath = MaxSdkUtils.GetAssetPathForExportPath(MaxSdkAssetExportPath);
// maxSdkScriptAssetPath will always have AltDirectorySeparatorChar (/) as the path separator. Convert to platform specific path.
return maxSdkScriptAssetPath.Replace(MaxSdkAssetExportPath, "")
.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
/// <summary>
/// When the base plugin is outside the <c>Assets/</c> directory, the mediation plugin files are still imported to the default location under <c>Assets/</c>.
/// Returns the parent directory where the mediation adapter plugins are imported.
/// </summary>
public static string MediationSpecificPluginParentDirectory
get { return IsPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory ? "Assets" : PluginParentDirectory; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not the plugin is under the Assets/ folder.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory
get { return !PluginParentDirectory.StartsWith("Assets"); }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not gradle build system is enabled.
/// </summary>
public static bool GradleBuildEnabled
get { return GetEditorUserBuildSetting("androidBuildSystem", "").ToString().Equals("Gradle"); }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not Gradle template is enabled.
/// </summary>
public static bool GradleTemplateEnabled
get { return GradleBuildEnabled && File.Exists(GradleTemplatePath); }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not the Quality Service settings can be processed which requires Gradle template enabled or Unity IDE newer than version 2018_2.
/// </summary>
public static bool CanProcessAndroidQualityServiceSettings
get { return GradleTemplateEnabled || GradleBuildEnabled; }
/// <summary>
/// The External Dependency Manager version obtained dynamically.
/// </summary>
public static string ExternalDependencyManagerVersion
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(externalDependencyManagerVersion)) return externalDependencyManagerVersion;
var versionHandlerVersionNumberType = Type.GetType("Google.VersionHandlerVersionNumber, Google.VersionHandlerImpl");
externalDependencyManagerVersion = versionHandlerVersionNumberType.GetProperty("Value").GetValue(null, null).ToString();
#pragma warning disable 0168
catch (Exception ignored)
#pragma warning restore 0168
externalDependencyManagerVersion = "Failed to get version.";
return externalDependencyManagerVersion;
private AppLovinIntegrationManager()
// Add asset import callbacks.
AssetDatabase.importPackageCompleted += packageName =>
if (!IsImportingNetwork(packageName)) return;
var pluginParentDir = PluginParentDirectory;
var isPluginOutsideAssetsDir = IsPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory;
MovePluginFilesIfNeeded(pluginParentDir, isPluginOutsideAssetsDir);
AddLabelsToAssetsIfNeeded(pluginParentDir, isPluginOutsideAssetsDir);
importingNetwork = null;
AssetDatabase.importPackageCancelled += packageName =>
if (!IsImportingNetwork(packageName)) return;
MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Package import cancelled.");
importingNetwork = null;
AssetDatabase.importPackageFailed += (packageName, errorMessage) =>
if (!IsImportingNetwork(packageName)) return;
importingNetwork = null;
static AppLovinIntegrationManager() { }
/// <summary>
/// Loads the plugin data to be display by integration manager window.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">Callback to be called once the plugin data download completes.</param>
public IEnumerator LoadPluginData(Action<PluginData> callback)
var url = string.Format("{0}", MaxSdk.Version);
using (var www = UnityWebRequest.Get(url))
var operation = www.SendWebRequest();
while (!operation.isDone) yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); // Just wait till www is done. Our coroutine is pretty rudimentary.
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
if (www.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
PluginData pluginData;
pluginData = JsonUtility.FromJson<PluginData>(www.downloadHandler.text);
catch (Exception exception)
pluginData = null;
if (pluginData != null)
// Get current version of the plugin
var appLovinMax = pluginData.AppLovinMax;
UpdateCurrentVersions(appLovinMax, PluginParentDirectory);
// Get current versions for all the mediation networks.
var mediationPluginParentDirectory = MediationSpecificPluginParentDirectory;
foreach (var network in pluginData.MediatedNetworks)
UpdateCurrentVersions(network, mediationPluginParentDirectory);
foreach (var partnerMicroSdk in pluginData.PartnerMicroSdks)
UpdateCurrentVersions(partnerMicroSdk, mediationPluginParentDirectory);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the CurrentVersion fields for a given network data object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="network">Network for which to update the current versions.</param>
/// <param name="mediationPluginParentDirectory">The parent directory of where the mediation adapter plugins are imported to.</param>
public static void UpdateCurrentVersions(Network network, string mediationPluginParentDirectory)
var dependencyFilePath = Path.Combine(mediationPluginParentDirectory, network.DependenciesFilePath);
var currentVersions = GetCurrentVersions(dependencyFilePath);
network.CurrentVersions = currentVersions;
// If AppLovin mediation plugin, get the version from MaxSdk and the latest and current version comparison.
