#if PLAYMAKER_1_8_OR_NEWER using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using ES3Internal; using HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions; using HutongGames.PlayMaker; using System.Linq; using System; using Tooltip = HutongGames.PlayMaker.TooltipAttribute; public class FsmES3File : ScriptableObject { public ES3File file; } public class FsmES3Spreadsheet : ScriptableObject { public ES3Spreadsheet spreadsheet; } namespace ES3PlayMaker { #region Base Classes public abstract class ActionBase : FsmStateAction { [Tooltip("This event is triggered if an error occurs.")] public FsmEvent errorEvent; [Tooltip("If an error occurs, the error message will be stored in this variable.")] public FsmString errorMessage; public abstract void Enter(); public abstract void OnReset(); public override void OnEnter() { try { Enter(); } catch (System.Exception e) { HandleError(e.ToString()); } Finish(); } public override void Reset() { errorEvent = null; errorMessage = ""; OnReset(); } public void HandleError(string msg) { errorMessage.Value = msg; if (errorEvent != null) Fsm.Event(errorEvent); else LogError(msg); } } public abstract class SettingsAction : ActionBase { public FsmBool overrideDefaultSettings = false; [Tooltip("The path this ES3Settings object points to, if any.")] public FsmString path; [ObjectType(typeof(ES3.Location))] [Tooltip("The storage location where we wish to store data by default.")] public FsmEnum location; [ObjectType(typeof(ES3.EncryptionType))] [Tooltip("The type of encryption to use when encrypting data, if any.")] public FsmEnum encryptionType; [Tooltip("The password to use to encrypt the data if encryption is enabled.")] public FsmString encryptionPassword; [ObjectType(typeof(ES3.CompressionType))] [Tooltip("The type of compression to use when compressing data, if any.")] public FsmEnum compressionType; [ObjectType(typeof(ES3.Directory))] [Tooltip("The default directory in which to store files when using the File save location, and the location which relative paths should be relative to.")] public FsmEnum directory; [ObjectType(typeof(ES3.Format))] [Tooltip("The format we should use when serializing and deserializing data.")] public FsmEnum format; [Tooltip("Any stream buffers will be set to this length in bytes.")] public FsmInt bufferSize; public override void Reset() { var settings = new ES3Settings(); path = settings.path; location = settings.location; encryptionType = settings.encryptionType; compressionType = settings.compressionType; encryptionPassword = settings.encryptionPassword; directory = settings.directory; format = settings.format; bufferSize = settings.bufferSize; overrideDefaultSettings = false; base.Reset(); } public ES3Settings GetSettings() { var settings = new ES3Settings(); if (overrideDefaultSettings.Value) { settings.path = path.Value; settings.location = (ES3.Location)location.Value; settings.encryptionType = (ES3.EncryptionType)encryptionType.Value; settings.encryptionPassword = encryptionPassword.Value; settings.compressionType = (ES3.CompressionType)compressionType.Value; settings.directory = (ES3.Directory)directory.Value; settings.format = (ES3.Format)format.Value; settings.bufferSize = bufferSize.Value; } return settings; } } public abstract class ES3FileAction : ActionBase { [Tooltip("The ES3 File we are using, created using the Create ES3 File action.")] [ObjectType(typeof(FsmES3File))] [Title("ES3 File")] [RequiredField] public FsmObject fsmES3File; public ES3File es3File { get { return ((FsmES3File)fsmES3File.Value).file; } } public override void Reset() { fsmES3File = null; base.Reset(); } } public abstract class ES3FileSettingsAction : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The ES3File variable we're using.")] [ObjectType(typeof(FsmES3File))] [Title("ES3 File")] [RequiredField] public FsmObject fsmES3File; public ES3File es3File { get { return ((FsmES3File)fsmES3File.Value).file; } } public override void Reset() { fsmES3File = null; base.Reset(); } } public abstract class ES3SpreadsheetAction : ActionBase { [Tooltip("The ES3 Spreadsheet we are using, created using the Create ES3 Spreadsheet action.")] [ObjectType(typeof(FsmES3Spreadsheet))] [Title("ES3 Spreadsheet")] [RequiredField] public FsmObject fsmES3Spreadsheet; public ES3Spreadsheet es3Spreadsheet { get { return ((FsmES3Spreadsheet)fsmES3Spreadsheet.Value).spreadsheet; } } public override void Reset() { fsmES3Spreadsheet = null; base.Reset(); } } public abstract class ES3SpreadsheetSettingsAction : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The ES3Spreadsheet variable we're using.")] [ObjectType(typeof(FsmES3Spreadsheet))] [Title("ES3 Spreadsheet")] [RequiredField] public FsmObject fsmES3Spreadsheet; public ES3Spreadsheet es3Spreadsheet { get { return ((FsmES3Spreadsheet)fsmES3Spreadsheet.Value).spreadsheet; } } public override void Reset() { fsmES3Spreadsheet = null; base.Reset(); } } #endregion #region Save Actions [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Saves the value to a file with the given key.")] public class Save : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The unique key we want to use to identity the data we are saving.