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// Animancer // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Animancer
partial class AnimancerState
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="IUpdatable"/> that manages the events of this state.
/// <para></para>
/// This field is null by default, acquires its reference from an <see cref="ObjectPool"/> when accessed, and
/// if it contains no events at the end of an update it releases the reference back to the pool.
/// </summary>
private EventUpdatable _EventUpdatable;
/// <summary>
/// A list of <see cref="AnimancerEvent"/>s that will occur while this state plays as well as one that
/// specifically defines when this state ends.
/// <para></para>
/// Animancer Lite does not allow the use of events in a runtime build, except for
/// <see cref="AnimancerEvent.Sequence.OnEnd"/>.
/// </summary>
public AnimancerEvent.Sequence Events
return _EventUpdatable.Events;
if (value != null)
_EventUpdatable.Events = value;
else if (_EventUpdatable != null)
_EventUpdatable.Events = null;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether this state currently has an <see cref="AnimancerEvent.Sequence"/> (since accessing the
/// <see cref="Events"/> would automatically get one from the <see cref="ObjectPool"/>).
/// </summary>
public bool HasEvents { get { return _EventUpdatable != null; } }
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="ObjectPool{T}.Capacity"/> for <see cref="AnimancerEvent.Sequence"/> and
/// <see cref="EventUpdatable"/>.
/// </summary>
public static int EventPoolCapacity
get { return ObjectPool<EventUpdatable>.Capacity; }
ObjectPool<EventUpdatable>.Capacity = value;
ObjectPool<AnimancerEvent.Sequence>.Capacity = value;
/// <summary>
/// An <see cref="IUpdatable"/> which manages the triggering of events.
/// </summary>
private sealed class EventUpdatable : Key, IUpdatable
#region Pooling
/// <summary>
/// If the `state` has no <see cref="EventUpdatable"/>, this method gets one from the
/// <see cref="ObjectPool"/>.
/// </summary>
public static void Acquire(AnimancerState state)
var updatable = state._EventUpdatable;
if (updatable != null)
ObjectPool.Acquire(out updatable);
if (updatable._State != null)
Debug.LogError(updatable + " already has a state even though it was in the list of spares.");
if (updatable._Events != null)
Debug.LogError(updatable + " has event sequence even though it was in the list of spares.");
if (updatable._GotEventsFromPool)
Debug.LogError(updatable + " is marked as having pooled events even though it has no events.");
if (updatable._NextEventIndex != RecalculateEventIndex)
Debug.LogError(updatable + " has a _NextEventIndex even though it was pooled.");
if (IsInList(updatable))
Debug.LogError(updatable + " is currently in a Keyed List even though it was in the list of spares.");
updatable._IsLooping = state.IsLooping;
updatable._State = state;
state._EventUpdatable = updatable;
/// <summary>
/// Returns this <see cref="EventUpdatable"/> to the <see cref="ObjectPool"/>.
/// </summary>
private void Release()
if (_State == null)
if (_GotEventsFromPool)
_GotEventsFromPool = false;
_Events = null;
_State._EventUpdatable = null;
_State = null;
_NextEventIndex = RecalculateEventIndex;
/// <summary>
/// If the <see cref="AnimancerEvent.Sequence"/> was acquired from the <see cref="ObjectPool"/>, this
/// method clears it. Otherwise it simply discards the reference.
/// </summary>
public static void TryClear(EventUpdatable events)
if (events != null && events._Events != null)
events._NextEventIndex = RecalculateEventIndex;
if (events._GotEventsFromPool)
events._GotEventsFromPool = false;
events._Events = null;
private AnimancerState _State;
private AnimancerEvent.Sequence _Events;
private bool _GotEventsFromPool;
private bool _IsLooping;
private float _PreviousTime;
private int _NextEventIndex = RecalculateEventIndex;
private int _SequenceVersion;
private bool _WasPlayingForwards;
private const int RecalculateEventIndex = int.MinValue;
/// <summary>
/// This system accounts for external modifications to the sequence, but modifying it while checking which
/// of its events to update is not allowed because it would be impossible to efficiently keep track of
/// which events have been checked/invoked and which still need to be checked.
/// </summary>
private const string SequenceVersionException =
"AnimancerState.Events sequence was modified while iterating through it." +
" Events in a sequence must not modify that sequence.";
public AnimancerEvent.Sequence Events
if (_Events == null)
ObjectPool.Acquire(out _Events);
_GotEventsFromPool = true;
if (!_Events.IsEmpty)
Debug.LogError(_Events + " is not in its default state even though it was in the list of spares.");
return _Events;
if (_GotEventsFromPool)
_GotEventsFromPool = false;
_Events = value;
_NextEventIndex = RecalculateEventIndex;
void IUpdatable.EarlyUpdate()
if (_Events == null || _Events.IsEmpty)
_PreviousTime = _State.NormalizedTime;
void IUpdatable.LateUpdate()
if (_Events == null || _Events.IsEmpty)
var currentTime = _State.NormalizedTime;
if (_PreviousTime == currentTime)
// General events are triggered on the frame when their time passes.
