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CrowdControl/Assets/3rd/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Readers/ES3Reader.cs

458 lines
15 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using ES3Types;
using ES3Internal;
public abstract class ES3Reader : System.IDisposable
/// <summary>The settings used to create this reader.</summary>
public ES3Settings settings;
protected int serializationDepth = 0;
#region ES3Reader Abstract Methods
internal abstract int Read_int();
internal abstract float Read_float();
internal abstract bool Read_bool();
internal abstract char Read_char();
internal abstract decimal Read_decimal();
internal abstract double Read_double();
internal abstract long Read_long();
internal abstract ulong Read_ulong();
internal abstract byte Read_byte();
internal abstract sbyte Read_sbyte();
internal abstract short Read_short();
internal abstract ushort Read_ushort();
internal abstract uint Read_uint();
internal abstract string Read_string();
internal abstract byte[] Read_byteArray();
internal abstract long Read_ref();
public abstract string ReadPropertyName();
protected abstract Type ReadKeyPrefix(bool ignore = false);
protected abstract void ReadKeySuffix();
internal abstract byte[] ReadElement(bool skip=false);
/// <summary>Disposes of the reader and it's underlying stream.</summary>
public abstract void Dispose();
// Seeks to the given key. Note that the stream position will not be reset.
internal virtual bool Goto(string key)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Key cannot be NULL when loading data.");
string currentKey;
while ((currentKey = ReadPropertyName()) != key)
if (currentKey == null)
return false;
return true;
internal virtual bool StartReadObject()
return false;
internal virtual void EndReadObject()
internal abstract bool StartReadDictionary();
internal abstract void EndReadDictionary();
internal abstract bool StartReadDictionaryKey();
internal abstract void EndReadDictionaryKey();
internal abstract void StartReadDictionaryValue();
internal abstract bool EndReadDictionaryValue();
internal abstract bool StartReadCollection();
internal abstract void EndReadCollection();
internal abstract bool StartReadCollectionItem();
internal abstract bool EndReadCollectionItem();
internal ES3Reader(ES3Settings settings, bool readHeaderAndFooter = true)
this.settings = settings;
// If this is not null, the next call to the Properties will return this name.
internal string overridePropertiesName = null;
/// <summary>Allows you to enumerate over each field name. This should only be used within an ES3Type file.</summary>
public virtual ES3ReaderPropertyEnumerator Properties
return new ES3ReaderPropertyEnumerator (this);
internal virtual ES3ReaderRawEnumerator RawEnumerator
return new ES3ReaderRawEnumerator (this);
* Skips the current object in the stream.
* Stream position should be somewhere before the opening brace for the object.
* When this method successfully exits, it will be on the closing brace for the object.
/// <summary>Skips the current object in the stream.</summary>
public virtual void Skip()
/// <summary>Reads a value of type T from the reader.</summary>
public virtual T Read<T>()
return Read<T>(ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(typeof(T)));
/// <summary>Reads a value of type T from the reader into an existing object.</summary>
/// <param name="obj">The object we want to read our value into.</param>
public virtual void ReadInto<T>(object obj)
ReadInto<T>(obj, ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(typeof(T)));
/// <summary>Reads a property (i.e. a property name and value) from the reader, ignoring the property name and only returning the value.</summary>
public T ReadProperty<T>()
return ReadProperty<T>(ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(typeof(T)));
public T ReadProperty<T>(ES3Type type)
return Read<T>(type);
public long ReadRefProperty()
return Read_ref();
internal Type ReadType()
return Type.GetType(Read<string>(ES3Type_string.Instance));
/// <summary>Sets the value of a private property on an object.</summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the property we want to set.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value we want to set the property to.</param>
/// <param name="objectContainingProperty">The object containing the property we want to set.</param>
public void SetPrivateProperty(string name, object value, object objectContainingProperty)
var property = ES3Reflection.GetES3ReflectedProperty(objectContainingProperty.GetType(), name);
throw new MissingMemberException("A private property named "+ name + " does not exist in the type "+objectContainingProperty.GetType());
property.SetValue(objectContainingProperty, value);
/// <summary>Sets the value of a private field on an object.</summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the field we want to set.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value we want to set the field to.</param>
/// <param name="objectContainingProperty">The object containing the field we want to set.</param>
public void SetPrivateField(string name, object value, object objectContainingField)
var field = ES3Reflection.GetES3ReflectedMember(objectContainingField.GetType(), name);
throw new MissingMemberException("A private field named "+ name + " does not exist in the type "+objectContainingField.GetType());
field.SetValue(objectContainingField, value);
#region Read(key) & Read(key, obj) methods
/// <summary>Reads a value from the reader with the given key.</summary>
/// <param name="key">The key which uniquely identifies our value.</param>
public virtual T Read<T>(string key)
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Key \"" + key + "\" was not found in file \""+settings.FullPath+"\". Use Load<T>(key, defaultValue) if you want to return a default value if the key does not exist.");
Type type = ReadTypeFromHeader<T>();
T obj = Read<T>(ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(type));
//ReadKeySuffix(); //No need to read key suffix as we're returning. Doing so would throw an error at this point for BinaryReaders.