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("The value we want to save.")] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar value; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; value = null; } public override void Enter() { value.UpdateValue(); if (value.Type == VariableType.Array) ES3.Save(key.Value, new PMDataWrapper(value.arrayValue.Values), GetSettings()); else ES3.Save(key.Value, value.GetValue(), GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Saves all FsmVariables in this FSM to a file with the given key.")] public class SaveAll : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The unique key we want to use to identity the data we are saving.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("Save the local variables accessible in this FSM?")] public FsmBool saveFsmVariables = true; [Tooltip("Save the global variables accessible in all FSMs?")] public FsmBool saveGlobalVariables = true; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; } public override void Enter() { // Get FSMVariables objects required based on whether the user wants to save local variables, global variables or both. var variableLists = new List(); if (saveFsmVariables.Value) variableLists.Add(Fsm.Variables); if (saveGlobalVariables.Value) variableLists.Add(FsmVariables.GlobalVariables); var dict = new Dictionary(); var arrayDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var variableList in variableLists) { foreach (var fsmVariable in variableList.GetAllNamedVariables()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsmVariable.Name)) continue; if (fsmVariable.GetType() == typeof(FsmArray)) arrayDict.Add(fsmVariable.Name, ((FsmArray)fsmVariable).Values); else dict.Add(fsmVariable.Name, fsmVariable.RawValue); } } ES3.Save(key.Value, new PMDataWrapper(dict, arrayDict), GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Saves a byte array as a file, overwriting any existing files.")] public class SaveRaw : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The string we want to save as a file.")] public FsmString str; [Tooltip("Whether to encode this string using Base-64 encoding. This will override any default encoding settings.")] public FsmBool useBase64Encoding; [Tooltip("Adds a newline to the end of the file.")] public FsmBool appendNewline; public override void OnReset() { str = ""; useBase64Encoding = false; appendNewline = false; } public override void Enter() { if (useBase64Encoding.Value) ES3.SaveRaw(System.Convert.FromBase64String(str.Value) + (appendNewline.Value ? "\n" : ""), GetSettings()); else ES3.SaveRaw(str.Value + (appendNewline.Value ? "\n" : ""), GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Appends a string to the end of a file.")] public class AppendRaw : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The string we want to append to a file.")] public FsmString str; [Tooltip("Whether to encode this string using Base-64 encoding. This will override any default encoding settings.")] public FsmBool useBase64Encoding; [Tooltip("If checked, a newline will be added after the data.")] public FsmBool appendNewline; public override void OnReset() { str = ""; useBase64Encoding = false; appendNewline = false; } public override void Enter() { if (useBase64Encoding.Value) ES3.AppendRaw(System.Convert.FromBase64String(str.Value) + (appendNewline.Value ? "\n" : ""), GetSettings()); else ES3.AppendRaw(str.Value + (appendNewline.Value ? "\n" : ""), GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Saves a Texture2D as a PNG or a JPG, depending on the file extension of the supplied image path.")] public class SaveImage : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the PNG or JPG file we want to store our image to.")] public FsmString imagePath; [Tooltip("The Texture2D we want to save as an image.")] [ObjectType(typeof(Texture2D))] public FsmTexture texture2D; public override void OnReset() { imagePath = "image.png"; texture2D = null; } public override void Enter() { ES3.SaveImage((Texture2D)texture2D.Value, imagePath.Value, GetSettings()); } } #endregion #region Load Actions [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Loads a value from a file with the given key.")] public class Load : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The unique key which identifies the data we're loading.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("The variable we want to use to store our loaded data.")] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar value; [Tooltip("Optional: A value to return if the key does not exist.")] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar defaultValue; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; value = null; defaultValue = null; } public override void Enter() { defaultValue.UpdateValue(); bool useDefaultVal = defaultValue.GetValue() != null && !defaultValue.IsNone; if (value.Type == VariableType.Array) { if (useDefaultVal) value.SetValue(ES3.Load(key.Value, new PMDataWrapper(defaultValue.arrayValue.Values), GetSettings()).array); else value.SetValue(ES3.Load(key.Value, GetSettings()).array); } else { if (useDefaultVal) value.SetValue(ES3.Load(key.Value, defaultValue.GetValue(), GetSettings())); else value.SetValue(ES3.Load(key.Value, GetSettings())); } } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Loads a value from a file with the given key into an existing object, rather than creating a new instance.")] public class LoadInto : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The unique key which identifies the data we're loading.