using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEditor; using MoreMountains.Tools; namespace MoreMountains.Tools { [CustomEditor(typeof(MMObjectBounds),true)] public class ObjectBoundsEditor : Editor { protected MMObjectBounds _objectBounds; public override void OnInspectorGUI() { _objectBounds = (MMObjectBounds)target; DrawDefaultInspector(); if (_objectBounds.GetComponent()==null && _objectBounds.BoundsBasedOn==MMObjectBounds.WaysToDetermineBounds.Renderer) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You've defined this object as having Renderer defined bounds, but no renderer is attached to the object. Add a Renderer, or switch to collider based bounds. The bounds are the dimensions that will be used when spawning your object and to determine when it should be recycled.",MessageType.Warning); } if (_objectBounds.GetComponent()==null && _objectBounds.BoundsBasedOn==MMObjectBounds.WaysToDetermineBounds.Collider) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You've defined this object as having Collider defined bounds, but no Collider is attached to the object. Add a Collider, or switch to renderer based bounds. The bounds are the dimensions that will be used when spawning your object and to determine when it should be recycled.",MessageType.Warning); } if (_objectBounds.GetComponent()==null && _objectBounds.BoundsBasedOn==MMObjectBounds.WaysToDetermineBounds.Collider2D) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You've defined this object as having Collider2D defined bounds, but no Collider2D is attached to the object. Add a Collider2D, or switch to renderer based bounds. The bounds are the dimensions that will be used when spawning your object and to determine when it should be recycled.",MessageType.Warning); } } } }