namespace GleyMobileAds { using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; #if USE_CHARTBOOST using ChartboostSDK; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; #endif public class CustomChartboost : MonoBehaviour, ICustomAds { #if USE_CHARTBOOST UnityAction OnCompleteMethod; UnityAction OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser; UnityAction OnInterstitialClosed; UnityAction OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser; string chartboostAppId; string chartboostAppSignature; float reloadTime = 30; bool interstitialLoaded; bool rewardedLoaded; bool debug; bool triggerCompleteMethod; /// /// Initializing Chartboost /// /// user consent -> if true show personalized ads /// contains all required settings for this publisher public void InitializeAds(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent, List platformSettings) { debug = Advertisements.Instance.debug; if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " " + "Start Initialization"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Start Initialization"); } //get settings #if UNITY_ANDROID PlatformSettings settings = platformSettings.First(cond => cond.platform == SupportedPlatforms.Android); #endif #if UNITY_IOS PlatformSettings settings = platformSettings.First(cond => cond.platform == SupportedPlatforms.iOS); #endif //apply settings chartboostAppId =; chartboostAppSignature =; CBSettings.setAppId(chartboostAppId, chartboostAppSignature); gameObject.AddComponent(); //preparing Chartboost SDK for initialization if (consent == UserConsent.Deny) { Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(CBGDPRDataUseConsent.NoBehavioral); } else { Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(CBGDPRDataUseConsent.Behavioral); } if (ccpaConsent == UserConsent.Deny) { Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(CBCCPADataUseConsent.OptOutSale); } else { Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(CBCCPADataUseConsent.OptInSale); } //add listeners Chartboost.didFailToLoadInterstitial += FailInterstitial; Chartboost.didCacheInterstitial += InterstitialLoaded; Chartboost.didDismissInterstitial += ReloadInterstitial; Chartboost.didCompleteRewardedVideo += RewardedVideoCompleted; Chartboost.didFailToLoadRewardedVideo += FailRewarded; Chartboost.didCacheRewardedVideo += RewardedLoaded; Chartboost.didDismissRewardedVideo += ReloadRewarded; Chartboost.didInitialize += InitializationSuccess; //start loading ads LoadInterstitial(); LoadRewardedVideo(); } private void InitializationSuccess(bool success) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " Initialization Success " + success); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Initialization Success " + success); } } /// /// Updates consent at runtime /// /// the new consent public void UpdateConsent(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent) { if (consent == UserConsent.Deny) { Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(CBGDPRDataUseConsent.NoBehavioral); } else { Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(CBGDPRDataUseConsent.Behavioral); } if (ccpaConsent == UserConsent.Deny) { Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(CBCCPADataUseConsent.OptOutSale); } else { Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(CBCCPADataUseConsent.OptInSale); } Debug.Log(this + " Update consent to " + consent); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Update consent to " + consent); } /// /// Check if Chartboost interstitial is available /// /// true if an interstitial is available public bool IsInterstitialAvailable() { return interstitialLoaded; } /// /// Show Chartboost interstitial /// /// callback called when user closes interstitial public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed) { if (IsInterstitialAvailable()) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " ShowInterstitialAdChartboost"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " ShowInterstitialAdChartboost"); } OnInterstitialClosed = InterstitialClosed; Chartboost.showInterstitial(CBLocation.Default); interstitialLoaded = false; } } /// /// Show Chartboost interstitial /// /// callback called when user closes interstitial public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed) { if (IsInterstitialAvailable()) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " ShowInterstitialAdChartboost"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " ShowInterstitialAdChartboost"); } OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser = InterstitialClosed; Chartboost.showInterstitial(CBLocation.Default); interstitialLoaded = false; } } /// /// Check if Chartboost rewarded video is available /// /// true if a rewarded video is available public bool IsRewardVideoAvailable() { return rewardedLoaded; } /// /// Show Chartboost rewarded video /// /// callback called when user closes the rewarded video -> if true, video was not skipped public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction CompleteMethod) { if (IsRewardVideoAvailable()) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " ShowRewardedVideoChartboost"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " ShowRewardedVideoChartboost"); } OnCompleteMethod = CompleteMethod; Chartboost.showRewardedVideo(CBLocation.Default); rewardedLoaded = false; triggerCompleteMethod = true; } } /// /// Show Chartboost rewarded video /// /// callback called when user closes the rewarded video -> if true, video was not skipped public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction CompleteMethod) { if (IsRewardVideoAvailable()) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " ShowRewardedVideoChartboost"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " ShowRewardedVideoChartboost"); } OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = CompleteMethod; Chartboost.showRewardedVideo(CBLocation.Default); rewardedLoaded = false; triggerCompleteMethod = true; } } /// /// Loads an Chartboost interstitial /// void LoadInterstitial() { #if UNITY_IOS if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " LoadInterstitial id:" + CBSettings.getIOSAppId() + " signature " + CBSettings.getIOSAppSecret()); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " LoadInterstitial id:" + CBSettings.getIOSAppId() + " signature " + CBSettings.getIOSAppSecret()); } #else if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " LoadInterstitial id:" + CBSettings.getAndroidAppId() + " signature " + CBSettings.getAndroidAppSecret()); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " LoadInterstitial