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("The object we want to load our data into.")] [RequiredField] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar value; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; value = null; } public override void Enter() { value.UpdateValue(); if (value.IsNone || value.GetValue() == null) HandleError("The 'Load Into' action requires an object to load the data into, but none was specified in the 'Value' field."); else { ES3.LoadInto(key.Value, value.GetValue(), GetSettings()); if (value.Type == VariableType.Array) HandleError("It's not possible to use LoadInto with arrays in PlayMaker as they are not strictly typed. Consider using Load instead."); else value.SetValue(ES3.Load(key.Value, GetSettings())); } } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Loads all FsmVariables in this FSM to a file with the given key.")] public class LoadAll : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The key we used to save the data we're loading.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("Load the local variables accessible in this FSM?")] public FsmBool loadFsmVariables = true; [Tooltip("Load the global variables accessible in all FSMs?")] public FsmBool loadGlobalVariables = true; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; } public override void Enter() { // Get FSMVariables objects required based on whether the user wants to save local variables, global variables or both. var variableLists = new List(); if (loadFsmVariables.Value) variableLists.Add(Fsm.Variables); if (loadGlobalVariables.Value) variableLists.Add(FsmVariables.GlobalVariables); var wrapper = ES3.Load(key.Value, GetSettings()); foreach (var variableList in variableLists) { foreach (var fsmVariable in variableList.GetAllNamedVariables()) { if (fsmVariable.GetType() == typeof(FsmArray)) { if (wrapper.arrays.ContainsKey(fsmVariable.Name)) ((FsmArray)fsmVariable).Values = wrapper.arrays[fsmVariable.Name]; } else { if (wrapper.objs.ContainsKey(fsmVariable.Name)) fsmVariable.RawValue = wrapper.objs[fsmVariable.Name]; } } } } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Loads an entire file as a string.")] public class LoadRawString : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The variable we want to store our loaded string in.")] public FsmString str; [Tooltip("Whether or not the data we're loading is Base-64 encoded. Usually this should be left unchecked.")] public FsmBool useBase64Encoding; public override void OnReset() { str = null; useBase64Encoding = false; } public override void Enter() { if (useBase64Encoding.Value) str.Value = System.Convert.ToBase64String(ES3.LoadRawBytes(GetSettings())); else str.Value = ES3.LoadRawString(GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Loads a JPG or PNG image file as a Texture2D.")] public class LoadImage : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the JPG or PNG image file we want to load.")] public FsmString imagePath; [Tooltip("The variable we want to use to store our loaded texture.")] public FsmTexture texture2D; public override void OnReset() { imagePath = "image.png"; texture2D = null; } public override void Enter() { texture2D.Value = ES3.LoadImage(imagePath.Value, GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Loads an audio file as an AudioClip.")] public class LoadAudio : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the audio file we want to load.")] public FsmString audioFilePath; [ObjectType(typeof(AudioClip))] [Tooltip("The variable we want to use to store our loaded AudioClip.")] public FsmObject audioClip; #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER [Tooltip("The type of AudioClip we're loading.")] [ObjectType(typeof(AudioType))] public FsmEnum audioType; #endif public override void OnReset() { audioFilePath = "audio.wav"; audioClip = null; #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER audioType = AudioType.MPEG; #endif } public override void Enter() { audioClip.Value = ES3.LoadAudio(audioFilePath.Value, #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER (AudioType)audioType.Value, #endif GetSettings()); } } #endregion #region Exists Actions [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Checks whether a key exists in a file.")] public class KeyExists : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The key we want to check the existence of.