using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

namespace MoreMountains.Tools
	/// <summary>
	/// Add this component to a scene and it'll let you save and load the state of objects that implement the IMMPersistent interface
	/// You can create your own classes that implement this interface, or use the MMPersistent class that comes with this package
	/// It will save their transform data (position, rotation, scale) and their active state
	/// Triggering save and load is done via events, and the manager also emits events every time data is loaded or saved
	/// </summary>
	public class MMPersistencyManager : MMPersistentSingleton<MMPersistencyManager>, MMEventListener<MMGameEvent>
		/// A persistency ID used to identify the data associated to this manager.
		/// Usually you'll want to leave this to its default value.
		[Tooltip("A persistency ID used to identify the data associated to this manager. Usually you'll want to leave this to its default value.")]
		public string PersistencyID = "MMPersistency";

		/// whether or not this manager should listen for save events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call SaveToMemory or SaveFromMemoryToFile manually
		[Tooltip("whether or not this manager should listen for save events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call SaveToMemory or SaveFromMemoryToFile manually")] 
		public bool ListenForSaveEvents = true;
		/// whether or not this manager should listen for load events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call LoadFromMemory or LoadFromFileToMemory manually
		[Tooltip("whether or not this manager should listen for load events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call LoadFromMemory or LoadFromFileToMemory manually")] 
		public bool ListenForLoadEvents = true;
		/// whether or not this manager should listen for save to memory events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call SaveToMemory manually
		[Tooltip("whether or not this manager should listen for save to memory events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call SaveToMemory manually")]
		public bool ListenForSaveToMemoryEvents = true;
		/// whether or not this manager should listen for load from memory events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call LoadFromMemory manually
		[Tooltip("whether or not this manager should listen for load from memory events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call LoadFromMemory manually")]
		public bool ListenForLoadFromMemoryEvents = true;
		/// whether or not this manager should listen for save to file events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call SaveFromMemoryToFile manually
		[Tooltip("whether or not this manager should listen for save to file events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call SaveFromMemoryToFile manually")]
		public bool ListenForSaveToFileEvents = true;
		/// whether or not this manager should listen for load from file events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call LoadFromFileToMemory manually
		[Tooltip("whether or not this manager should listen for load from file events. If you set this to false, you'll have to call LoadFromFileToMemory manually")]
		public bool ListenForLoadFromFileEvents = true;
		/// whether or not this manager should save data to file on save events
		[Tooltip("whether or not this manager should save data to file on save events")]
		public bool SaveToFileOnSaveEvents = true;
		/// whether or not this manager should load data from file on load events
		[Tooltip("whether or not this manager should load data from file on load events")]
		public bool LoadFromFileOnLoadEvents = true;
		/// the debug buttons below are only meant to be used at runtime
		[Header("Debug Buttons (Only at Runtime)")]
		public bool SaveToMemoryButton;
		public bool LoadFromMemoryButton;
		public bool SaveToFileButton;
		public bool LoadFromFileButton;
		public bool DeletePersistencyFileButton;

		public DictionaryStringSceneData SceneDatas;
		public static string _resourceItemPath = "Persistency/";
		public static string _saveFolderName = "MMTools/";
		public static string _saveFileExtension = ".persistency";

		protected string _currentSceneName;


			/// <summary>
			/// On Awake we initialize our dictionary
			/// </summary>
			protected override void Awake()
				SceneDatas = new DictionaryStringSceneData();


		#region SAVE_AND_LOAD

			/// <summary>
			/// Saves data from objects that need saving to memory
			/// </summary>
			public virtual void SaveToMemory()

				MMPersistencySceneData sceneData = new MMPersistencySceneData();
				sceneData.ObjectDatas = new DictionaryStringString();
				IMMPersistent[] persistents = FindAllPersistentObjects();
				foreach (IMMPersistent persistent in persistents)
					if (persistent.ShouldBeSaved())
						sceneData.ObjectDatas.Add(persistent.GetGuid(), persistent.OnSave());	

				SceneDatas.Add(_currentSceneName, sceneData);

				MMPersistencyEvent.Trigger(MMPersistencyEventType.DataSavedToMemory, PersistencyID);

			/// <summary>
			/// Loads data from memory and applies it to all objects that need it
			/// </summary>
			public virtual void LoadFromMemory()
				if (!SceneDatas.TryGetValue(_currentSceneName, out MMPersistencySceneData sceneData))
				if (sceneData.ObjectDatas == null)
				IMMPersistent[] persistents = FindAllPersistentObjects();
				foreach (IMMPersistent persistent in persistents)
					if (sceneData.ObjectDatas.TryGetValue(persistent.GetGuid(), out string data))
				MMPersistencyEvent.Trigger(MMPersistencyEventType.DataLoadedFromMemory, PersistencyID);

