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// Animancer // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Animancer
/// <summary>
/// A set of up/down/left/right animations.
/// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = Strings.MenuPrefix + "Directional Animation Set/4 Directions", order = Strings.AssetMenuOrder + 10)]
public class DirectionalAnimationSet : ScriptableObject, IAnimationClipSource
private AnimationClip _Up;
/// <summary>[<see cref="SerializeField"/>] The animation facing up.</summary>
public AnimationClip Up { get { return _Up; } }
/// <summary>Sets the <see cref="Up"/> animation.</summary>
/// <remarks>This is not simply a property setter because the animations will usually not need to be changed by scripts.</remarks>
public void SetUp(AnimationClip clip)
_Up = clip;
private AnimationClip _Right;
/// <summary>[<see cref="SerializeField"/>] The animation facing right.</summary>
public AnimationClip Right { get { return _Right; } }
/// <summary>Sets the <see cref="Right"/> animation.</summary>
/// <remarks>This is not simply a property setter because the animations will usually not need to be changed by scripts.</remarks>
public void SetRight(AnimationClip clip)
_Right = clip;
private AnimationClip _Down;
/// <summary>[<see cref="SerializeField"/>] The animation facing down.</summary>
public AnimationClip Down { get { return _Down; } }
/// <summary>Sets the <see cref="Down"/> animation.</summary>
/// <remarks>This is not simply a property setter because the animations will usually not need to be changed by scripts.</remarks>
public void SetDown(AnimationClip clip)
_Down = clip;
private AnimationClip _Left;
/// <summary>[<see cref="SerializeField"/>] The animation facing left.</summary>
public AnimationClip Left { get { return _Left; } }
/// <summary>Sets the <see cref="Left"/> animation.</summary>
/// <remarks>This is not simply a property setter because the animations will usually not need to be changed by scripts.</remarks>
public void SetLeft(AnimationClip clip)
_Left = clip;
/// <summary>Returns the animation closest to the specified `direction`.</summary>
public virtual AnimationClip GetClip(Vector2 direction)
if (direction.x >= 0)
if (direction.y >= 0)
return direction.x > direction.y ? _Right : _Up;
return direction.x > -direction.y ? _Right : _Down;
if (direction.y >= 0)
return direction.x < -direction.y ? _Left : _Up;
return direction.x < direction.y ? _Left : _Down;
#region Directions
/// <summary>The number of animations in this set.</summary>
public virtual int ClipCount { get { return 4; } }
/// <summary>Up, Down, Left, or Right.</summary>
public enum Direction
#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member.
#pragma warning restore CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member.
/// <summary>Returns the name of the specified `direction`.</summary>
protected virtual string GetDirectionName(int direction) { return ((Direction)direction).ToString(); }
/// <summary>Returns the animation associated with the specified `direction`.</summary>
public AnimationClip GetClip(Direction direction)
switch (direction)
case Direction.Up: return _Up;
case Direction.Right: return _Right;
case Direction.Down: return _Down;
case Direction.Left: return _Left;
default: throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled direction: " + direction);
/// <summary>Returns the animation associated with the specified `direction`.</summary>
public virtual AnimationClip GetClip(int direction)
return GetClip((Direction)direction);
/// <summary>Sets the animation associated with the specified `direction`.</summary>
public void SetClip(Direction direction, AnimationClip clip)
switch (direction)
case Direction.Up: _Up = clip; break;
case Direction.Right: _Right = clip; break;
case Direction.Down: _Down = clip; break;
case Direction.Left: _Left = clip; break;
default: throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled direction: " + direction);
/// <summary>Sets the animation associated with the specified `direction`.</summary>
public virtual void SetClip(int direction, AnimationClip clip)
SetClip((Direction)direction, clip);
#region Conversion
/// <summary>Returns a vector representing the specified `direction`.</summary>
public static Vector2 DirectionToVector(Direction direction)
switch (direction)
case Direction.Up: return Vector2.up;
case Direction.Right: return Vector2.right;
case Direction.Down: return Vector2.down;
case Direction.Left: return Vector2.left;
default: throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled direction: " + direction);
/// <summary>Returns a vector representing the specified `direction`.</summary>
public virtual Vector2 GetDirection(int direction)
return DirectionToVector((Direction)direction);
/// <summary>Returns the direction closest to the specified `vector`.</summary>
public static Direction VectorToDirection(Vector2 vector)
if (vector.x >= 0)
if (vector.y >= 0)
return vector.x > vector.y ? Direction.Right : Direction.Up;
return vector.x > -vector.y ? Direction.Right : Direction.Down;
if (vector.y >= 0)
return vector.x < -vector.y ? Direction.Left : Direction.Up;
return vector.x < vector.y ? Direction.Left : Direction.Down;
/// <summary>Returns a copy of the `vector` pointing in the closest direction this set type has an animation for.</summary>
public static Vector2 SnapVectorToDirection(Vector2 vector)
var magnitude = vector.magnitude;
var direction = VectorToDirection(vector);
vector = DirectionToVector(direction) * magnitude;
return vector;
/// <summary>Returns a copy of the `vector` pointing in the closest direction this set has an animation for.</summary>
public virtual Vector2 Snap(Vector2 vector)
return SnapVectorToDirection(vector);
#region Collections
/// <summary>Adds all animations from this set to the `clips`, starting from the specified `index`.</summary>
public void AddClips(AnimationClip[] clips, int index)
var count = ClipCount;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
clips[index + i] = GetClip(i);
/// <summary>[<see cref="IAnimationClipSource"/>] Adds all animations from this set to the `clips`.</summary>
public void GetAnimationClips(List<AnimationClip> clips)
var count = ClipCount;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
/// <summary>
/// Adds unit vectors corresponding to each of the animations in this set to the `directions`, starting from
/// the specified `index`.
