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using System;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BzKovSoft.RagdollHelper.Editor
class ColliderController
public static void DrawControllers(BoneHelper boneHelper, Quaternion lastRotation, Transform transform, Vector3 pos)
Quaternion rotatorRotation = ColliderHelper.GetRotatorRotarion(transform);
switch (Tools.current)
case Tool.Rotate:
ProcessRotation(boneHelper, rotatorRotation, lastRotation, transform, pos);
case Tool.Move:
ProcessColliderMove(rotatorRotation, transform, pos);
case Tool.Rect:
case Tool.Scale:
ProcessColliderScale(boneHelper, rotatorRotation, transform, pos);
/// <summary>
/// Rotate node's colider though controls
/// </summary>
static void ProcessRotation(BoneHelper boneHelper, Quaternion rotatorRotation, Quaternion lastRotation, Transform transform, Vector3 pos)
Quaternion newRotation;
bool changed;
if (Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Global)
Quaternion fromStart = rotatorRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(lastRotation);
newRotation = Handles.RotationHandle(fromStart, pos);
changed = fromStart != newRotation;
newRotation = newRotation * lastRotation;
newRotation = Handles.RotationHandle(rotatorRotation, pos);
changed = rotatorRotation != newRotation;
if (changed)
transform = ColliderHelper.GetRotatorTransform(transform);
ColliderHelper.RotateCollider(transform, newRotation);
/// <summary>
/// Resize collider though controls
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transform">The node the collider is attached to</param>
static void ProcessColliderMove(Quaternion rotatorRotation, Transform transform, Vector3 pos)
if (Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Global)
rotatorRotation = Quaternion.identity;
Vector3 newPosition = Handles.PositionHandle(pos, rotatorRotation);
Vector3 translateBy = newPosition - pos;
if (translateBy !=
ColliderHelper.SetColliderPosition(transform, newPosition);
/// <summary>
/// Move collider though controls
/// </summary>
static void ProcessColliderScale(BoneHelper boneHelper, Quaternion rotatorRotation, Transform transform, Vector3 pos)
float size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pos);
var collider = ColliderHelper.GetCollider(transform);
// process each collider type in its own way
CapsuleCollider cCollider = collider as CapsuleCollider;
BoxCollider bCollider = collider as BoxCollider;
SphereCollider sCollider = collider as SphereCollider;
if (cCollider != null)
// for capsule collider draw circle and two dot controllers
Vector3 direction = DirectionIntToVector(cCollider.direction);
var t = Quaternion.LookRotation(cCollider.transform.TransformDirection(direction));
// method "Handles.ScaleValueHandle" multiplies size on 0.15f
// so to send exact size to "Handles.CircleCap",
// I needed to multiply size on 1f/0.15f
// Then to get a size a little bigger (to 130%) than
// collider (for nice looking purpose), I multiply size by 1.3f
const float magicNumber = 1f / 0.15f * 1.3f;
// draw radius controll
float scale = (cCollider.transform.lossyScale.x + cCollider.transform.lossyScale.y + cCollider.transform.lossyScale.z) / 3f;
float radius = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(cCollider.radius, pos, t, cCollider.radius * magicNumber * scale, Handles.CircleHandleCap, 0);
bool radiusChanged = cCollider.radius != radius;
Vector3 scaleHeightShift = cCollider.transform.TransformDirection(direction * cCollider.height / 2);
// draw height controlls
Vector3 heightControl1Pos = pos + scaleHeightShift;
Vector3 heightControl2Pos = pos - scaleHeightShift;
float height1 = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(cCollider.height, heightControl1Pos, t, size * 0.5f, Handles.DotHandleCap, 0);
float height2 = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(cCollider.height, heightControl2Pos, t, size * 0.5f, Handles.DotHandleCap, 0);
float newHeight = 0f;
bool moved = false;
bool firstCtrlSelected = false;
if (height1 != cCollider.height)
moved = true;
firstCtrlSelected = true;
newHeight = height1;
else if (height2 != cCollider.height)
moved = true;
newHeight = height2;
if (moved | radiusChanged)
Undo.RecordObject(cCollider, "Resize capsule collider");
bool upperSelected = false;
if (moved)
if (newHeight < 0.01f)
newHeight = 0.01f;
bool firstIsUpper = FirstIsUpper(cCollider.transform, heightControl1Pos, heightControl2Pos);
upperSelected = firstIsUpper == firstCtrlSelected; += direction * (newHeight - cCollider.height) / 2 * (firstCtrlSelected ? 1 : -1);
cCollider.height = newHeight;
if (radiusChanged)
cCollider.radius = radius;
// resize symmetric colliders too
Transform symBone;
if (boneHelper.SymmetricBones != null && boneHelper.SymmetricBones.TryGetValue(, out symBone))
var symCapsule = ColliderHelper.GetCollider(symBone) as CapsuleCollider;
if (symCapsule == null)
Undo.RecordObject(symCapsule, "Resize symetric capsule collider");
if (moved)
Vector3 direction2 = DirectionIntToVector(symCapsule.direction);
Vector3 scaleHeightShift2 = symCapsule.transform.TransformDirection(direction2 * symCapsule.height / 2);
Vector3 pos2 = ColliderHelper.GetRotatorPosition(symCapsule.transform);
Vector3 heightControl1Pos2 = pos2 + scaleHeightShift2;
Vector3 heightControl2Pos2 = pos2 - scaleHeightShift2;
bool firstIsUpper2 = FirstIsUpper(symCapsule.transform, heightControl1Pos2, heightControl2Pos2); += direction2 * (newHeight - symCapsule.height) / 2
* (upperSelected ? 1 : -1)
* (firstIsUpper2 ? 1 : -1);
symCapsule.height = cCollider.height;
if (radiusChanged)
symCapsule.radius = cCollider.radius;
else if (bCollider != null)
// resize Box collider
var newSize = Handles.ScaleHandle(bCollider.size, pos, rotatorRotation, size);
if (bCollider.size != newSize)
Undo.RecordObject(bCollider, "Resize box collider");
bCollider.size = newSize;
else if (sCollider != null)
// resize Sphere collider
var newRadius = Handles.RadiusHandle(rotatorRotation, pos, sCollider.radius, true);
if (sCollider.radius != newRadius)
Undo.RecordObject(sCollider, "Resize sphere collider");
sCollider.radius = newRadius;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported Collider type: " + collider.GetType().FullName);
/// <summary>
/// Int (Physx spesific) direction to Vector3 direction
/// </summary>
static Vector3 DirectionIntToVector(int direction)
Vector3 v;
switch (direction)
case 0:
v = Vector3.right;
case 1:
v = Vector3.up;
case 2:
v = Vector3.forward;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return v;
private static bool FirstIsUpper(Transform transform, Vector3 heightControl1Pos, Vector3 heightControl2Pos)
if (transform.parent == null)
return true;
Vector3 currentPos = transform.position;
Vector3 parentPos;
transform = transform.parent;
parentPos = transform.position;
while (parentPos == currentPos & transform.parent != null);
if (parentPos == currentPos)
return true;
Vector3 limbDirection = currentPos - parentPos;
float d1 = Vector3.Dot(limbDirection, heightControl1Pos - parentPos);
float d2 = Vector3.Dot(limbDirection, heightControl2Pos - parentPos);
bool firstIsUpper = d1 < d2;
return firstIsUpper;
public static Vector3 GetPos(Transform transform)
return ColliderHelper.GetRotatorPosition(transform);