if (network.Name.Equals("APPLOVIN_NETWORK"))
network.CurrentVersions.Unity = MaxSdk.Version;
var unityVersionComparison = MaxSdkUtils.CompareVersions(network.CurrentVersions.Unity, network.LatestVersions.Unity);
var androidVersionComparison = MaxSdkUtils.CompareVersions(network.CurrentVersions.Android, network.LatestVersions.Android);
var iosVersionComparison = MaxSdkUtils.CompareVersions(network.CurrentVersions.Ios, network.LatestVersions.Ios);
// Overall version is same if all the current and latest (from db) versions are same.
if (unityVersionComparison == VersionComparisonResult.Equal &&
androidVersionComparison == VersionComparisonResult.Equal &&
iosVersionComparison == VersionComparisonResult.Equal)
network.CurrentToLatestVersionComparisonResult = VersionComparisonResult.Equal;
// One of the installed versions is newer than the latest versions which means that the publisher is on a beta version.
else if (unityVersionComparison == VersionComparisonResult.Greater ||
androidVersionComparison == VersionComparisonResult.Greater ||
iosVersionComparison == VersionComparisonResult.Greater)
network.CurrentToLatestVersionComparisonResult = VersionComparisonResult.Greater;
// We have a new version available if all Android, iOS and Unity has a newer version available in db.
network.CurrentToLatestVersionComparisonResult = VersionComparisonResult.Lesser;
// For all other mediation adapters, get the version comparison using their Unity versions.
// If adapter is indeed installed, compare the current (installed) and the latest (from db) versions, so that we can determine if the publisher is on an older, current or a newer version of the adapter.
// If the publisher is on a newer version of the adapter than the db version, that means they are on a beta version.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentVersions.Unity))
network.CurrentToLatestVersionComparisonResult = MaxSdkUtils.CompareUnityMediationVersions(currentVersions.Unity, network.LatestVersions.Unity);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(network.CurrentVersions.Unity) && AppLovinAutoUpdater.MinAdapterVersions.ContainsKey(network.Name))
var comparisonResult = MaxSdkUtils.CompareUnityMediationVersions(network.CurrentVersions.Unity, AppLovinAutoUpdater.MinAdapterVersions[network.Name]);
// Requires update if current version is lower than the min required version.
network.RequiresUpdate = comparisonResult < 0;
// Reset value so that the Integration manager can hide the alert icon once adapter is updated.
network.RequiresUpdate = false;
/// <summary>
/// Downloads the plugin file for a given network.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="network">Network for which to download the current version.</param>
/// <param name="showImport">Whether or not to show the import window when downloading. Defaults to <c>true</c>.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IEnumerator DownloadPlugin(Network network, bool showImport = true)
var path = Path.Combine(Application.temporaryCachePath, GetPluginFileName(network)); // TODO: Maybe delete plugin file after finishing import.
var downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(path);
webRequest = new UnityWebRequest(network.DownloadUrl)
method = UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbGET,
downloadHandler = downloadHandler
var operation = webRequest.SendWebRequest();
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); // Just wait till webRequest is completed. Our coroutine is pretty rudimentary.
CallDownloadPluginProgressCallback(network.DisplayName, operation.progress, operation.isDone);
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
if (webRequest.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
if (webRequest.isNetworkError || webRequest.isHttpError)
importingNetwork = network;
AssetDatabase.ImportPackage(path, showImport);
webRequest = null;
/// <summary>
/// Cancels the plugin download if one is in progress.
/// </summary>
public void CancelDownload()
if (webRequest == null) return;
/// <summary>
/// Shows a dialog to the user with the given message and logs the error message to console.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">The failure message to be shown to the user.</param>
public static void ShowBuildFailureDialog(string message)
var openIntegrationManager = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("AppLovin MAX", message, "Open Integration Manager", "Dismiss");
if (openIntegrationManager)
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether or not an adapter with the given version or newer exists.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="adapterName">The name of the network (the root adapter folder name in "MaxSdk/Mediation/" folder.</param>
/// <param name="iosVersion">The min adapter version to check for. Can be <c>null</c> if we want to check for any version.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if an adapter with the min version is installed.</returns>
public static bool IsAdapterInstalled(string adapterName, string iosVersion = null) // TODO: Add Android version check.
var dependencyFilePath = MaxSdkUtils.GetAssetPathForExportPath("MaxSdk/Mediation/" + adapterName + "/Editor/Dependencies.xml");
if (!File.Exists(dependencyFilePath)) return false;
// If version is null, we just need the adapter installed. We don't have to check for a specific version.
if (iosVersion == null) return true;
var currentVersion = GetCurrentVersions(dependencyFilePath);
var iosVersionComparison = MaxSdkUtils.CompareVersions(currentVersion.Ios, iosVersion);
return iosVersionComparison != VersionComparisonResult.Lesser;
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether or not an adapter older than the given version exists.