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("Whether the key exists. This is set after the action runs.")] public FsmBool exists; [Tooltip("This event is triggered if the key exists.")] public FsmEvent existsEvent; [Tooltip("This event is triggered if the key does not exist.")] public FsmEvent doesNotExistEvent; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; exists = false; existsEvent = null; doesNotExistEvent = null; } public override void Enter() { exists.Value = ES3.KeyExists(key.Value, GetSettings()); Fsm.Event(exists.Value ? existsEvent : doesNotExistEvent); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Checks whether a file exists in a directory.")] public class FileExists : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The file we want to check the existence of")] public FsmString filePath; [Tooltip("Whether the file exists. This is set after the action runs.")] public FsmBool exists; [Tooltip("This event is triggered if the file exists.")] public FsmEvent existsEvent; [Tooltip("This event is triggered if the file does not exist.")] public FsmEvent doesNotExistEvent; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; exists = false; existsEvent = null; doesNotExistEvent = null; } public override void Enter() { exists.Value = ES3.FileExists(filePath.Value, GetSettings()); Fsm.Event(exists.Value ? existsEvent : doesNotExistEvent); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Checks whether a directory exists in another directory")] public class DirectoryExists : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The directory we want to check the existence of.")] public FsmString directoryPath; [Tooltip("Whether the directory exists. This is set after the action runs.")] public FsmBool exists; [Tooltip("This event is triggered if the directory exists.")] public FsmEvent existsEvent; [Tooltip("This event is triggered if the directory does not exist.")] public FsmEvent doesNotExistEvent; public override void OnReset() { directoryPath = ""; exists = false; existsEvent = null; doesNotExistEvent = null; } public override void Enter() { exists.Value = ES3.DirectoryExists(directoryPath.Value, GetSettings()); Fsm.Event(exists.Value ? existsEvent : doesNotExistEvent); } } #endregion #region Delete Actions [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Deletes a key from a file.")] public class DeleteKey : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The key we want to delete.")] public FsmString key; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; } public override void Enter() { ES3.DeleteKey(key.Value, GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Deletes a file.")] public class DeleteFile : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to delete.")] public FsmString filePath; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; } public override void Enter() { ES3.DeleteFile(filePath.Value, GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Deletes a directory and it's contents.")] public class DeleteDirectory : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the directory we want to delete.")] public FsmString directoryPath; public override void OnReset() { directoryPath = ""; } public override void Enter() { ES3.DeleteDirectory(directoryPath.Value, GetSettings()); } } #endregion #region Backup Actions [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Creates a backup of a file which can be restored using the Restore Backup action.")] public class CreateBackup : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to backup.")] public FsmString filePath; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; } public override void Enter() { ES3.CreateBackup(filePath.Value, GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Restores a backup of a file created using the Create Backup action.")] public class RestoreBackup : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to restore the backup of.")] public FsmString filePath; [Tooltip("True if a backup was restored, or False if no backup could be found.")] public FsmBool backupWasRestored; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; backupWasRestored = false; } public override void Enter() { backupWasRestored.Value = ES3.RestoreBackup(filePath.Value, GetSettings()); } } #endregion #region Key, File and Directory Methods [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Renames a file.")] public class RenameFile : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to rename from.")] public FsmString oldFilePath; [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to rename to.")] public FsmString newFilePath; public override void OnReset() { oldFilePath = "SaveFile.es3"; newFilePath = ""; } public override void Enter() { ES3.RenameFile(oldFilePath.Value, newFilePath.Value, GetSettings(), GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Copies a file.")] public class CopyFile : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to copy.")] public FsmString oldFilePath; [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to create.")] public FsmString newFilePath; public override void OnReset() { oldFilePath = "SaveFile.es3"; newFilePath = ""; } public override void Enter() { ES3.CopyFile(oldFilePath.Value, newFilePath.Value, GetSettings(), GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Copies a directory.")] public class CopyDirectory : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the directory we want to copy.")] public FsmString oldDirectoryPath; [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the directory we want to create.")] public FsmString newDirectoryPath; public