return obj;
/// <summary>Reads a value from the reader with the given key, returning the default value if the key does not exist.</summary>
/// <param name="key">The key which uniquely identifies our value.</param>
/// <param name="defaultValue">The value we want to return if this key does not exist in the reader.</param>
public virtual T Read<T>(string key, T defaultValue)
return defaultValue;
Type type = ReadTypeFromHeader<T>();
T obj = Read<T>(ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(type));
//ReadKeySuffix(); //No need to read key suffix as we're returning. Doing so would throw an error at this point for BinaryReaders.
return obj;
/// <summary>Reads a value from the reader with the given key into the provided object.</summary>
/// <param name="key">The key which uniquely identifies our value.</param>
/// <param name="obj">The object we want to load the value into.</param>
public virtual void ReadInto<T>(string key, T obj) where T : class
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Key \"" + key + "\" was not found in file \""+settings.FullPath+"\"");
Type type = ReadTypeFromHeader<T>();
ReadInto<T>(obj, ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(type));
//ReadKeySuffix(); //No need to read key suffix as we're returning. Doing so would throw an error at this point for BinaryReaders.
protected virtual void ReadObject<T>(object obj, ES3Type type)
// Check for null.
type.ReadInto<T>(this, obj);
protected virtual T ReadObject<T>(ES3Type type)
return default(T);
object obj = type.Read<T>(this);
return (T)obj;
#region Read(ES3Type) & Read(obj,ES3Type) methods
* Parses the next JSON Object in the stream (i.e. must be between '{' and '}' chars).
* If the first character in the Stream is not a '{', it will throw an error.
* Will also read the terminating '}'.
* If we have reached the end of stream, it will return null.
public virtual T Read<T>(ES3Type type)
if(type == null || type.isUnsupported)
throw new NotSupportedException("Type of "+type+" is not currently supported, and could not be loaded using reflection.");
else if(type.isPrimitive)
return (T)type.Read<T>(this);
else if(type.isCollection)
return (T)((ES3CollectionType)type).Read(this);
else if(type.isDictionary)
return (T)((ES3DictionaryType)type).Read(this);
return ReadObject<T>(type);
public virtual void ReadInto<T>(object obj, ES3Type type)
if(type == null || type.isUnsupported)
throw new NotSupportedException("Type of "+obj.GetType()+" is not currently supported, and could not be loaded using reflection.");
else if(type.isCollection)
((ES3CollectionType)type).ReadInto(this, obj);
else if(type.isDictionary)
((ES3DictionaryType)type).ReadInto(this, obj);
ReadObject<T>(obj, type);
internal Type ReadTypeFromHeader<T>()
// Check whether we need to determine the type by reading the header.