id:" + CBSettings.getAndroidAppId() + " signature " + CBSettings.getAndroidAppSecret()); } #endif Chartboost.cacheInterstitial(CBLocation.Default); } /// /// Chartboost specific event called after an interstitial was loaded /// /// void InterstitialLoaded(CBLocation obj) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " InterstitialLoaded"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " InterstitialLoaded"); } interstitialLoaded = true; } /// /// Chartboost specific event called after failed to load /// /// /// void FailInterstitial(CBLocation arg1, CBImpressionError arg2) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + "FailInterstitial Reason:" + arg2); ScreenWriter.Write(this + "FailInterstitial Reason:" + arg2); } Invoke("ReloadInterstitialCB", reloadTime); } /// /// called with delay to reload an interstitial after the previous one failed to load /// void ReloadInterstitialCB() { ReloadInterstitial(CBLocation.Default); } /// /// Chartboost specific event triggered after an interstitial was closed /// /// void ReloadInterstitial(CBLocation obj) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " ReloadInterstitial"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " ReloadInterstitial"); } if (OnInterstitialClosed != null) { OnInterstitialClosed(); OnInterstitialClosed = null; } if (OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser != null) { OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser(SupportedAdvertisers.Chartboost.ToString()); OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser = null; } //reload another ad Chartboost.cacheInterstitial(CBLocation.Default); } /// /// Loads a Chartboost rewarded video /// void LoadRewardedVideo() { #if UNITY_IOS if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " LoadRewardedVideo id:" + CBSettings.getIOSAppId() + " signature " + CBSettings.getIOSAppSecret()); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " LoadRewardedVideo id:" + CBSettings.getIOSAppId() + " signature " + CBSettings.getIOSAppSecret()); } #else if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " LoadRewardedVideo id:" + CBSettings.getAndroidAppId() + " signature " + CBSettings.getAndroidAppSecret()); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " LoadRewardedVideo id:" + CBSettings.getAndroidAppId() + " signature " + CBSettings.getAndroidAppSecret()); } #endif Chartboost.cacheRewardedVideo(CBLocation.Default); } /// /// Chartboost specific event triggered if a rewarded video failed to load /// /// /// private void FailRewarded(CBLocation arg1, CBImpressionError arg2) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " FailRewarded Reason:" + arg2); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " FailRewarded Reason:" + arg2); } if (triggerCompleteMethod == true) { if (OnCompleteMethod != null) { OnCompleteMethod(false); OnCompleteMethod = null; triggerCompleteMethod = false; } if (OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser != null) { OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser(false, SupportedAdvertisers.Chartboost.ToString()); OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = null; triggerCompleteMethod = false; } } else { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " FailRewarded Reload..."); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " FailRewarded Reload..."); } Invoke("ReloadVideoCB", reloadTime); } } /// /// called with delay to reload a rewarded video after the previous one failed to load /// void ReloadVideoCB() { ReloadRewarded(CBLocation.Default); } /// /// Chartboost specific event triggered after a rewarded video is loaded and ready to be watched /// /// void RewardedLoaded(CBLocation obj) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " RewardedLoaded"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " RewardedLoaded"); } rewardedLoaded = true; } /// /// Chartboost specific event triggered after a rewarded video was closed /// /// void ReloadRewarded(CBLocation obj) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + "ReloadRewarded"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + "ReloadRewarded"); } if (triggerCompleteMethod == true) { if (OnCompleteMethod != null) { OnCompleteMethod(false); OnCompleteMethod = null; triggerCompleteMethod = false; } if (OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser != null) { OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser(false, SupportedAdvertisers.Chartboost.ToString()); OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = null; triggerCompleteMethod = false; } } //load another rewarded video Chartboost.cacheRewardedVideo(CBLocation.Default); } /// /// Chartboost specific event triggered after a rewarded video was fully watched /// /// /// void RewardedVideoCompleted(CBLocation arg1, int arg2) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " RewardedVideoCompleted"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " RewardedVideoCompleted"); } if (OnCompleteMethod != null) { OnCompleteMethod(true); OnCompleteMethod = null; } if (OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser != null) { OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser(true, SupportedAdvertisers.Chartboost.ToString()); OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = null; } triggerCompleteMethod = false; } //chartboost does not support banners public void HideBanner() { } public bool IsBannerAvailable() { return false; } public void ResetBannerUsage() { } public bool BannerAlreadyUsed() { return true; } public void ShowBanner(BannerPosition position, BannerType bannerType, UnityAction DisplayResult) { } #else //dummy interface implementation, used when Chartboost is not enabled public void HideBanner() { } public void InitializeAds(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent, System.Collections.Generic.List platformSettings) { } public bool IsBannerAvailable() { return false; } public void ResetBannerUsage() { } public bool BannerAlreadyUsed() { return false; } public bool IsInterstitialAvailable() { return false; } public bool IsRewardVideoAvailable() { return false; } public void ShowBanner(BannerPosition position, BannerType type, UnityAction DisplayResult) { } public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed = null) { } public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed) { } public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction CompleteMethod) { } public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction CompleteMethod) { } public void UpdateConsent(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent) { } #endif } }