override void OnReset() { oldDirectoryPath = ""; newDirectoryPath = ""; } public override void Enter() { ES3.CopyDirectory(oldDirectoryPath.Value, newDirectoryPath.Value, GetSettings(), GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Gets an array of key names from a file.")] public class GetKeys : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to get the keys from.")] public FsmString filePath; [Tooltip("The string array variable we want to load our key names into.")] [ArrayEditor(VariableType.String)] public FsmArray keys; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; keys = null; } public override void Enter() { keys.Values = ES3.GetKeys(filePath.Value, GetSettings()); keys.SaveChanges(); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Gets how many keys are in a file.")] public class GetKeyCount : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to count the keys of.")] public FsmString filePath; [Tooltip("The int variable we want to load our count into.")] public FsmInt keyCount; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; keyCount = null; } public override void Enter() { keyCount.Value = ES3.GetKeys(filePath.Value, GetSettings()).Length; } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Gets the names of the files in a given directory.")] public class GetFiles : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the directory we want to get the file names from.")] public FsmString directoryPath; [Tooltip("The string array variable we want to load our file names into.")] [ArrayEditor(VariableType.String)] public FsmArray files; public override void OnReset() { directoryPath = ""; files = null; } public override void Enter() { files.Values = ES3.GetFiles(directoryPath.Value, GetSettings()); files.SaveChanges(); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Gets the names of any directories in a given directory.")] public class GetDirectories : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the directory we want to get the directory names from.")] public FsmString directoryPath; [Tooltip("The string array variable we want to load our directory names into.")] [ArrayEditor(VariableType.String)] public FsmArray directories; public override void OnReset() { directoryPath = ""; directories = null; } public override void Enter() { directories.Values = ES3.GetDirectories(directoryPath.Value, GetSettings()); directories.SaveChanges(); } } #endregion #region ES3Spreadsheet Actions [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Creates a new empty ES3Spreadsheet.")] public class ES3SpreadsheetCreate : ES3SpreadsheetAction { public override void OnReset() { } public override void Enter() { var spreadsheet = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); spreadsheet.spreadsheet = new ES3Spreadsheet(); fsmES3Spreadsheet.Value = spreadsheet; } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Sets a given cell of the ES3Spreadsheet to the value provided.")] public class ES3SpreadsheetSetCell : ES3SpreadsheetAction { [Tooltip("The column of the cell we want to set the value of.")] public FsmInt col; [Tooltip("The row of the cell we want to set the value of.")] public FsmInt row; [Tooltip("The value we want to save.")] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar value; public override void OnReset() { value = null; } public override void Enter() { value.UpdateValue(); es3Spreadsheet.SetCell(col.Value, row.Value, value.GetValue()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Gets a given cell of the ES3Spreadsheet and loads it into the value field.")] public class ES3SpreadsheetGetCell : ES3SpreadsheetAction { [Tooltip("The column of the cell we want to set the value of.")] public FsmInt col; [Tooltip("The row of the cell we want to set the value of.")] public FsmInt row; [Tooltip("The value we want to save.")] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar value; public override void OnReset() { value = null; } public override void Enter() { value.SetValue(es3Spreadsheet.GetCell(value.RealType, col.Value, row.Value)); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Saves the ES3Spreadsheet to file.")] public class ES3SpreadsheetSave : ES3SpreadsheetSettingsAction { [Tooltip("The filename or path we want to use to save the spreadsheet.")] public FsmString filePath; [Tooltip("Whether we want to append this spreadsheet to an existing spreadsheet if one already exists.")] public FsmBool append; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "ES3.csv"; append = false; } public override void Enter() { es3Spreadsheet.Save(filePath.Value, GetSettings(), append.Value); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Loads a a spreadsheet from a file into this ES3Spreadsheet.")] public class ES3SpreadsheetLoad : ES3SpreadsheetSettingsAction { [Tooltip("The filename or path we want to use to save the spreadsheet.")] public FsmString filePath; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "ES3.csv"; } public override void Enter() { es3Spreadsheet.Load(filePath.Value, GetSettings()); } } #endregion #region ES3File Actions [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Creates a new ES3File, and optionally