/// </summary>
public void AddDirections(Vector2[] directions, int index)
var count = ClipCount;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
directions[index + i] = GetDirection(i);
/// <summary>Calls <see cref="AddClips"/> and <see cref="AddDirections"/>.</summary>
public void AddClipsAndDirections(AnimationClip[] clips, Vector2[] directions, int index)
AddClips(clips, index);
AddDirections(directions, index);
#region Editor Functions
[UnityEditor.CustomEditor(typeof(DirectionalAnimationSet), true)]
private class Editor : Animancer.Editor.ScriptableObjectEditor { }
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to assign the `clip` to one of this set's fields based on its name and returns the direction index
/// of that field (or -1 if it was unable to determine the direction).
/// </summary>
public virtual int SetClipByName(AnimationClip clip)
var name =;
int bestDirection = -1;
int bestDirectionIndex = -1;
var directionCount = ClipCount;
for (int i = 0; i < directionCount; i++)
var index = name.LastIndexOf(GetDirectionName(i));
if (bestDirectionIndex < index)
bestDirectionIndex = index;
bestDirection = i;
if (bestDirection >= 0)
SetClip(bestDirection, clip);
return bestDirection;
[UnityEditor.MenuItem("CONTEXT/DirectionalAnimationSet/Find Animations")]
private static void FindSimilarAnimations(UnityEditor.MenuCommand command)
var set = (DirectionalAnimationSet)command.context;
UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(set, "Find Animations");
var directory = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(set);
directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(directory);
var guids = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.FindAssets( + " t:AnimationClip", new string[] { directory });
for (int i = 0; i < guids.Length; i++)
var path = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[i]);
var clip = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AnimationClip>(path);
if (clip == null)
[UnityEditor.MenuItem("Assets/Create/Animancer/Directional Animation Set/From Selection",
priority = Strings.AssetMenuOrder + 12)]
private static void CreateDirectionalAnimationSet()
var nameToAnimations = new Dictionary<string, List<AnimationClip>>();
var selection = UnityEditor.Selection.objects;
for (int i = 0; i < selection.Length; i++)
var clip = selection[i] as AnimationClip;
if (clip == null)
var name =;
for (Direction direction = 0; direction < (Direction)4; direction++)
name = name.Replace(direction.ToString(), "");
List<AnimationClip> clips;
if (!nameToAnimations.TryGetValue(name, out clips))
clips = new List<AnimationClip>();
nameToAnimations.Add(name, clips);
if (nameToAnimations.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No clips are selected");
foreach (var nameAndAnimations in nameToAnimations)
var set = nameAndAnimations.Value.Count <= 4 ?
CreateInstance<DirectionalAnimationSet>() :
for (int i = 0; i < nameAndAnimations.Value.Count; i++)
var path = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(nameAndAnimations.Value[0]);
path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "/" + nameAndAnimations.Key + ".asset";
UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(set, path);
[UnityEditor.MenuItem("CONTEXT/DirectionalAnimationSet/Toggle Looping")]
private static void ToggleLooping(UnityEditor.MenuCommand command)
var set = (DirectionalAnimationSet)command.context;
var count = set.ClipCount;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var clip = set.GetClip(i);
if (clip == null)
var isLooping = !clip.isLooping;
Debug.Log("Setting " + + " clips to " + (isLooping ? "Looping" : "Not Looping") +
". Note that you need to restart Unity for this change to take effect.", set);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
clip = set.GetClip(i);
if (clip == null)
Animancer.Editor.AnimancerEditorUtilities.SetLooping(clip, !clip.isLooping);