using System;
using UnityEditor;

public class SimpleBuilder
	// Example code on how to let Unity create a Build Report right after an automated build.
	// If you don't need this, you can safely delete this file.
	// To use, save/rename this as a proper script file (.cs instead of .txt), open a command line window,
	// and type (change path to Unity.exe and path to project folder to your own):
	// C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Unity.exe -quit -batchmode -projectPath "C:/Path/To/Project/Folder" -executeMethod SimpleBuilder.Build
	// Also check for more examples on making custom build scripts.
	static void Build()
		Console.WriteLine("Will start building project...");
#if !UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER // 5.4 and below
		// Unity 5.4 and below only has this way of building.
		// You can remove this if your project isn't for Unity 5.4.

		// Put all scenes to build here.
		// The values just need to be paths to scene files,
		// relative to the project's Assets folder.
		// Example: "Assets/Scene.unity"
		// The build will fail if you put in a scene that
		// doesn't exist in your project.
		var scenes = new[] {"Assets/Scene.unity"};

		// Destination of build
		// Set this to whatever you want.
		// Take note that in some build platforms, you have to specify the
		// path only to a folder, without the executable filename.
		var buildLocation = "C:/Path/To/Build.exe";

		// Platform of the build
		// Set this to whatever you want.
		// See for all possible values.
		var buildTarget = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows;

		// Extra options you may want to turn on.
		// See for all possible values.
		// This enum is a flag type, so you can assign more than one value.
		// For example, use:
		// buildPlayerOptions.options = BuildOptions.Development | BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4;
		// If you want both a development build and use LZ4 type of compression at the same time.
		var buildOptions = BuildOptions.None;

		// Finally, do the build.
		var result = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(scenes, buildLocation, buildTarget, buildOptions); 
		Console.WriteLine("Finished building project:" + result);

		// You can optionally pass a 4th parameter to BuildReportTool.ReportGenerator.CreateReport(),
		// a string specifying a custom Editor log path.
		// If you need the path relative to your project folder's Assets path, use:
		// UnityEngine.Application.dataPath (
		// If you need the path relative from the Unity Editor exe file, use:
		// UnityEditor.EditorApplication.applicationPath (
		// If you need the command line arguments, use:
		// System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() (
		var pathToBuildReport = BuildReportTool.ReportGenerator.CreateReport(scenes, buildLocation, buildTarget);

		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathToBuildReport))
			// the 0 indicates a successful exit with no errors
			// the 1 indicates an error
		// In Unity 5.5 and above, BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer now allows the use
		// of a struct called BuildPlayerOptions, so you can prepare the values
		// more neatly before building.
		BuildPlayerOptions buildPlayerOptions = new BuildPlayerOptions();

		// EditorBuildSettings.scenes is an array that contains all the
		// scenes included for the build, as it was configured in the project.
		// Since I will be using that array, I check if it's empty first.
		if (EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Length == 0)
			// No scenes to build! Aborting.

			// the 1 indicates an error
		// Put all scenes to build here.
		// In this example, I'm only adding the first scene,
		// but you can change this to whatever you want.
		// buildPlayerOptions.scenes is a string array,
		// and the values just need to be paths to scene files,
		// relative to the project's Assets folder.
		// Example: "Assets/Scenes/TestScene.unity"
		buildPlayerOptions.scenes = new[] {EditorBuildSettings.scenes[0].path};
		// Destination of build
		// Set this to whatever you want.
		// Take note that in some build platforms, you have to specify the
		// path only to a folder, without the executable filename.
		buildPlayerOptions.locationPathName = "C:/Path/To/Build.exe";
		// Platform of the build
		// Set this to whatever you want.
		// See for all possible values. = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64;
		// Extra options you may want to turn on.
		// See for all possible values.
		// This enum is a flag type, so you can assign more than one value.
		// For example, use:
		// buildPlayerOptions.options = BuildOptions.Development | BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4;
		// If you want both a development build and use LZ4 type of compression at the same time.
		buildPlayerOptions.options = BuildOptions.None;
		// Finally, do the build.
		var result = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildPlayerOptions);
		// In Unity 2017 and below, result is simply a string.
		// In Unity 2018, result is a UnityEditor.Build.Reporting.BuildReport (a class).
		// See
		// if you want to output specific parts of the build result to the console.
		// For example, if there are build errors, you can output
		// result.summary.totalErrors to show the number of errors.
		Console.WriteLine("Finished building project: " + result);
		// You can optionally pass a 2nd parameter to BuildReportTool.ReportGenerator.CreateReport(),
		// a string specifying a custom Editor log path.
		// If you need the path relative to your project folder's Assets path, use:
		// UnityEngine.Application.dataPath (
		// If you need the path relative from the Unity Editor exe file, use:
		// UnityEditor.EditorApplication.applicationPath (
		// If you need the command line arguments, use:
		// System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() (
		var pathToBuildReport = BuildReportTool.ReportGenerator.CreateReport(buildPlayerOptions);
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathToBuildReport))
			// the 0 indicates a successful exit with no errors
			// the 1 indicates an error