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CrowdControl/Assets/Plugins/Animancer/Examples/04 Directional Sprites/01 Basic Movement/Mage/Mage.png.meta

531 lines
12 KiB

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Mage Walk Up 2: 21300028
Mage Walk Right 3: 21300022
Mage Walk Right 1: 21300018
Mage Walk Left 0: 21300000
Mage Walk Left 1: 21300002
Mage Walk Down 0: 21300008
Mage Walk Down 2: 21300012
Mage Walk Up 0: 21300024
Mage Walk Up 3: 21300030
Mage Walk Down 3: 21300014
Mage Walk Left 2: 21300004
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Mage Walk Left 3: 21300006
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