using MoreMountains.Tools; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO using TMPro; #endif namespace MoreMountains.Feedbacks { /// <summary> /// This feedback lets you tweak the softness of a TMP text over time /// </summary> [AddComponentMenu("")] [FeedbackHelp("This feedback lets you tweak the softness of a TMP text over time.")] [FeedbackPath("TextMesh Pro/TMP Softness")] public class MMFeedbackTMPSoftness : MMFeedback { /// a static bool used to disable all feedbacks of this type at once public static bool FeedbackTypeAuthorized = true; /// the duration of this feedback is the duration of the transition, or 0 if instant public override float FeedbackDuration { get { return (Mode == MMFeedbackBase.Modes.Instant) ? 0f : ApplyTimeMultiplier(Duration); } set { Duration = value; } } /// sets the inspector color for this feedback #if UNITY_EDITOR public override Color FeedbackColor { get { return MMFeedbacksInspectorColors.TMPColor; } } #endif #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO [Header("Target")] /// the TMP_Text component to control [Tooltip("the TMP_Text component to control")] public TMP_Text TargetTMPText; #endif [Header("Softness")] /// whether or not values should be relative [Tooltip("whether or not values should be relative")] public bool RelativeValues = true; /// the selected mode [Tooltip("the selected mode")] public MMFeedbackBase.Modes Mode = MMFeedbackBase.Modes.OverTime; /// the duration of the feedback, in seconds [Tooltip("the duration of the feedback, in seconds")] [MMFEnumCondition("Mode", (int)MMFeedbackBase.Modes.OverTime)] public float Duration = 0.5f; /// the curve to tween on [Tooltip("the curve to tween on")] [MMFEnumCondition("Mode", (int)MMFeedbackBase.Modes.OverTime)] public MMTweenType SoftnessCurve = new MMTweenType(new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0f), new Keyframe(0.3f, 1f), new Keyframe(1, 0f))); /// the value to remap the curve's 0 to [Tooltip("the value to remap the curve's 0 to")] [MMFEnumCondition("Mode", (int)MMFeedbackBase.Modes.OverTime)] public float RemapZero = 0f; /// the value to remap the curve's 1 to [Tooltip("the value to remap the curve's 1 to")] [MMFEnumCondition("Mode", (int)MMFeedbackBase.Modes.OverTime)] public float RemapOne = 1f; /// the value to move to in instant mode [Tooltip("the value to move to in instant mode")] [MMFEnumCondition("Mode", (int)MMFeedbackBase.Modes.Instant)] public float InstantSoftness; /// if this is true, calling that feedback will trigger it, even if it's in progress. If it's false, it'll prevent any new Play until the current one is over [Tooltip("if this is true, calling that feedback will trigger it, even if it's in progress. If it's false, it'll prevent any new Play until the current one is over")] public bool AllowAdditivePlays = false; protected float _initialSoftness; protected Coroutine _coroutine; /// <summary> /// On init we grab our initial softness /// </summary> /// <param name="owner"></param> protected override void CustomInitialization(GameObject owner) { base.CustomInitialization(owner); if (!Active) { return; } #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO _initialSoftness = TargetTMPText.fontMaterial.GetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_FaceDilate); #endif } /// <summary> /// On Play we animate our softness /// </summary> /// <param name="position"></param> /// <param name="feedbacksIntensity"></param> protected override void CustomPlayFeedback(Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity = 1.0f) { #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO if (TargetTMPText == null) { return; } if (Active && FeedbackTypeAuthorized) { switch (Mode) { case MMFeedbackBase.Modes.Instant: TargetTMPText.fontMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_OutlineSoftness, InstantSoftness); TargetTMPText.UpdateMeshPadding(); break; case MMFeedbackBase.Modes.OverTime: if (!AllowAdditivePlays && (_coroutine != null)) { return; } _coroutine = StartCoroutine(ApplyValueOverTime()); break; } } #endif } protected virtual IEnumerator ApplyValueOverTime() { float journey = NormalPlayDirection ? 0f : FeedbackDuration; IsPlaying = true; while ((journey >= 0) && (journey <= FeedbackDuration) && (FeedbackDuration > 0)) { float remappedTime = MMFeedbacksHelpers.Remap(journey, 0f, FeedbackDuration, 0f, 1f); SetValue(remappedTime); journey += NormalPlayDirection ? FeedbackDeltaTime : -FeedbackDeltaTime; yield return null; } SetValue(FinalNormalizedTime); _coroutine = null; IsPlaying = false; yield return null; } protected virtual void SetValue(float time) { #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO float intensity = MMTween.Tween(time, 0f, 1f, RemapZero, RemapOne, SoftnessCurve); float newValue = intensity; if (RelativeValues) { newValue += _initialSoftness; } TargetTMPText.fontMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_OutlineSoftness, newValue); TargetTMPText.UpdateMeshPadding(); #endif } } }