using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using MoreMountains.Tools;

namespace MoreMountains.Feedbacks
	/// <summary>
	/// This feedback will let you trigger a play on a target MMRadioSignal (usually used by a MMRadioBroadcaster to emit a value that can then be listened to by MMRadioReceivers. From this feedback you can also specify a duration, timescale and multiplier.
	/// </summary>
	[FeedbackHelp("This feedback will let you trigger a play on a target MMRadioSignal (usually used by a MMRadioBroadcaster to emit a value that can then be listened to by MMRadioReceivers. From this feedback you can also specify a duration, timescale and multiplier.")]
	public class MMF_RadioSignal : MMF_Feedback
		/// a static bool used to disable all feedbacks of this type at once
		public static bool FeedbackTypeAuthorized = true;
		public override Color FeedbackColor { get { return MMFeedbacksInspectorColors.GameObjectColor; } }
		public override bool EvaluateRequiresSetup() { return (TargetSignal == null); }
		public override string RequiredTargetText { get { return TargetSignal != null ? : "";  } }
		public override string RequiresSetupText { get { return "This feedback requires that a TargetSignal be set to be able to work properly. You can set one below."; } }
		/// the duration of this feedback is 0
		public override float FeedbackDuration { get { return 0f; } }
		public override bool HasRandomness => true;
		public override bool HasAutomatedTargetAcquisition => true;
		protected override void AutomateTargetAcquisition() => TargetSignal = FindAutomatedTarget<MMRadioSignal>();

		[MMFInspectorGroup("Radio Signal", true, 72)]
		/// The target MMRadioSignal to trigger
		[Tooltip("The target MMRadioSignal to trigger")]
		public MMRadioSignal TargetSignal;
		/// the timescale to operate on
		[Tooltip("the timescale to operate on")]
		public MMRadioSignal.TimeScales TimeScale = MMRadioSignal.TimeScales.Unscaled;
		/// the duration of the shake, in seconds
		[Tooltip("the duration of the shake, in seconds")]
		public float Duration = 1f;
		/// a global multiplier to apply to the end result of the combination
		[Tooltip("a global multiplier to apply to the end result of the combination")]
		public float GlobalMultiplier = 1f;

		/// <summary>
		/// On Play we set the values on our target signal and make it start shaking its level
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="position"></param>
		/// <param name="feedbacksIntensity"></param>
		protected override void CustomPlayFeedback(Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity = 1.0f)
			if (Active && FeedbackTypeAuthorized)
				if (TargetSignal != null)
					float intensityMultiplier = ComputeIntensity(feedbacksIntensity, position);
					TargetSignal.Duration = Duration;
					TargetSignal.GlobalMultiplier = GlobalMultiplier * intensityMultiplier;
					TargetSignal.TimeScale = TimeScale;

		/// <summary>
		/// On Stop, stops the target signal
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="position"></param>
		/// <param name="feedbacksIntensity"></param>
		protected override void CustomStopFeedback(Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity = 1)
			base.CustomStopFeedback(position, feedbacksIntensity);
			if (Active)
				if (TargetSignal != null)
		/// <summary>
		/// On restore, we put our object back at its initial position
		/// </summary>
		protected override void CustomRestoreInitialValues()
			if (!Active || !FeedbackTypeAuthorized)
			if (TargetSignal != null)