// Animancer // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Animancer
/// Enforces various rules throughout the system, most of which are compiled out if UNITY_ASSERTIONS is not defined
/// (by default, it is defined in the Unity Editor and in Development Builds).
public static class Validate
/// [Assert]
/// Throws if the `clip` is marked as .
public static void NotLegacy(AnimationClip clip)
if (clip.legacy)
throw new ArgumentException("Legacy clip '" + clip + "' cannot be used by Animancer." +
" Set the legacy property to false before using this clip." +
" If it was imported as part of a model then the model's Rig type must be changed to Humanoid or Generic." +
" Otherwise you can use the 'Toggle Legacy' function in the clip's context menu" +
" (via the cog icon in the top right of its Inspector).");
/// [Assert]
/// Throws if the is not the `root`.
public static void Root(AnimancerNode node, AnimancerPlayable root)
if (node == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("node");
if (node.Root != root)
throw new ArgumentException("AnimancerNode.Root mismatch:" +
" you are attempting to use a node in an AnimancerPlayable that is not it's root: " + node);
/// [Assert]
/// Throws if the is not the `parent`.
public static void Parent(AnimancerState state, AnimancerNode parent)
if (state.Parent != parent)
throw new ArgumentException("AnimancerState.Parent mismatch:" +
" you are attempting to use a state in an AnimancerLayer that is not it's parent.");
/// [Assert]
/// Throws if the `state` was not actually assigned to its specified in
/// the `states`.
/// Thrown if the is larger than the number of `states`.
public static void RemoveChild(AnimancerState state, IList states)
var index = state.Index;
if (index < 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Tried to remove a child state that did not actually have a Index assigned");
if (index > states.Count)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(
"state.Index (" + state.Index + ") is outside the collection of states (count " + states.Count + ")");
if (states[state.Index] != state)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Tried to remove a child state that was not actually connected to its port on " + state.Parent + ":" +
"\n Port: " + state.Index +
"\n Connected Child: " + states[state.Index] +
"\n Disconnecting Child: " + state);