using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using MoreMountains.Tools; using UnityEngine; #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO using TMPro; #endif namespace MoreMountains.Feedbacks { /// /// This feedback will let you update a TMP text value over time, with a value going from A to B over time, on a curve /// [AddComponentMenu("")] [FeedbackHelp("This feedback will let you update a TMP text value over time, with a value going from A to B over time, on a curve")] #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO [FeedbackPath("TextMesh Pro/TMP Count To")] #endif public class MMF_TMPCountTo : MMF_Feedback { /// a static bool used to disable all feedbacks of this type at once public static bool FeedbackTypeAuthorized = true; #if UNITY_EDITOR public override Color FeedbackColor { get { return MMFeedbacksInspectorColors.TMPColor; } } public override string RequiresSetupText { get { return "This feedback requires that a TargetTMPText be set to be able to work properly. You can set one below."; } } #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR && MM_TEXTMESHPRO public override bool EvaluateRequiresSetup() { return (TargetTMPText == null); } public override string RequiredTargetText { get { return TargetTMPText != null ? : ""; } } #endif /// the duration of this feedback is the duration of the scale animation public override float FeedbackDuration { get { return ApplyTimeMultiplier(Duration); } set { Duration = value; } } #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO public override bool HasAutomatedTargetAcquisition => true; protected override void AutomateTargetAcquisition() => TargetTMPText = FindAutomatedTarget(); [MMFInspectorGroup("TextMeshPro Target Text", true, 12, true)] /// the target TMP_Text component we want to change the text on [Tooltip("the target TMP_Text component we want to change the text on")] public TMP_Text TargetTMPText; #endif [MMFInspectorGroup("Count Settings", true, 13)] /// the value from which to count from [Tooltip("the value from which to count from")] public float CountFrom = 0f; /// the value to count towards [Tooltip("the value to count towards")] public float CountTo = 10f; /// the curve on which to animate the count [Tooltip("the curve on which to animate the count")] public MMTweenType CountingCurve = new MMTweenType(new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.3f, 1f), new Keyframe(1, 0))); /// the duration of the count, in seconds [Tooltip("the duration of the count, in seconds")] public float Duration = 5f; /// the format with which to display the count [Tooltip("the format with which to display the count")] public string Format = "00.00"; /// whether or not value should be floored [Tooltip("whether or not value should be floored")] public bool FloorValues = true; /// the minimum frequency (in seconds) at which to refresh the text field [Tooltip("the minimum frequency (in seconds) at which to refresh the text field")] public float MinRefreshFrequency = 0f; protected string _newText; protected float _startTime; protected float _lastRefreshAt; protected string _initialText; /// /// On play we change the text of our target TMPText over time /// /// /// protected override void CustomPlayFeedback(Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity = 1.0f) { if (!Active || !FeedbackTypeAuthorized) { return; } #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO if (TargetTMPText == null) { return; } _initialText = TargetTMPText.text; #endif Owner.StartCoroutine(CountCo()); } /// /// A coroutine used to animate the text /// /// protected virtual IEnumerator CountCo() { _lastRefreshAt = -float.MaxValue; float currentValue = CountFrom; _startTime = FeedbackTime; while (FeedbackTime - _startTime <= Duration) { if (FeedbackTime - _lastRefreshAt >= MinRefreshFrequency) { currentValue = ProcessCount(); UpdateText(currentValue); _lastRefreshAt = FeedbackTime; } yield return null; } UpdateText(CountTo); } /// /// Updates the text of the target TMPText component with the updated value /// /// protected virtual void UpdateText(float currentValue) { if (FloorValues) { _newText = Mathf.Floor(currentValue).ToString(Format); } else { _newText = currentValue.ToString(Format); } #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO TargetTMPText.text = _newText; #endif } /// /// Computes the new value of the count for the current time /// /// /// protected virtual float ProcessCount() { float currentTime = FeedbackTime - _startTime; float currentValue = MMTween.Tween(currentTime, 0f, Duration, CountFrom, CountTo, CountingCurve); return currentValue; } /// /// On restore, we put our object back at its initial position /// protected override void CustomRestoreInitialValues() { if (!Active || !FeedbackTypeAuthorized) { return; } #if MM_TEXTMESHPRO TargetTMPText.text = _initialText; #endif } } }