using MoreMountains.Feedbacks;
using MoreMountains.Tools;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MoreMountains.Feel
public class FeelBrass : MonoBehaviour
/// a reference to the MMAudioAnalyzer in the scene
public MMAudioAnalyzer TargetAnalyzer;
/// a light we want to control based on the current level of the music
public Light TargetLight;
/// a duration, in seconds, between two special dance moves, during which moves are prevented
[Tooltip("a duration, in seconds, between two special dance moves, during which moves are prevented")]
public float CooldownDuration = 0.1f;
/// a feedback to play when doing a special dance move
[Tooltip("a feedback to play when doing a special dance move")]
public MMFeedbacks SpecialDanceMoveFeedbacks;
protected float _lastMoveStartedAt = -100f;
/// On Update we look for input
protected virtual void Update()
/// Detects input
protected virtual void HandleInput()
if (FeelDemosInputHelper.CheckMainActionInputPressedThisFrame())
/// Updates the light's intensity in real time based on the music's levels
protected virtual void ControlLightIntensity()
// this simple line lets us grab the current normalized & buffered amplitude of the music, and feed it to the light
TargetLight.intensity = TargetAnalyzer.NormalizedBufferedAmplitude * 5f;
/// Performs a move if possible, otherwise plays a denied feedback
protected virtual void SpecialDanceMove()
if (Time.time - _lastMoveStartedAt >= CooldownDuration)
_lastMoveStartedAt = Time.time;