			/// <summary>
			/// Saves data from memory to a file
			/// </summary>
			public virtual void SaveFromMemoryToFile()
				MMPersistencyManagerData saveData = new MMPersistencyManagerData();
				saveData.PersistencyID = PersistencyID;
				saveData.SaveDate = DateTime.Now.ToString();
				saveData.SceneDatas = SceneDatas;
				MMSaveLoadManager.Save(saveData, DetermineSaveName(), _saveFolderName);
				MMPersistencyEvent.Trigger(MMPersistencyEventType.DataSavedFromMemoryToFile, PersistencyID);

			/// <summary>
			/// Loads data from file and stores it in memory
			/// </summary>
			public virtual void LoadFromFileToMemory()
				MMPersistencyManagerData saveData = (MMPersistencyManagerData)MMSaveLoadManager.Load(typeof(MMPersistencyManagerData), DetermineSaveName(), _saveFolderName);
				if ((saveData != null) && (saveData.SceneDatas != null))
					SceneDatas = new DictionaryStringSceneData();
					SceneDatas = saveData.SceneDatas;	
				MMPersistencyEvent.Trigger(MMPersistencyEventType.DataLoadedFromFileToMemory, PersistencyID);
			/// <summary>
			/// On Save, we save to memory and to file if needed
			/// </summary>
			public virtual void Save()
				if (SaveToFileOnSaveEvents)

			/// <summary>
			/// On Load, we load from memory and from file if needed
			/// </summary>
			public virtual void Load()
				if (LoadFromFileOnLoadEvents)


		#region RESET

			/// <summary>
			/// Deletes all persistency data for the specified scene
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="sceneName"></param>
			public virtual void DeletePersistencyMemoryForScene(string sceneName)
				if (!SceneDatas.TryGetValue(_currentSceneName, out MMPersistencySceneData sceneData))

			/// <summary>
			/// Deletes persistency data from memory and on file for this persistency manager
			/// </summary>
			public virtual void ResetPersistency()

			/// <summary>
			/// Deletes all persistency data stored in this persistency manager's memory
			/// </summary>
			public virtual void DeletePersistencyMemory()
				SceneDatas = new DictionaryStringSceneData();
			/// <summary>
			/// Deletes the save file for this persistency manager
			/// </summary>
			public virtual void DeletePersistencyFile()
				MMSaveLoadManager.DeleteSave(DetermineSaveName(), _saveFolderName);
				Debug.LogFormat("Persistency save file deleted");


		#region HELPERS

			/// <summary>
			/// Finds all objects in the scene that implement IMMPersistent and may need saving
			/// </summary>
			/// <returns></returns>
			protected virtual IMMPersistent[] FindAllPersistentObjects()
				return FindObjectsOfType<MonoBehaviour>(true).OfType<IMMPersistent>().ToArray();

			/// <summary>
			/// Grabs the current scene's name and stores it 
			/// </summary>
			protected virtual void ComputeCurrentSceneName()
				_currentSceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;

			/// <summary>
			/// Determines the name of the file to write to store persistency data
			/// </summary>
			/// <returns></returns>
			protected virtual string DetermineSaveName()
				return + "_" + PersistencyID + _saveFileExtension;


		#region EVENTS

			/// <summary>
			/// When we get a MMEvent, we filter on its name and invoke the appropriate methods if needed
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="gameEvent"></param>
			public virtual void OnMMEvent(MMGameEvent gameEvent)
				if ((gameEvent.EventName == "Save") && ListenForSaveEvents)
				if ((gameEvent.EventName == "Load") && ListenForLoadEvents)
				if ((gameEvent.EventName == "SaveToMemory") && ListenForSaveToMemoryEvents)
				if ((gameEvent.EventName == "LoadFromMemory") && ListenForLoadFromMemoryEvents)
				if ((gameEvent.EventName == "SaveToFile") && ListenForSaveToFileEvents)
				if ((gameEvent.EventName == "LoadFromFile") && ListenForLoadFromFileEvents)
			/// <summary>
			/// On enable, we start listening for MMGameEvents
			/// </summary>
			protected virtual void OnEnable()
			/// <summary>
			/// On enable, we stop listening for MMGameEvents
			/// </summary>
			protected virtual void OnDisable()
