using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using MoreMountains.Tools; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; namespace MoreMountains.Tools { /// /// This class will create a cone of vision defined by an angle and a distance around a point. It will look for targets within that field, and draw a mesh to show the cone of vision /// initially inspired by this great tutorial by Sebastian Lague : - check out his tutorials, they're amazing! /// [Serializable] [AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Vision/MMConeOfVision")] public class MMConeOfVision : MonoBehaviour { /// /// A struct to store raycast data /// public struct RaycastData { public bool Hit; public Vector3 Point; public float Distance; public float Angle; public RaycastData(bool hit, Vector3 point, float distance, float angle) { Hit = hit; Point = point; Distance = distance; Angle = angle; } } public struct MeshEdgePosition { public Vector3 PointA; public Vector3 PointB; public MeshEdgePosition(Vector3 pointA, Vector3 pointB) { PointA = pointA; PointB = pointB; } } [Header("Vision")] public LayerMask ObstacleMask; public float VisionRadius = 5f; [Range(0f, 360f)] public float VisionAngle = 20f; [MMReadOnly] public Vector3 Direction; [MMReadOnly] public Vector3 EulerAngles; public Vector3 Offset; [Header("Target scanning")] public bool ShouldScanForTargets = true; public LayerMask TargetMask; public float ScanFrequencyInSeconds = 1f; [MMReadOnly] public List VisibleTargets = new List(); [Header("Mesh")] public bool ShouldDrawMesh = true; public float MeshDensity = 0.2f; public int EdgePrecision = 3; public float EdgeThreshold = 0.5f; public MeshFilter VisionMeshFilter; protected Mesh _visionMesh; protected Collider[] _targetsWithinDistance; protected Transform _target; protected Vector3 _directionToTarget; protected float _distanceToTarget; protected float _lastScanTimestamp; protected List _viewPoints = new List(); protected RaycastData _oldViewCast = new RaycastData(); protected RaycastData _viewCast = new RaycastData(); protected Vector3[] _vertices; protected int[] _triangles; protected Vector3 _minPoint, _maxPoint, _direction; protected RaycastData _returnRaycastData; protected RaycastHit _raycastAtAngleHit; protected int _numberOfVerticesLastTime = 0; public Vector3 Center { get { return this.transform.position + Offset; } } protected virtual void Awake() { _visionMesh = new Mesh(); if (ShouldDrawMesh) { VisionMeshFilter.mesh = _visionMesh; } } protected virtual void LateUpdate() { if ((Time.time - _lastScanTimestamp > ScanFrequencyInSeconds) && ShouldScanForTargets) { ScanForTargets(); } DrawMesh(); } public virtual void SetDirectionAndAngles(Vector3 direction, Vector3 eulerAngles) { Direction = direction; EulerAngles = eulerAngles; } protected virtual void ScanForTargets() { _lastScanTimestamp = Time.time; VisibleTargets.Clear(); _targetsWithinDistance = Physics.OverlapSphere(Center, VisionRadius, TargetMask); foreach (Collider collider in _targetsWithinDistance) { _target = collider.transform; _directionToTarget = (_target.position - Center).normalized; if (Vector3.Angle(Direction, _directionToTarget) < VisionAngle / 2f) { _distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(Center, _target.position); bool duplicate = false; foreach(Transform visibleTarget in VisibleTargets) { if (visibleTarget == _target) { duplicate = true; } } if ((!Physics.Raycast(Center, _directionToTarget, _distanceToTarget, ObstacleMask)) && !duplicate) { VisibleTargets.Add(_target); } } } } protected virtual void DrawMesh() { if (!ShouldDrawMesh) { return; } int steps = Mathf.RoundToInt(MeshDensity * VisionAngle); float stepsAngle = VisionAngle / steps; _viewPoints.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { float angle = stepsAngle * i + EulerAngles.y - VisionAngle / 2f; _viewCast = RaycastAtAngle(angle); if (i > 0) { bool thresholdExceeded = Mathf.Abs(_oldViewCast.Distance - _viewCast.Distance) > EdgeThreshold; if ((_oldViewCast.Hit != _viewCast.Hit) || (_oldViewCast.Hit && _viewCast.Hit && thresholdExceeded)) { MeshEdgePosition edge = FindMeshEdgePosition(_oldViewCast, _viewCast); if (edge.PointA != { _viewPoints.Add(edge.PointA); } if (edge.PointB != { _viewPoints.Add(edge.PointB); } } } _viewPoints.Add(_viewCast.Point); _oldViewCast = _viewCast; } int numberOfVertices = _viewPoints.Count + 1; if (numberOfVertices != _numberOfVerticesLastTime) { Array.Resize(ref _vertices, numberOfVertices); Array.Resize(ref _triangles, (numberOfVertices - 2) * 3); } _vertices[0] = Offset; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices - 1; i++) { _vertices[i + 1] = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(_viewPoints[i]); if (i < numberOfVertices - 2) { _triangles[i * 3] = 0; _triangles[i * 3 + 1] = i + 1; _triangles[i * 3 + 2] = i + 2; } } _visionMesh.Clear(); _visionMesh.vertices = _vertices; _visionMesh.triangles = _triangles; _visionMesh.RecalculateNormals(); _numberOfVerticesLastTime = numberOfVertices; } MeshEdgePosition FindMeshEdgePosition(RaycastData minimumViewCast, RaycastData maximumViewCast) { float minAngle = minimumViewCast.Angle; float maxAngle = maximumViewCast.Angle; _minPoint = minimumViewCast.Point; _maxPoint = maximumViewCast.Point; for (int i = 0; i < EdgePrecision; i++) { float angle = (minAngle + maxAngle) / 2; RaycastData newViewCast = RaycastAtAngle(angle); bool thresholdExceeded = Mathf.Abs(minimumViewCast.Distance - newViewCast.Distance) > EdgeThreshold; if (newViewCast.Hit == minimumViewCast.Hit && !thresholdExceeded) { minAngle = angle; _minPoint = newViewCast.Point; } else { maxAngle = angle; _maxPoint = newViewCast.Point; } } return new MeshEdgePosition(_minPoint, _maxPoint); } RaycastData RaycastAtAngle(float angle) { _direction = MMMaths.DirectionFromAngle(angle, 0f); if (Physics.Raycast(Center, _direction, out _raycastAtAngleHit, VisionRadius, ObstacleMask)) { _returnRaycastData.Hit = true; _returnRaycastData.Point = _raycastAtAngleHit.point; _returnRaycastData.Distance = _raycastAtAngleHit.distance; _returnRaycastData.Angle = angle; } else { _returnRaycastData.Hit = false; _returnRaycastData.Point = Center + _direction * VisionRadius; _returnRaycastData.Distance = VisionRadius; _returnRaycastData.Angle = angle; } return _returnRaycastData; } } }