using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// The possible directions a swipe can have
public enum MMPossibleSwipeDirections { Up, Down, Left, Right }
public class SwipeEvent : UnityEvent {}
/// An event usually triggered when a swipe happens. It contains the swipe "base" direction, and detailed information if needed (angle, length, origin and destination
public struct MMSwipeEvent
public MMPossibleSwipeDirections SwipeDirection;
public float SwipeAngle;
public float SwipeLength;
public Vector2 SwipeOrigin;
public Vector2 SwipeDestination;
public float SwipeDuration;
/// Initializes a new instance of the struct.
/// Direction.
/// Angle.
/// Length.
/// Origin.
/// Destination.
public MMSwipeEvent(MMPossibleSwipeDirections direction, float angle, float length, Vector2 origin, Vector2 destination, float swipeDuration)
SwipeDirection = direction;
SwipeAngle = angle;
SwipeLength = length;
SwipeOrigin = origin;
SwipeDestination = destination;
SwipeDuration = swipeDuration;
static MMSwipeEvent e;
public static void Trigger(MMPossibleSwipeDirections direction, float angle, float length, Vector2 origin, Vector2 destination, float swipeDuration)
e.SwipeDirection = direction;
e.SwipeAngle = angle;
e.SwipeLength = length;
e.SwipeOrigin = origin;
e.SwipeDestination = destination;
e.SwipeDuration = swipeDuration;
/// Add a swipe manager to your scene, and it'll trigger MMSwipeEvents everytime a swipe happens. From its inspector you can determine the minimal length of a swipe. Shorter swipes will be ignored
[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Controls/MMSwipeZone")]
public class MMSwipeZone : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerExitHandler, IPointerEnterHandler
/// the minimal length of a swipe
[Tooltip("the minimal length of a swipe")]
public float MinimalSwipeLength = 50f;
/// the maximum press length of a swipe
[Tooltip("the maximum press length of a swipe")]
public float MaximumPressLength = 10f;
/// The method(s) to call when the zone is swiped
[Tooltip("The method(s) to call when the zone is swiped")]
public SwipeEvent ZoneSwiped;
/// The method(s) to call while the zone is being pressed
[Tooltip("The method(s) to call while the zone is being pressed")]
public UnityEvent ZonePressed;
[Header("Mouse Mode")]
[MMInformation("If you set this to true, you'll need to actually press the button for it to be triggered, otherwise a simple hover will trigger it (better for touch input).", MMInformationAttribute.InformationType.Info,false)]
/// If you set this to true, you'll need to actually press the button for it to be triggered, otherwise a simple hover will trigger it (better for touch input).
[Tooltip("If you set this to true, you'll need to actually press the button for it to be triggered, otherwise a simple hover will trigger it (better for touch input).")]
public bool MouseMode = false;
protected Vector2 _firstTouchPosition;
protected float _angle;
protected float _length;
protected Vector2 _destination;
protected Vector2 _deltaSwipe;
protected MMPossibleSwipeDirections _swipeDirection;
protected float _lastPointerUpAt = 0f;
protected float _swipeStartedAt = 0f;
protected float _swipeEndedAt = 0f;
/// Invokes a swipe event with the correct properties
protected virtual void Swipe()
float duration = _swipeEndedAt - _swipeStartedAt;
MMSwipeEvent swipeEvent = new MMSwipeEvent (_swipeDirection, _angle, _length, _firstTouchPosition, _destination, duration);
if (ZoneSwiped != null)
ZoneSwiped.Invoke (swipeEvent);
/// Raises the press event
protected virtual void Press()
if (ZonePressed != null)
ZonePressed.Invoke ();
/// Triggers the bound pointer down action
public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData data)
_firstTouchPosition = Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();
_firstTouchPosition = Input.mousePosition;
_swipeStartedAt = Time.unscaledTime;
/// Triggers the bound pointer up action
public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData data)
if (Time.frameCount == _lastPointerUpAt)
_destination = Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();
_destination = Input.mousePosition;
_deltaSwipe = _destination - _firstTouchPosition;
_length = _deltaSwipe.magnitude;
// if the swipe has been long enough
if (_length > MinimalSwipeLength)
_angle = MMMaths.AngleBetween (_deltaSwipe, Vector2.right);
_swipeDirection = AngleToSwipeDirection (_angle);
_swipeEndedAt = Time.unscaledTime;
Swipe ();
// if it's just a press
if (_deltaSwipe.magnitude < MaximumPressLength)
Press ();
_lastPointerUpAt = Time.frameCount;
/// Triggers the bound pointer enter action when touch enters zone
public virtual void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData data)
if (!MouseMode)
OnPointerDown (data);
/// Triggers the bound pointer exit action when touch is out of zone
public virtual void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData data)
if (!MouseMode)
/// Determines a MMPossibleSwipeDirection out of an angle in degrees.
/// The to swipe direction.
/// Angle in degrees.
protected virtual MMPossibleSwipeDirections AngleToSwipeDirection(float angle)
if ((angle < 45) || (angle >= 315))
return MMPossibleSwipeDirections.Right;
if ((angle >= 45) && (angle < 135))
return MMPossibleSwipeDirections.Up;
if ((angle >= 135) && (angle < 225))
return MMPossibleSwipeDirections.Left;
if ((angle >= 225) && (angle < 315))
return MMPossibleSwipeDirections.Down;
return MMPossibleSwipeDirections.Right;