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CrowdControl/Assets/Plugins/Animancer/Examples/03 Locomotion/01 Walk and Run/IdleAndWalk.cs

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// Animancer // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
#pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to, and will always have its default value.
using UnityEngine;
namespace Animancer.Examples.Locomotion
/// <summary>
/// Animates a simple character to be able to stand idle or walk forwards or backwards based on user input.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu(Strings.MenuPrefix + "Examples/Locomotion - Idle And Walk")]
[HelpURL(Strings.APIDocumentationURL + ".Examples.Locomotion/IdleAndWalk")]
public class IdleAndWalk : MonoBehaviour
private AnimancerComponent _Animancer;
public AnimancerComponent Animancer { get { return _Animancer; } }
private AnimationClip _Idle;
public AnimationClip Idle { get { return _Idle; } }
private AnimationClip _Walk;
public AnimationClip Walk { get { return _Walk; } }
protected void Update()
// W or UpArrow = 1.
// S or DownArrow = -1.
// Otherwise 0.
var movement = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
if (movement != 0)
// Since we don't have animations for moving backwards, just use the input as their speed so that
// moving backwards simply plays the animation backwards.
_Animancer.States.Current.Speed = movement;
// PlayMove could return the AnimancerState it plays, but using the CurrentState saves a bit of effort.
// If we aren't moving, return to idle.
_Animancer.Play(_Idle, 0.25f);
// We want to override this method in the IdleAndWalkAndRun script.
protected virtual void PlayMove()
_Animancer.Play(_Walk, 0.25f);
/// <summary>
/// If you add a second script derived from this type to the same object, it will instead change the type of
/// the existing component, allowing you to easily swap between <see cref="IdleAndWalk"/> and
/// <see cref="IdleAndWalkAndRun"/>.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Reset()