using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif namespace MoreMountains.Tools { /// /// Add this component to a UI rectangle and it'll act as a detection zone for a follower joystick. /// Note that this component extends the MMTouchJoystick class so you don't need to add another joystick to it. It's both the detection zone and the stick itself. /// [AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Controls/MMTouchFollowerJoystick")] public class MMTouchFollowerJoystick : MMTouchJoystick { [MMInspectorGroup("Follower Joystick", true, 23)] /// the canvas group to use as the joystick's knob - the part that moves under your thumb [Tooltip("the canvas group to use as the joystick's knob - the part that moves under your thumb")] public CanvasGroup KnobCanvasGroup; /// the canvas group to use as the joystick's background [Tooltip("the canvas group to use as the joystick's background")] public CanvasGroup BackgroundCanvasGroup; /// if this is true, the joystick will return back to its initial position when released [Tooltip("if this is true, the joystick will return back to its initial position when released")] public bool ResetPositionToInitialOnRelease = false; /// if this is true, the background will follow its target with interpolation, otherwise it'll be instant movement [Tooltip("if this is true, the background will follow its target with interpolation, otherwise it'll be instant movement")] public bool InterpolateFollowMovement = false; /// if in interpolate mode, this defines the speed at which the backgrounds follows the knob [Tooltip("if in interpolate mode, this defines the speed at which the backgrounds follows the knob")] [MMCondition("InterpolateFollowMovement", true)] public float InterpolateFollowMovementSpeed = 0.3f; /// whether or not to add a spring to the interpolation of the background movement [Tooltip("whether or not to add a spring to the interpolation of the background movement")] [MMCondition("InterpolateFollowMovement", true)] public bool SpringFollowInterpolation = false; /// when in SpringFollowInterpolation mode, the amount of damping to apply to the spring [Tooltip("when in SpringFollowInterpolation mode, the amount of damping to apply to the spring")] [MMCondition("SpringFollowInterpolation", true)] public float SpringDamping = 0.6f; /// when in SpringFollowInterpolation mode, the frequency to apply to the spring [Tooltip("when in SpringFollowInterpolation mode, the frequency to apply to the spring")] [MMCondition("SpringFollowInterpolation", true)] public float SpringFrequency = 4f; [MMInspectorGroup("Background Constraints", true, 24)] /// if this is true, the joystick won't be able to travel beyond the bounds of the top level canvas [Tooltip("if this is true, the joystick won't be able to travel beyond the bounds of the top level canvas")] public bool ShouldConstrainBackground = true; /// the rect to consider as a background constraint zone, if left empty, will be auto created [Tooltip("the rect to consider as a background constraint zone, if left empty, will be auto created")] public RectTransform BackgroundConstraintRectTransform; /// the left padding to apply to the background constraint [Tooltip("the left padding to apply to the background constraint")] public float BackgroundConstraintPaddingLeft; /// the right padding to apply to the background constraint [Tooltip("the right padding to apply to the background constraint")] public float BackgroundConstraintPaddingRight; /// the top padding to apply to the background constraint [Tooltip("the top padding to apply to the background constraint")] public float BackgroundConstraintPaddingTop; /// the bottom padding to apply to the background constraint [Tooltip("the bottom padding to apply to the background constraint")] public float BackgroundConstraintPaddingBottom; protected Vector3 _initialPosition; protected Vector3 _newPosition; protected RectTransform _rectTransform; protected RectTransform _backgroundRectTransform; protected Vector3[] _innerRectCorners = new Vector3[4]; protected Vector3 _newBackgroundPosition; protected Vector3 _backgroundPositionTarget; protected Vector3 _innerRectTransformBottomLeft; protected Vector3 _innerRectTransformTopLeft; protected Vector3 _innerRectTransformTopRight; protected Vector3 _innerRectTransformBottomRight; protected Vector3 _springVelocity; /// /// On Start, we instantiate our joystick's image if there's one /// protected override void Start() { base.Start(); // we store the detection zone's initial position _rectTransform = GetComponent(); _backgroundRectTransform = BackgroundCanvasGroup.GetComponent(); _initialPosition = _backgroundRectTransform.position; _backgroundPositionTarget = _initialPosition; CreateInnerRect(); } /// /// On initialize, we set our knob transform /// public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); SetKnobTransform(KnobCanvasGroup.transform); _canvasGroup = KnobCanvasGroup; _initialOpacity = _canvasGroup.alpha; } /// /// On update, we handle movement interpolation /// protected override void Update() { base.Update(); HandleMovementInterpolation(); } /// /// Handles the movement of the background relative to the knob /// protected virtual void HandleMovementInterpolation() { if (!InterpolateFollowMovement) { BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position = _backgroundPositionTarget; return; } if (SpringFollowInterpolation) { _newBackgroundPosition = BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position; MMMaths.Spring(ref _newBackgroundPosition, _backgroundPositionTarget, ref _springVelocity, SpringDamping, SpringFrequency, InterpolateFollowMovementSpeed, Time.unscaledDeltaTime); BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position = _newBackgroundPosition; } else { BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position = MMMaths.Lerp(BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position, _backgroundPositionTarget, InterpolateFollowMovementSpeed, Time.unscaledDeltaTime); } } /// /// Creates a constraining inner rect /// protected virtual void CreateInnerRect() { if (!ShouldConstrainBackground) { return; } // we create an inner rect if one wasn't provided if (BackgroundConstraintRectTransform == null) { GameObject innerRect = new GameObject(); innerRect.transform.SetParent(this.transform); = "BackgroundConstraintRectTransform"; BackgroundConstraintRectTransform = innerRect.AddComponent(); BackgroundConstraintRectTransform.anchorMin = _rectTransform.anchorMin; BackgroundConstraintRectTransform.anchorMax = _rectTransform.anchorMax; BackgroundConstraintRectTransform.position = _rectTransform.position; BackgroundConstraintRectTransform.localScale = _rectTransform.localScale; BackgroundConstraintRectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(_rectTransform.sizeDelta.x - _backgroundRectTransform.sizeDelta.y, _rectTransform.sizeDelta.y - _backgroundRectTransform.sizeDelta.y); } // we apply the padding BackgroundConstraintRectTransform.offsetMin += new Vector2(BackgroundConstraintPaddingLeft, BackgroundConstraintPaddingBottom); BackgroundConstraintRectTransform.offsetMax -= new Vector2(BackgroundConstraintPaddingRight, BackgroundConstraintPaddingTop); // we store our corners BackgroundConstraintRectTransform.GetWorldCorners(_innerRectCorners); _innerRectTransformBottomLeft = _innerRectCorners[0]; _innerRectTransformTopLeft = _innerRectCorners[1]; _innerRectTransformTopRight = _innerRectCorners[2]; _innerRectTransformBottomRight = _innerRectCorners[3]; } /// /// When the zone is pressed, we move our joystick accordingly /// /// Data. public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData data) { base.OnPointerDown(data); _newPosition = ConvertToWorld(data.position); _newPosition.z = this.transform.position.z; // we define a new neutral position _backgroundPositionTarget = _newPosition; ConstrainBackground(); SetNeutralPosition(BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position); _knobTransform.position = _newPosition; ComputeJoystickValue(); } /// /// On drag, we adjust our target and constrain our background /// /// public override void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { base.OnDrag(eventData); float distance = Vector2.Distance(_knobTransform.position, BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position); if (distance >= ComputedMaxRange) { _backgroundPositionTarget = BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position + (_knobTransform.position - BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position).normalized * (distance - ComputedMaxRange); } ConstrainBackground(); ComputeJoystickValue(); } /// /// Determines the value of the joystick by computing the /// protected virtual void ComputeJoystickValue() { float distance = Vector2.Distance(_knobTransform.position, BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position); if (distance <= ComputedMaxRange) { RawValue.x = EvaluateInputValue(_knobTransform.position.x - BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position.x); RawValue.y = EvaluateInputValue(_knobTransform.position.y - BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position.y); } else { float vectorPosition = _knobTransform.position.x - BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position.x; RawValue.x = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, distance, Mathf.Abs(vectorPosition)) * Mathf.Sign(vectorPosition); vectorPosition = _knobTransform.position.y - BackgroundCanvasGroup.transform.position.y; RawValue.y = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, distance, Mathf.Abs(vectorPosition)) * Mathf.Sign(vectorPosition); } } /// /// Clamps the background inside the inner rect /// protected virtual void ConstrainBackground() { if (!ShouldConstrainBackground) { return; } _newBackgroundPosition = _backgroundPositionTarget; _newBackgroundPosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(_newBackgroundPosition.x , _innerRectTransformTopLeft.x, _innerRectTransformTopRight.x); _newBackgroundPosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(_newBackgroundPosition.y , _innerRectTransformBottomLeft.y, _innerRectTransformTopLeft.y); _backgroundPositionTarget = _newBackgroundPosition; } /// /// On pointer up we reset our joystick /// /// public override void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData data) { base.OnPointerUp(data); ResetJoystick(); _knobTransform.position = _backgroundPositionTarget; if (ResetPositionToInitialOnRelease) { _backgroundPositionTarget = _initialPosition; _knobTransform.position = _initialPosition; } } /// /// We don't clamp the stick anymore /// protected override void ClampToBounds() { _newTargetPosition = _newTargetPosition - _neutralPosition; } #if UNITY_EDITOR /// /// Draws gizmos to show the constraining box' corners /// protected override void OnDrawGizmos() { if (!DrawGizmos) { return; } // Draws max range Handles.color = MMColors.Orange; if (!Application.isPlaying) { if (KnobCanvasGroup != null) { Handles.DrawWireDisc(KnobCanvasGroup.transform.position, Vector3.forward, ComputedMaxRange); } else { Handles.DrawWireDisc(this.transform.position, Vector3.forward, ComputedMaxRange); } } else { Handles.DrawWireDisc(_backgroundRectTransform.position, Vector3.forward, ComputedMaxRange); } // Draws corners if (BackgroundConstraintRectTransform != null) { float gizmoSize = 0.3f; MMDebug.DrawGizmoPoint(_innerRectTransformBottomLeft, Color.cyan, gizmoSize); MMDebug.DrawGizmoPoint(_innerRectTransformTopLeft, Color.cyan, gizmoSize); MMDebug.DrawGizmoPoint(_innerRectTransformTopRight, Color.cyan, gizmoSize); MMDebug.DrawGizmoPoint(_innerRectTransformBottomRight, Color.cyan, gizmoSize); } } #endif } }