// Animancer // Copyright 2020 Kybernetik //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Animancer.Editor
/// A simple system for converting objects and storing the results so they can be reused to minimise the need for
/// garbage collection, particularly for string construction.
public sealed class ConversionCache
private sealed class CachedValue
public int lastFrameAccessed;
public TValue value;
private readonly Dictionary
Cache = new Dictionary();
private readonly List
Keys = new List();
private readonly Func
private int _LastCleanupFrame;
/// Creates a new which uses the specified delegate to convert values.
public ConversionCache(Func convertToValue)
ConvertToValue = convertToValue;
/// If a value has already been cached for the specified `key`, return it. Otherwise create a new one using
/// the delegate provided in the constructor and cache it.
/// This method also periodically removes values that have not been used recently.
public TValue Convert(TKey key)
CachedValue cached;
// The next time a value is retrieved after at least 100 frames, clear out any old ones.
var frame = Time.frameCount;
if (_LastCleanupFrame + 100 < frame)
for (int i = Keys.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var checkKey = Keys[i];
if (!Cache.TryGetValue(checkKey, out cached) ||
cached.lastFrameAccessed <= _LastCleanupFrame)
_LastCleanupFrame = frame;
if (!Cache.TryGetValue(key, out cached))
Cache.Add(key, cached = new CachedValue { value = ConvertToValue(key) });
cached.lastFrameAccessed = frame;
return cached.value;