// This happens either once or repeatedly depending on whether the animation is looping or not.
if (_Events == null)
// End events are triggered every frame after their time passes. This ensures that assigning the event
// after the time has passed will still trigger it rather than leaving it playing indefinitely.
var onEnd = _Events.endEvent;
if (onEnd.callback != null)
if (currentTime > _PreviousTime)// Playing Forwards.
var eventTime = float.IsNaN(onEnd.normalizedTime) ?
1 : onEnd.normalizedTime;
if (currentTime > eventTime)
else// Playing Backwards.
var eventTime = float.IsNaN(onEnd.normalizedTime) ?
0 : onEnd.normalizedTime;
if (currentTime < eventTime)
public void OnTimeChanged()
_NextEventIndex = RecalculateEventIndex;
private void CheckGeneralEvents(float currentTime)
var count = _Events.Count;
if (count == 0)
float playDirectionFloat;
int playDirectionInt;
ValidateNextEventIndex(ref currentTime, out playDirectionFloat, out playDirectionInt);
if (_IsLooping)// Looping.
var animancerEvent = _Events[_NextEventIndex];
var eventTime = animancerEvent.normalizedTime * playDirectionFloat;
var loopDelta = GetLoopDelta(_PreviousTime, currentTime, eventTime);
if (loopDelta == 0)
// For each additional loop, invoke all events without needing to check their times.
if (!InvokeAllEvents(loopDelta - 1, playDirectionInt))
var loopStartIndex = _NextEventIndex;
if (!NextEventLooped(playDirectionInt) ||
_NextEventIndex == loopStartIndex)
animancerEvent = _Events[_NextEventIndex];
eventTime = animancerEvent.normalizedTime * playDirectionFloat;
if (loopDelta == GetLoopDelta(_PreviousTime, currentTime, eventTime))
goto Invoke;
else// Non-Looping.
while ((uint)_NextEventIndex < (uint)count)
var animancerEvent = _Events[_NextEventIndex];
var eventTime = animancerEvent.normalizedTime * playDirectionFloat;
if (currentTime <= eventTime)
if (!NextEvent(playDirectionInt))
private void ValidateNextEventIndex(ref float currentTime,
out float playDirectionFloat, out int playDirectionInt)
if (currentTime > _PreviousTime)// Playing Forwards.
playDirectionFloat = 1;
playDirectionInt = 1;
if (_NextEventIndex == RecalculateEventIndex ||
_SequenceVersion != _Events.Version ||
_NextEventIndex = 0;
_SequenceVersion = _Events.Version;
_WasPlayingForwards = true;
var previousTime = _PreviousTime;
if (_IsLooping)
previousTime = previousTime.Wrap01();
var max = _Events.Count - 1;
while (_NextEventIndex < max &&
_Events[_NextEventIndex].normalizedTime < previousTime)
else// Playing Backwards.
var previousTime = _PreviousTime;
_PreviousTime = -previousTime;
currentTime = -currentTime;
playDirectionFloat = -1;
playDirectionInt = -1;
if (_NextEventIndex == RecalculateEventIndex ||
_SequenceVersion != _Events.Version ||
_NextEventIndex = _Events.Count - 1;
_SequenceVersion = _Events.Version;
_WasPlayingForwards = false;
if (_IsLooping)
previousTime = previousTime.Wrap01();
while (_NextEventIndex > 0 &&
_Events[_NextEventIndex].normalizedTime > previousTime)
// This method could be slightly optimised for playback direction changes by using the current index
// as the starting point instead of iterating from the edge of the sequence, but that would make it
// significantly more complex for something that should not happen very often and would only matter if
// there are lots of events (in which case the optimisation would be tiny compared to the cost of
// actually invoking all those events and running the rest of the application).
private static int GetLoopDelta(float previousTime, float nextTime, float eventTime)
previousTime -= eventTime;
var previousLoopCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(previousTime);
var nextLoopCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(nextTime - eventTime);
if (previousTime == previousLoopCount)
return nextLoopCount - previousLoopCount;
private bool InvokeAllEvents(int count, int playDirectionInt)
var loopStartIndex = _NextEventIndex;
while (count-- > 0)
if (!NextEventLooped(playDirectionInt))
return false;
while (_NextEventIndex != loopStartIndex);
return true;
private bool NextEvent(int playDirectionInt)
if (_NextEventIndex == RecalculateEventIndex)
return false;
if (_Events.Version != _SequenceVersion)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SequenceVersionException);
_NextEventIndex += playDirectionInt;
return true;
private bool NextEventLooped(int playDirectionInt)
if (!NextEvent(playDirectionInt))
return false;
var count = _Events.Count;
if (_NextEventIndex >= count)
_NextEventIndex = 0;
else if (_NextEventIndex < 0)
_NextEventIndex = count - 1;
return true;
void IUpdatable.OnDestroy()