/// TODO: Consolidate this method with <see cref="IsAdapterInstalled"/> and return a state enum.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="adapterName">The name of the network (the root adapter folder name in "MaxSdk/Mediation/" folder.</param>
/// <param name="iosVersion">The adapter version to check for.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if an adapter older than the provided version is installed.</returns>
public static bool IsAdapterOlderThanMinVersionInstalled(string adapterName, string iosVersion) // TODO: Add Android version check.
var dependencyFilePath = MaxSdkUtils.GetAssetPathForExportPath("MaxSdk/Mediation/" + adapterName + "/Editor/Dependencies.xml");
if (!File.Exists(dependencyFilePath)) return false;
var currentVersion = GetCurrentVersions(dependencyFilePath);
var iosVersionComparison = MaxSdkUtils.CompareVersions(currentVersion.Ios, iosVersion);
return iosVersionComparison == VersionComparisonResult.Lesser;
#region Utility Methods
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current versions for a given network's dependency file path.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dependencyPath">A dependency file path that from which to extract current versions.</param>
/// <returns>Current versions of a given network's dependency file.</returns>
public static Versions GetCurrentVersions(string dependencyPath)
XDocument dependency;
dependency = XDocument.Load(dependencyPath);
#pragma warning disable 0168
catch (IOException exception)
#pragma warning restore 0168
// Couldn't find the dependencies file. The plugin is not installed.
return new Versions();
// <dependencies>
// <androidPackages>
// <androidPackage spec="com.applovin.mediation:network_name-adapter:" />
// </androidPackages>
// <iosPods>
// <iosPod name="AppLovinMediationNetworkNameAdapter" version="" />
// </iosPods>
// </dependencies>
string androidVersion = null;
string iosVersion = null;
var dependenciesElement = dependency.Element("dependencies");
if (dependenciesElement != null)
var androidPackages = dependenciesElement.Element("androidPackages");
if (androidPackages != null)
var adapterPackage = androidPackages.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(element => element.Name.LocalName.Equals("androidPackage")
&& element.FirstAttribute.Name.LocalName.Equals("spec")
&& element.FirstAttribute.Value.StartsWith("com.applovin"));
if (adapterPackage != null)
androidVersion = adapterPackage.FirstAttribute.Value.Split(':').Last();
// Hack alert: Some Android versions might have square brackets to force a specific version. Remove them if they are detected.
if (androidVersion.StartsWith("["))
androidVersion = androidVersion.Trim('[', ']');
var iosPods = dependenciesElement.Element("iosPods");
if (iosPods != null)
var adapterPod = iosPods.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(element => element.Name.LocalName.Equals("iosPod")
&& element.FirstAttribute.Name.LocalName.Equals("name")
&& element.FirstAttribute.Value.StartsWith("AppLovin"));
if (adapterPod != null)
iosVersion = adapterPod.Attributes().First(attribute => attribute.Name.LocalName.Equals("version")).Value;
var currentVersions = new Versions();
if (androidVersion != null && iosVersion != null)
currentVersions.Unity = string.Format("android_{0}_ios_{1}", androidVersion, iosVersion);
currentVersions.Android = androidVersion;
currentVersions.Ios = iosVersion;
else if (androidVersion != null)
currentVersions.Unity = string.Format("android_{0}", androidVersion);
currentVersions.Android = androidVersion;
else if (iosVersion != null)
currentVersions.Unity = string.Format("ios_{0}", iosVersion);
currentVersions.Ios = iosVersion;
return currentVersions;
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether or not the given package name is the currently importing package.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packageName">The name of the package that needs to be checked.</param>
/// <returns>true if the importing package matches the given package name.</returns>
private bool IsImportingNetwork(string packageName)
// Note: The pluginName doesn't have the '.unitypacakge' extension included in its name but the pluginFileName does. So using Contains instead of Equals.
return importingNetwork != null && GetPluginFileName(importingNetwork).Contains(packageName);
/// <summary>
/// Adds labels to assets so that they can be easily found.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pluginParentDir">The MAX Unity plugin's parent directory.</param>
/// <param name="isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory">Whether or not the plugin is outside the Assets directory.</param>
public static void AddLabelsToAssetsIfNeeded(string pluginParentDir, bool isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory)
if (isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory)
var defaultPluginLocation = Path.Combine("Assets", "MaxSdk");
if (Directory.Exists(defaultPluginLocation))
AddLabelsToAssets(defaultPluginLocation, "Assets");
var pluginDir = Path.Combine(pluginParentDir, "MaxSdk");
AddLabelsToAssets(pluginDir, pluginParentDir);
private static void AddLabelsToAssets(string directoryPath, string pluginParentDir)
var files = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath);
foreach (var file in files)
if (file.EndsWith(".meta")) continue;
UpdateAssetLabelsIfNeeded(file, pluginParentDir);
var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(directoryPath);
foreach (var directory in directories)
// Add labels to this directory asset.