if(typeof(T) == typeof(object))
return ReadKeyPrefix();
else if(settings.typeChecking)
Type type = ReadKeyPrefix();
if(type != typeof(T))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to load data of type "+typeof(T)+", but data contained in file is type of "+type+".");
return type;
return typeof(T);
/// <summary>Creates a new ES3Reader and loads the default file into it.</summary>
public static ES3Reader Create()
return Create(new ES3Settings());
/// <summary>Creates a new ES3Reader and loads a file in storage into it.</summary>
/// <param name="filePath">The relative or absolute path of the file we want to load into the reader.</param>
public static ES3Reader Create(string filePath)
return Create(new ES3Settings(filePath));
/// <summary>Creates a new ES3Reader and loads a file in storage into it.</summary>
/// <param name="filePath">The relative or absolute path of the file we want to load into the reader.</param>
/// <param name="settings">The settings we want to use to override the default settings.</param>
public static ES3Reader Create(string filePath, ES3Settings settings)
return Create(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings));
/// <summary>Creates a new ES3Reader and loads a file in storage into it.</summary>
/// <param name="settings">The settings we want to use to override the default settings.</param>
public static ES3Reader Create(ES3Settings settings)
Stream stream = ES3Stream.CreateStream(settings, ES3FileMode.Read);
if(stream == null)
return null;
// Get the baseWriter using the given Stream.
if (settings.format == ES3.Format.JSON)
return new ES3JSONReader(stream, settings);
else if (settings.format == ES3.Format.Binary_Alpha)
return new ES3BinaryReader(stream, settings);
return null;
/// <summary>Creates a new ES3Reader and loads the bytes provided into it.</summary>
public static ES3Reader Create(byte[] bytes)
return Create(bytes, new ES3Settings());
/// <summary>Creates a new ES3Reader and loads the bytes provided into it.</summary>
/// <param name="settings">The settings we want to use to override the default settings.</param>
public static ES3Reader Create(byte[] bytes, ES3Settings settings)
Stream stream = ES3Stream.CreateStream(new MemoryStream(bytes), settings, ES3FileMode.Read);
if(stream == null)
return null;
// Get the baseWriter using the given Stream.
if(settings.format == ES3.Format.JSON)
return new ES3JSONReader(stream, settings);
else if(settings.format == ES3.Format.Binary_Alpha)
return new ES3BinaryReader(stream, settings);
return null;
internal static ES3Reader Create(Stream stream, ES3Settings settings)
stream = ES3Stream.CreateStream(stream, settings, ES3FileMode.Read);
// Get the baseWriter using the given Stream.
if(settings.format == ES3.Format.JSON)
return new ES3JSONReader(stream, settings);
else if (settings.format == ES3.Format.Binary_Alpha)
return new ES3BinaryReader(stream, settings);
return null;
internal static ES3Reader Create(Stream stream, ES3Settings settings, bool readHeaderAndFooter)
// Get the baseWriter using the given Stream.
if(settings.format == ES3.Format.JSON)
return new ES3JSONReader(stream, settings, readHeaderAndFooter);
else if (settings.format == ES3.Format.Binary_Alpha)
return new ES3BinaryReader(stream, settings, readHeaderAndFooter);
return null;
public class ES3ReaderPropertyEnumerator
public ES3Reader reader;
public ES3ReaderPropertyEnumerator(ES3Reader reader)
this.reader = reader;
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
string propertyName;
// Allows us to repeat a property name or insert one of our own.
if(reader.overridePropertiesName != null)
string tempName = reader.overridePropertiesName;
reader.overridePropertiesName = null;
yield return tempName;
if((propertyName = reader.ReadPropertyName()) == null)
yield break;
yield return propertyName;
public class ES3ReaderRawEnumerator
public ES3Reader reader;
public ES3ReaderRawEnumerator(ES3Reader reader)
this.reader = reader;
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
string key = reader.ReadPropertyName();
if(key == null)
yield break;
Type type = reader.ReadTypeFromHeader<object>();
byte[] bytes = reader.ReadElement();
yield return new KeyValuePair<string,ES3Data>(key, new ES3Data(type, bytes));