<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="M:DG.Tweening.Core.ABSAnimationComponent.DORestart">
            Restarts the tween
        <member name="M:DG.Tweening.Core.ABSAnimationComponent.DORestart(System.Boolean)">
            Restarts the tween
            <param name="fromHere">If TRUE, re-evaluates the tween's start and end values from its current position.
            Set it to TRUE when spawning the same DOTweenPath in different positions (like when using a pooling system)</param>
        <member name="T:DG.Tweening.DOTweenPath">
            Attach this to a GameObject to create and assign a path to it
        <member name="E:DG.Tweening.DOTweenPath.OnReset">
            <summary>Used internally by the editor</summary>
        <member name="M:DG.Tweening.DOTweenPath.DORestart">
            Restarts the tween
        <member name="M:DG.Tweening.DOTweenPath.DORestart(System.Boolean)">
            Restarts the tween
            <param name="fromHere">If TRUE, re-evaluates the tween's start and end values from its current position.
            Set it to TRUE when spawning the same DOTweenPath in different positions (like when using a pooling system)</param>
        <member name="M:DG.Tweening.DOTweenPath.DOKillAllById(System.String)">
            Kills all tweens (path/animations/etc.) with the given ID (regardless of their target gameObject)
        <member name="M:DG.Tweening.DOTweenPath.GetDrawPoints">
            Returns a list of points that are used to draw the path inside the editor.
        <member name="T:DG.Tweening.Plugins.SpiralPlugin">
            Tweens a Vector3 along a spiral.
            EndValue represents the direction of the spiral
        <member name="T:DG.Tweening.SpiralMode">
            Spiral tween mode
        <member name="F:DG.Tweening.SpiralMode.Expand">
            <summary>The spiral motion will expand outwards for the whole the tween</summary>
        <member name="F:DG.Tweening.SpiralMode.ExpandThenContract">
            <summary>The spiral motion will expand outwards for half the tween and then will spiral back to the starting position</summary>