loads a file from storage into it.")] public class ES3FileCreate : ES3FileSettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file this ES3File represents in storage.")] public FsmString filePath; [Tooltip("Whether we should sync this ES3File with the one in storage immediately after creating it.")] public FsmBool syncWithFile; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; syncWithFile = true; } public override void Enter() { var file = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); file.file = new ES3File(filePath.Value, GetSettings(), syncWithFile.Value); fsmES3File.Value = file; } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Synchronises this ES3File with a file in storage.")] public class ES3FileSync : ES3FileSettingsAction { [Tooltip("The relative or absolute path of the file we want to synchronise with in storage.")] public FsmString filePath; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; } public override void Enter() { if (overrideDefaultSettings.Value) es3File.Sync(GetSettings()); else es3File.Sync(); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Saves the value to the ES3File with the given key.")] public class ES3FileSave : ES3FileAction { [Tooltip("The unique key we want to use to identity the data we are saving.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("The value we want to save.")] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar value; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; value = null; } public override void Enter() { value.UpdateValue(); es3File.Save(key.Value, value.GetValue()); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Loads a value with the given key from the ES3File")] public class ES3FileLoad : ES3FileAction { [Tooltip("The unique key which identifies the data we're loading.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("The variable we want to use to store our loaded data.")] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar value; [Tooltip("Optional: A value to return if the key does not exist.")] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar defaultValue; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; value = null; defaultValue = null; } public override void Enter() { defaultValue.UpdateValue(); if (defaultValue.GetValue() != null && !defaultValue.IsNone) value.SetValue(es3File.Load(key.Value, defaultValue.GetValue())); else value.SetValue(es3File.Load(key.Value)); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Loads a value with the given key from the ES3File into an existing object")] public class ES3FileLoadInto : ES3FileAction { [Tooltip("The unique key which identifies the data we're loading.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("The variable we want to load our data into.")] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmVar value; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; value = null; } public override void Enter() { value.UpdateValue(); es3File.LoadInto(key.Value, value.GetValue()); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Loads the entire ES3 File as a string")] public class ES3FileLoadRawString : ES3FileAction { [Tooltip("The FsmArray variable we want to use to store our string representing the file.")] public FsmString str; [Tooltip("Whether or not the data we're loading is Base-64 encoded. Usually this should be left unchecked.")] public FsmBool useBase64Encoding; public override void OnReset() { str = null; useBase64Encoding = false; } public override void Enter() { if (useBase64Encoding.Value) str.Value = System.Convert.ToBase64String(es3File.LoadRawBytes()); else str.Value = es3File.LoadRawString(); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Deletes a key from an ES3 File.")] public class ES3FileDeleteKey : ES3FileAction { [Tooltip("The key we want to delete.")] public FsmString key; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; } public override void Enter() { es3File.DeleteKey(key.Value); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Checks whether a key exists in an ES3File.")] public class ES3FileKeyExists : ES3FileAction { [Tooltip("The key we want to check the existence of.")] public FsmString key; [Tooltip("Whether the key exists. This is set after the action runs.")] public FsmBool exists; [Tooltip("This event is triggered if the key exists.")] public FsmEvent existsEvent; [Tooltip("This event is triggered if the key does not exist.")] public FsmEvent doesNotExistEvent; public override void OnReset() { key = "key"; exists = false; existsEvent = null; doesNotExistEvent = null; } public override void Enter() { exists.Value = es3File.KeyExists(key.Value); if (exists.Value && existsEvent != null) Fsm.Event(existsEvent); else if (doesNotExistEvent != null) Fsm.Event(doesNotExistEvent); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Gets an array of key names from an ES3File.")] public class ES3FileGetKeys : ES3FileAction { [Tooltip("The string array variable we want to load our key names into.")] [ArrayEditor(VariableType.String)] public FsmArray keys; public override void OnReset() { keys = null; } public override void Enter() { keys.Values = es3File.GetKeys(); keys.SaveChanges(); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Clears all keys from an ES3File.")] public class ES3FileClear : ES3FileAction { public override void OnReset() { } public override void Enter() { es3File.Clear(); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Gets an array of key names from a file.")] public class ES3FileSize : ES3FileAction { [Tooltip("The variable we want to put the file size into.")] public FsmInt size; public override void OnReset() { size = 0; } public override void Enter() { size.Value = es3File.Size(); } } #endregion #region ES3Cloud Actions #if !DISABLE_WEB public abstract class ES3CloudAction : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The URL to the ES3Cloud.php file on your server.")] [RequiredField] public FsmString url; [Tooltip("The API key generated when installing ES3 Cloud on your server.")] [RequiredField] public FsmString apiKey; [Tooltip("The ES3File variable we're using.")] [ObjectType(typeof(FsmES3File))] [Title("ES3 File")] [RequiredField] public FsmObject fsmES3File; public ES3File es3File { get { return ((FsmES3File)fsmES3File.Value).file; } } [Tooltip("An error code if an error occurred.")] public FsmInt errorCode; protected ES3Cloud cloud = null; public override void OnReset() { url = "http://www.myserver.com/ES3Cloud.php"; errorCode = 0; cloud = null; fsmES3File = null; } public override void OnEnter() { try { CreateES3Cloud(); Enter(); } catch (System.Exception e) { HandleError(e.ToString()); } } public override void OnUpdate() { base.OnUpdate(); if (cloud.isDone) { if (cloud.isError) { errorCode.Value = (int)cloud.errorCode; errorMessage.Value = cloud.error; Log("Error occurred when trying to perform operation with ES3Cloud: [Error " + cloud.errorCode + "] " + cloud.error); Fsm.Event(errorEvent); } else Finish(); } } protected void CreateES3Cloud() { cloud = new ES3Cloud(url.Value, apiKey.Value); } } public abstract class ES3CloudUserAction : ES3CloudAction { public FsmString user; public FsmString password; public override void OnReset() { base.OnReset(); user = ""; password = ""; } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Synchronises a file in storage with the server.")] public class ES3CloudSync : ES3CloudUserAction { public override void Enter() { var settings = GetSettings(); StartCoroutine(cloud.Sync(path.Value, settings)); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Uploads a file in storage to the server, overwriting any existing files.")] public class ES3CloudUploadFile : ES3CloudUserAction { public override void Enter() { var settings = GetSettings(); StartCoroutine(cloud.UploadFile(path.Value, user.Value, password.Value, settings)); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Uploads a file in storage to the server, overwriting any existing files.")] public class ES3CloudUploadES3File : ES3CloudUserAction { public override void Enter() { var settings = GetSettings(); StartCoroutine(cloud.UploadFile(es3File, user.Value, password.Value)); } } [ActionCategory("Deprecated Easy Save 3 actions")] [Tooltip("Downloads a file from the server, overwriting any existing files, or returning error code 3 if no file exists on the server.")] public class ES3CloudDownloadES3File : ES3CloudUserAction { public override void Enter() { var settings = GetSettings(); StartCoroutine(cloud.DownloadFile(es3File, user.Value, password.Value)); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Downloads a file from the server into an file, or returning error code 3 if no file exists on the server.")] public class ES3CloudDownloadFile : ES3CloudUserAction { public override void Enter() { var settings = GetSettings(); StartCoroutine(cloud.DownloadFile(path.Value, user.Value, password.Value, settings)); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Downloads a file from the server, overwriting any existing files, or returning error code 3 if no file exists on the server.")] public class ES3CloudDeleteFile : ES3CloudUserAction { public override void Enter() { var settings = GetSettings(); StartCoroutine(cloud.DeleteFile(path.Value, user.Value, password.Value, settings)); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Renames a file on the server, overwriting any existing files, or returning error code 3 if no file exists on the server.")] public class ES3CloudRenameFile : ES3CloudUserAction { [Tooltip("The name we want to rename the file to.")] public FsmString newFilename; public override void Enter() { var settings = GetSettings(); StartCoroutine(cloud.RenameFile(path.Value, newFilename.Value, user.Value, password.Value, settings)); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Downloads the names of all of the files on the server for the given user.")] public class ES3CloudDownloadFilenames : ES3CloudUserAction { [Tooltip("The string array variable we want to load our file names into.")] [ArrayEditor(VariableType.String)] public FsmArray filenames; [Tooltip("An optional search pattern containing '%' or '_' wildcards where '%' represents zero, one, or multiple characters, and '_' represents a single character. See https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_like.asp for more info.")] public FsmString