UpdateAssetLabelsIfNeeded(directory, pluginParentDir);
// Recursively add labels to all files under this directory.
AddLabelsToAssets(directory, pluginParentDir);
private static void UpdateAssetLabelsIfNeeded(string assetPath, string pluginParentDir)
var asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<UnityEngine.Object>(assetPath);
var labels = AssetDatabase.GetLabels(asset);
var labelsToAdd = labels.ToList();
var didAddLabels = false;
if (!labels.Contains("al_max"))
didAddLabels = true;
var exportPathLabel = "al_max_export_path-" + assetPath.Replace(pluginParentDir, "").Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar);
if (!labels.Contains(exportPathLabel))
didAddLabels = true;
// We only need to set the labels if they changed.
if (!didAddLabels) return;
AssetDatabase.SetLabels(asset, labelsToAdd.ToArray());
/// <summary>
/// Moves the imported plugin files to the MaxSdk directory if the publisher has moved the plugin to a different directory. This is a failsafe for when some plugin files are not imported to the new location.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the adapters have been moved.</returns>
public static bool MovePluginFilesIfNeeded(string pluginParentDirectory, bool isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory)
var pluginDir = Path.Combine(pluginParentDirectory, "MaxSdk");
// Check if the user has moved the Plugin and if new assets have been imported to the default directory.
if (DefaultPluginExportPath.Equals(pluginDir) || !Directory.Exists(DefaultPluginExportPath)) return false;
MovePluginFiles(DefaultPluginExportPath, pluginDir, isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory);
if (!isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory)
FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(DefaultPluginExportPath + ".meta");
return true;
/// <summary>
/// A helper function to move all the files recursively from the default plugin dir to a custom location the publisher moved the plugin to.
/// </summary>
private static void MovePluginFiles(string fromDirectory, string pluginRoot, bool isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory)
var files = Directory.GetFiles(fromDirectory);
foreach (var file in files)
// We have to ignore some files, if the plugin is outside the Assets/ directory.
if (isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory && PluginPathsToIgnoreMoveWhenPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory.Any(pluginPathsToIgnore => file.Contains(pluginPathsToIgnore))) continue;
// Check if the destination folder exists and create it if it doesn't exist
var parentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
var destinationDirectoryPath = parentDirectory.Replace(DefaultPluginExportPath, pluginRoot);
if (!Directory.Exists(destinationDirectoryPath))
// If the meta file is of a folder asset and doesn't have labels (it is auto generated by Unity), just delete it.
if (IsAutoGeneratedFolderMetaFile(file))
var destinationPath = file.Replace(DefaultPluginExportPath, pluginRoot);
// Check if the file is already present at the destination path and delete it.
if (File.Exists(destinationPath))
FileUtil.MoveFileOrDirectory(file, destinationPath);
var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(fromDirectory);
foreach (var directory in directories)
// We might have to ignore some directories, if the plugin is outside the Assets/ directory.
if (isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory && PluginPathsToIgnoreMoveWhenPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory.Any(pluginPathsToIgnore => directory.Contains(pluginPathsToIgnore))) continue;
MovePluginFiles(directory, pluginRoot, isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory);
if (!isPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory)
private static bool IsAutoGeneratedFolderMetaFile(string assetPath)
// Check if it is a meta file.
if (!assetPath.EndsWith(".meta")) return false;
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(assetPath);
var isFolderAsset = false;
var hasLabels = false;
foreach (var line in lines)
if (line.Contains("folderAsset: yes"))
isFolderAsset = true;
if (line.Contains("labels:"))
hasLabels = true;
// If it is a folder asset and doesn't have a label, the meta file is auto generated by
return isFolderAsset && !hasLabels;
private static void CallDownloadPluginProgressCallback(string pluginName, float progress, bool isDone)
if (downloadPluginProgressCallback == null) return;
downloadPluginProgressCallback(pluginName, progress, isDone);
private static void CallImportPackageCompletedCallback(Network network)
if (importPackageCompletedCallback == null) return;
private static object GetEditorUserBuildSetting(string name, object defaultValue)
var editorUserBuildSettingsType = typeof(EditorUserBuildSettings);
var property = editorUserBuildSettingsType.GetProperty(name);
if (property != null)
var value = property.GetValue(null, null);
if (value != null) return value;
return defaultValue;
private static string GetPluginFileName(Network network)
return network.Name.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + network.LatestVersions.Unity + ".unitypackage";