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CrowdControl/Assets/Plugins/Animancer/Examples/07 Layers/LayerExample.cs

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// Animancer // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete (for Layers in Animancer Lite).
#pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to, and will always have its default value.
using UnityEngine;
namespace Animancer.Examples.Layers
/// <summary>
/// Demonstrates how to use layers to play multiple animations at once on different body parts.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu(Strings.MenuPrefix + "Examples/Layers - Layer Example")]
[HelpURL(Strings.APIDocumentationURL + ".Examples.Layers/LayerExample")]
public sealed class LayerExample : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private AnimancerComponent _BasicAnimancer;
[SerializeField] private AnimancerComponent _LayeredAnimancer;
[SerializeField] private AnimationClip _Idle;
[SerializeField] private AnimationClip _Run;
[SerializeField] private AnimationClip _Action;
[SerializeField] private AvatarMask _ActionMask;
private const int BaseLayer = 0;
private const int ActionLayer = 1;
private const float FadeDuration = 0.25f;
private void OnEnable()
// Idle on default layer 0.
// Set the mask for layer 1 (this automatically creates the layer).
// Since we set a mask it will use the name of the mask in the Inspector by default. But we can also
// replace it with a custom name. Either way, layer names are only used in the Inspector and any calls to
// this method will be compiled out of runtime builds.
_LayeredAnimancer.Layers[ActionLayer].SetName("Action Layer");
private bool _IsRunning;
public void ToggleRunning()
// Swap between true and false.
_IsRunning = !_IsRunning;
// Determine which animation to play.
var animation = _IsRunning ? _Run : _Idle;
// Play it.
_BasicAnimancer.Play(animation, FadeDuration);
_LayeredAnimancer.Play(animation, FadeDuration);
public void PerformAction()
// Basic.
var state = _BasicAnimancer.Play(_Action, FadeDuration);
state.Events.OnEnd = () => _BasicAnimancer.Play(_IsRunning ? _Run : _Idle, FadeDuration);
// Layered.
// When running, perform the action on the ActionLayer (1) then fade that layer back out.
if (_IsRunning)
state = _LayeredAnimancer.Layers[ActionLayer].Play(_Action, FadeDuration, FadeMode.FromStart);
state.Events.OnEnd = () => _LayeredAnimancer.Layers[ActionLayer].StartFade(0, FadeDuration);
else// Otherwise perform the action on the BaseLayer (0) then return to idle.
state = _LayeredAnimancer.Layers[BaseLayer].Play(_Action, FadeDuration, FadeMode.FromStart);
state.Events.OnEnd = () => _LayeredAnimancer.Play(_Idle, FadeDuration);