searchPattern; public override void OnReset() { filenames = null; searchPattern = ""; } public override void Enter() { StartCoroutine(cloud.SearchFilenames(searchPattern.Value, user.Value, password.Value)); } public override void OnUpdate() { if (cloud != null && cloud.isDone) { var downloadedFilenames = cloud.filenames; filenames.Resize(cloud.filenames.Length); for (int i = 0; i < downloadedFilenames.Length; i++) filenames.Set(i, downloadedFilenames[i]); filenames.SaveChanges(); } base.OnUpdate(); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Downloads the names of all of the files on the server for the given user.")] public class ES3CloudSearchFilenames : ES3CloudUserAction { [Tooltip("The string array variable we want to load our file names into.")] [ArrayEditor(VariableType.String)] public FsmArray filenames; [Tooltip("An optional search pattern containing '%' or '_' wildcards where '%' represents zero, one, or multiple characters, and '_' represents a single character. See https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_like.asp for more info.")] public FsmString searchPattern; public override void OnReset() { filenames = null; searchPattern = ""; } public override void Enter() { StartCoroutine(cloud.SearchFilenames(searchPattern.Value, user.Value, password.Value)); } public override void OnUpdate() { if (cloud != null && cloud.isDone) { var downloadedFilenames = cloud.filenames; filenames.Resize(cloud.filenames.Length); for (int i = 0; i < downloadedFilenames.Length; i++) filenames.Set(i, downloadedFilenames[i]); filenames.SaveChanges(); } base.OnUpdate(); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Determines when a file was last updated.")] public class ES3CloudDownloadTimestamp : ES3CloudUserAction { [Tooltip("The Date and time the file was last updated, as a string formatted as yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.")] public FsmString timestamp; public override void OnReset() { timestamp = ""; } public override void Enter() { StartCoroutine(cloud.DownloadFilenames(user.Value, password.Value)); } public override void OnUpdate() { if (cloud != null && cloud.isDone) timestamp = cloud.timestamp.ToString("s"); base.OnUpdate(); } } #endif #endregion #region ES3AutoSave actions [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Triggers Auto Save's Save method.")] public class ES3AutoSaveSave : FsmStateAction { public override void OnEnter() { GameObject.Find("Easy Save 3 Manager").GetComponent().Save(); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Triggers Auto Save's Load method.")] public class ES3AutoSaveLoad : FsmStateAction { public override void OnEnter() { GameObject.Find("Easy Save 3 Manager").GetComponent().Load(); } } #endregion #region ES3Cache actions [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Caches a locally-stored file into memory.")] public class CacheFile : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The filename or file path of the file we want to cache.")] public FsmString filePath; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; } public override void Enter() { ES3.CacheFile(filePath.Value, GetSettings()); } } [ActionCategory("Easy Save 3")] [Tooltip("Stores a file in the cache to a local file.")] public class StoreCachedFile : SettingsAction { [Tooltip("The filename or file path of the file we want to store.")] public FsmString filePath; public override void OnReset() { filePath = "SaveFile.es3"; } public override void Enter() { ES3.StoreCachedFile(filePath.Value, GetSettings()); } } #endregion public class PMDataWrapper { public Dictionary objs = null; public Dictionary arrays = null; public object obj = null; public object[] array = null; public PMDataWrapper(Dictionary objs, Dictionary arrays) { this.objs = objs; this.arrays = arrays; } public PMDataWrapper(object obj) { this.obj = obj; } public PMDataWrapper(object[] array) { this.array = array; } public PMDataWrapper() { } } } namespace ES3Types { [UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve] [ES3PropertiesAttribute("objs", "arrays", "obj", "array")] public class ES3Type_PMDataWrapper : ES3ObjectType { public static ES3Type Instance = null; public ES3Type_PMDataWrapper() : base(typeof(ES3PlayMaker.PMDataWrapper)) { Instance = this; priority = 1; } protected override void WriteObject(object obj, ES3Writer writer) { var instance = (ES3PlayMaker.PMDataWrapper)obj; writer.WriteProperty("objs", instance.objs); writer.WriteProperty("arrays", instance.arrays); writer.WriteProperty("obj", instance.obj); writer.WriteProperty("array", instance.array); } protected override void ReadObject(ES3Reader reader, object obj) { var instance = (ES3PlayMaker.PMDataWrapper)obj; foreach (string propertyName in reader.Properties) { switch (propertyName) { case "objs": instance.objs = reader.Read>(); break; case "arrays": instance.arrays = reader.Read>(); break; case "obj": instance.obj = reader.Read(); break; case "array": instance.array = reader.Read(); break; default: reader.Skip(); break; } } } protected override object ReadObject(ES3Reader reader) { var instance = new ES3PlayMaker.PMDataWrapper(); ReadObject(reader, instance); return instance; } } } #endif